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  1. One.... I was found in a locker? I don't rember putting myself into a locker the last I recall was me checking back with hopes I could get things done in time to do something I was on the ship. And for my knowing I was gona have to leave.... I never got the chance too had to Fix the fuck up of chicken I made and remake the bredding then re-Fry some of said chicken by the point I could of gotten back to my PC I was auto logged off and I assume banned.
  2. BYOND Key: Thunder72120 Total Ban Length: forever? Not really clear on the beyond due to a lack of a time limit im assuming forever..... though Banning staff member's Key: readthisnameplz Reason of Ban: Logging out as an antag without alerting admins and incuring a lot of notes within a short period of time (Logging out I know was from the auto logout from my computer going down while I was trying to cook chicken. But the notes..... I dont know) Reason for Appeal: Honestly forgotten I had antags on due to the time I was away from the server to focus on school and I should of tried to send a notice when I realized I fucked up fried chicken..... but mostly I want an explanation for the mass notes. was that just caused by my AFK?
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