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About Redfield5

  • Birthday 07/03/1994

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    North Carolina.

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Chief Engineer

Chief Engineer (23/37)

  1. Office of the Chief of Police of Mendell City Jim Calhoun
  2. Because it sucks to be killed by your own invention, nor is it prudent for public safety to allow non-Security personnel (even the bartender) to be able to operate a firearm on a space station. On another note, the deviance in creativity can be curbed by asking for permission to operate said weapon in a controlled location.
  3. Perhaps an ID-lock on firearms could be brought in, with Security personnel and above able to activate a weapon without requiring ID approval. The Security Commander could oversee weapon permits and ID authorisation through a gun database. That's just my two cents until I disassemble my rifle and post a picture of the firing pin assembly.
  4. Citizen Safety Survey Conducted by Chief Jim Calhoun, Mendell City Police Department For the Mendell City Police Department, the safety of our citizens and guests is imperative to our mission. The purpose of this anonymous survey is to generate information on how safe the average Mendell City resident feels. For the official contact information of the MCPD, look here. [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Species/Racial Category:[/b] [b]Occupation:[/b] [b]Are you a resident of Mendell City? District?[/b] [b]On a scale of 1 to 10, with one being "not safe at all" and ten being "extremely safe," how would you rate your feeling of safety in Mendell City? Why?[/b] [b]On a scale of 1 to 10, with one being "not concerned" and ten being "extremely concerned," how concerned are you with media reports on crime in the city? Why?[/b] [b]Have you ever been the victim of a crime? Violent?[/b] [b]On a scale of one to ten, with one being "never" and ten being "on a regular basis," how often do you interact with Mendell City Police officers or NanoTrasen Security Officers?[/b] [b]One a scale of one to ten, with one being "not confident" and ten being "extremely confident", how confident are you in the diligence and competence of city law enforcement?[/b] [b]Have you ever had an altercation with an officer?[/b] [b]Do you know of anyone who has been the victim of any recent criminal activity?[/b] [b]What is your preferred method of transportation?[/b] [b]What concerns, if any, do you have on the subject of safety in Mendell City?[/b]
  5. Mendell City Council.
  6. You're definitely one of the more enjoyable roleplayers out there.
  7. Maybe you should make your OOC payment instead of buying memes. I am going to repo the OOC.
  8. "I am just ascertaining the totality of the circumstances. I am sure that a CCIA Agent such as yourself could understand such tactics."
  9. "What model was the shuttle? Anything notable concerning the particular model?"
  10. "Any notable maintenance issues within the past year? Did she buy it used or sold?"
  11. "Do you have records from service logs? Like when she brought it in for maintenance?"
  12. "What is the flight history of this shuttle? How long has it been in service?"
  13. "Have you ascertained whether or not pre-flight checks yielded anything?"
  14. "This is just a shot in the dark, but six minutes seems like enough time to get everyone into such a reinforced area, despite the circumstances. I assume that is a purpose intended for such a room. I served with Graves and I can attest that he has a cool head during any given crisis. Were the deceased still strapped into their seats?"
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