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Balcaam's Achievements


Barman (3/37)

  1. Not sure if you have to be an admin to +1 but, I've known SilverTalisman for a while. (met on the Aliens server) and I know she is a darn good role-player. She's awesome while playing any character and I think she'll make a great LoreDev. +1!
  2. Hello, I work with SilverTalismen all the time, and I know she's a good roleplayer. That said, I really wish you'd bring Aida back from the great beyond, hehe. I love working with Roots, and I sometimes find Sai/A.L.I.C.E. a little crazy. Anyway, bring back Aida aaand, +1!
  3. I've seen a lot of C.A.C. around. ((Heck I created his IPC)) He does pretty good at RP from what I've seen.
  4. Okay, fixed it. Aida is more of a baby sister, though. But we'll work something out.
  5. Okay I'll get together with silvertalismen and work something out. And thank you for the compliment.
  6. BYOND key: Balcaam Character names: James Faraday, Bay, and Sways in the wind. How long have you been playing on Aurora?: About a month, maybe a month in a half. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I would like to prove myself as a competent leader and the head of my designated department. Why did you come to Aurora?: My friend, Silvertalismen, wanted me to play with her on this. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: I have! Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is playing your character, simple as that. If you want a more in depth answer, Roleplay is the what you do and how you do it. A diona should say things like; We apologize, we did not mean for that to happen. (they should be kind and celebrate life in all forms.) That's just an example, but you get the idea. I think roleplay is helping Interns, following the SoP, and doing things proper ((including IC in OOC and the opposite, which I am sometimes guilty of(bluespace cat knows this.) )) What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:Heads of staff are the (for lack of a better word.) 'admins' of their department. If someone is picking on another player, race, religion. The head should stamp that out quickly and cleanly. The purpose of a head is to direct his or her department in good behavior, knowledge and be the keystone, the pillar, of that department. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Well, I think Whitelisted players tend to be a bit more knowledgeable than others. I tend to lend a helping hand to anyone in need, especially new people to the server. If they are new to engineering or whatever I'll show them the ropes, give them the do's and do not's, and friendly advice. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: James Faraday Character age: Thirty Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): James came from a family near Topeka, Kansas. His father was a firefighter and his mother was a surgeon. One day, his parents brought home a friend of his, the daughter of his parents friends, a girl named Aida. She was crying and was missing her legs. Her parents had died in a tragic car crash. He didn't mind, he always wanted a sister. He was very protective of Aida, because she was constantly picked on all throughout grade school all the way to high school. When James graduated, he wasn't able to take care as well as before. He went to Washborn university to study engineering, so he could work in space, he always wanted to work in space. After graduating at the second in his class, he kissed his family goodbye and shipped off with Nanotrasen to work on one of their older space stations, the NSS Exodus. He worked on the Exodus for a year and a half until its decommissioning. He was then transferred to a research ship called the NSS Intrepid. They traveled deep space studying the effects of plasma. 5 years later, they come down to an asteroid because of a distress beacon. When the crew, being most of science and security, break atmo on the station they are set upon by purple creatures with tough exoskeleton and a hostility for everything. After they boarded the station, most of the crew was lost except for 5 escape shuttles, in one of which was James. When James got back to earth, he was immediately greeted by Aida, who was worried sick, but more than happy to see him. After he was debriefed, he told his family he would be going out again, on a new station they were building in Tau Ceti called the NSS Aurora. Aida understood, and she would have her reasons. When James arrived on the station he was greeted when he passed hydroponics by Aida, his sister. They argued, but James figured it would best if she remain close to him. What do you like about this character?: His caring for his adopted sister Aida. What do you dislike about this character?: If I had to pick one thing, which is hard, I would pick his pride. He thinks he knows everything to know about engineering, though it's not far from the truth. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: I know that when we apply we apply for ALL heads of staff, but James knows the field of engineering like the back of his hand. I've done a few jobs with him on other servers, like security, roboticist and all of that. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: 7/10. ((7.5 if I'm playing dionaea.)) Extra notes:If I fu-messed something up, please reply and I'll fix it immediately! Thank you for your consideration!
  7. That should hopefully do it.
  8. BYOND Key:Balcaam Character Names:James Faraday, Bay, Marcus Reade Species you are applying to play:Dionaea What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):Forest Green. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race:Well, they seem like a good pick. They are a strange race and I'd like to get to know them better. Dionaea are also very slow in movement and in thought. When they die, they respawn as a Diona, that's pretty awesome, and if someone cuts off a non-vital organ, it becomes a Diona. Also, my friend plays a Diona and she wants to play together. Should be fun. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: First,they are very slow in speech and in the way they think, this makes them very unique. Second, they never talk in the first person, always we, us, he, almost geth-like. Lastly, they have a Gestalt mode, which I find very unique. I'm not really sure what that even does, but it looks interesting. Uh, I think the fact that they can 'replicate' is interesting when it comes to death. They are a very strange race, indeed. Character Name:Sways-in-the-wind Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Sways-in-the-wind, or Sway as some carbon based life-forms call him, is a chemist. Sway was grown in a lab near Earth, with the rest of his brothers and sisters. Being so close to Earth he and his siblings got accustomed to humans and their way of life. Of course, they were rarely left off of the station orbiting Earth. Sway loved to explore the station and his favorite part was the chemistry lab. Sway learned to study how chemicals and reagents react with each other and at the appropriate age, he joined Nanotrasen to become a chemist. What do you like about this character? I like his curiousity. I think I will enjoy having to take it slow for a while. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7/10 at the most. Notes: Well, I hope I didn't miss anything. I hope to hear form someone soon.
  9. I've said before, Silvertalismen is a good roleplayer. 8.5/10
  10. I've spent a while with you and your character. I know you have a knack for RP, even though you may not think it. 10 out of 10 +1!
  11. BYOND Key: Balcaam Character Names: James Faraday, Marcus Reade, and Dr. Botnik(Borg). How long have you been playing on Aurora: One and a half Week. Species you are applying to play:IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Black, maybe a little yellow thrown in. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I find the IPC an interesting species, how they can't eat or drink, but siphon energy from an APC and don't use recharging stations. I think because they are so closely related to both cyborgs and all humanoids fascinating! Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: I expect as an IPC , especially an engineer IPC, would have more knowledge on the mechanical and scientific related subjects like how to build robots or repair a breach. Character Name:BAY Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs BAY was built by Nanotrasen for a construction job on board the NSS Exogenesis. He worked fixing breaches and wiring the solar panels. When he was out on the Solar structure, he found himself intrigued by space. BAY wanted to spend as much time in space as possible, and because of this he was reprimanded for unauthorized use of Nanotrasen gear. When that station was decommissioned and scrapped 3 years later, BAY was sent to the NMV Calico. Which was a deep space research vessel tasked with learning more about plasma. He then was tasked with taking care of the Supermatter engine and replacing it, should anything go awry. After 6 years, BAY was then transferred to the NMV Caspian Sea where he worked on his first Singularity engine. He had to receive the proper training so he was classed down to a engineering intern until he learned its ins and outs. The Chief Engineer, a burly man named Bucky took a liking to BAY and mentored him. Later, BAY became best friends with him and he even witnessed the birth of his newborn son. Two years after being transfer to the NMV Caspian Sea, it was set upon by savage aliens. BAY never did come into contact with one, but Chief Engineer Bucky gave his life to save the rest of the crew members, by releasing the singularity and sacrificing himself. BAY later confronted Bucky's wife and gave the terrible news himself. After the vivid destruction of the NMV Caspian Sea, the surviving crew members were tossed aside and sent of to different stations or ships. BAY was assigned to the NSS Aurora to make a new start, but he will never forget Bucky who gave his life to save him. What do you like about this character?I love BAY's 'can do' spirit, his enthusiasm, and the fact that he finds so much wonder in the universe. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I'd give myself a 6 out of 10. maybe 5.5 Notes: Whew, damn. I think I teared up at the end of the backstory bit. I hunted down every last grammatical error I could find, but I'm pretty sure I missed some. Also, I'm pretty sure I missed something, question-wise. Shoot me an reply if I did. Nervous.
  12. I have played with Andrew a bit and I've noticed he's a very knowledgeable, very friendly, and very helpful kind of guy. I have had no negative experiences while playing with him, and I think he deserves to be whitelisted. He's already proven how competent he is as an engineer.
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