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Everything posted by obiedog

  1. If we were to go ahead with something like that it may be interesting if a crew member needed to get a checkup before a job transfer. It may be a problem though if the was no GP online and could cause trouble for the doctors in medbay.
  2. That does make sense. Thanks for you input friends.
  3. Ckey/BYOND Username: obiedog Position Being Applied For: coder/server stuff/web stuff Past Experiences/Knowledge: I have worked with server hosting a bit in the past. My main object oriented language at the time of posting is Java. I could go dig up my knowledge of python but I would need to spend some time reading up on the language syntax. As far as web development goes I am not the best at making websites look pretty, but I do like adding cool features in php. Examples of Past Work: The first is a twitch chat bot that runs from a nice little controller. Unfinished but the main goal was adding a modular structure so that commands can be added very quickly. (Ignore the graphics.) https://www.dropbox.com/s/1lkzbpnxmi5ftro/obiebot%20v.2.0.zip?dl=0 The second is a data command console for processing commands. Again modular system for easy command adding. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6el2wfb0imuw1vl/TEK%20Data%20Console.zip?dl=0 I also made a PHP site that checks the status of a user in a twitch channel I moderate for (twitch.tv/sevadus (had to link it sorry)) (Checks for following, subscribes, and chat mod. It was a proof of concept for integrating into the streamers forum for accounts.) I would link it but Twitch changed the API structure (as they like to do on a regular basis) or something like that so it doesn't work at the moment. If I find the heart to fix it I can link it later. I take that back they reset API codes when they were hacked a few weeks ago. http://www.obiedogtesting.com/ Preferred Mode of Communication (Skype, Steam, etc.): Skype, Fourm PM's Additional Comments: I would love to learn the langauge for beyond. I am very happy I found this community and server so I would like to contribute to it.
  4. I understand there is already a nuse. It was just something I thought could make surgery RP more interesting. Had the idea and figured I would throw it out.
  5. In the real medical world there are scrub nurses which are nurses dedicated to working in an OR. I think that this should be a role in the medical department on the server. There is a Medical Doctor and a Surgeon so I think there should be a Nurse and a Scrub Nurse. A scrub nurse would have the same access as a regular nurse and maybe have different colored scrubs. I haven't thought about this idea much more than this so I am open to ideas.
  6. I agree this would be a cool idea.
  7. Basic Information Byond Account: obiedog Character Name(s): Owen Conrad AI Name(s): [/b Guardian (Not been played much but plan to play more) Preferred means of contact: Skype, Fourm PM Age: 17 Timezone: EST When are you on Aurora?: Most nights into the dead of the night if I have nothing going on. Some days if I am not working. Experience How long have you played SS13?: About 6 months How long have you played on Aurora: About 3 months How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I know medical (Some of surgery), Cargo/Civilian Jobs, Some of science (Xeno), basics of security. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: No (Played around on my own local server but never on an active server.) Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Never Banned Personality Why do you play SS13?: I enjoy the role play aspect and the detail aspect of the game. Why do you play on Aurora?: I like the characters (players) I often play with on Aurora What do moderators do?: They make the game enjoyable for all by handing small issues that may arise during a round to keep the burden off the administrators. This can be by answering questions and making sure that players are following the rules. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: They will monitor the above categories and make sure the role play experience on this server is at par with what this server has shown in the past. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I have always enjoyed the back end responsibility behind games like this as I like to make sure that everyone is able to have an enjoyable experience. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I have very good leadership skills while also being able to multitask allowing me to handle issues that may arise. I am also very good with server mechanics and the more technical side of things allowing me to be able to navigate a game like this easier. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I work well under stress, don't usually get angry, and tend to ignore insults. Anything Else You Want to Add: Since I have begun playing SS13 I have really enjoyed the game. I feel as a moderator I can help to bring the joy I have found in this game to all. I also really enjoy server moderation as I think it is a good way to expand my abilities and the abilities of others.
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