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Barman (3/37)
Your talking about the incident with the Head Of Security that I really did not like. I had issue with the HoS not letting me consume any drinks at the bar, I had issue the HoS not allowing me to do anything other then walk around the hallways. I disliked that the HoS wanted to control every aspect of my character and constantly dish out the word 'No' to all my requests, including to check a department and even quit my own job. I was deprived of the sole ability to actually quit or be transfered to anything else, even though there were ample security staff for the HoS to use, when I just wanted to move to a Civilian role. But I was denied of that. If you are talking about my character being a drunk, at no point did I actually press too much on the bar. All I really did was state that Central Command at no point made a formal regulation against the use of the Bar in terms of Security, I stated that even with that said, Flight Crew are free to create a new regulation regarding that of drinks being served to security. As while there is no permanent regulation regarding if security can consume alcohol during work, there is the allowance for them to create one that dictates such activity. I stated I wanted to work as a bartender, I didn't actually want to drink alcohol, I spent the whole round smoking cigarettes and drinking juice. I processed two criminals, patrolled the station and awaited the ever boring nothingness of the shift. I'll admit I didn't like the HoS, maybe my character's behavior isn't suiting of that of a perfect professional. But I treat my character like a human being and I will not subject them to be a perfect dog, nor someone without any imperfections. Something I learned many years ago and something that's still taught today, is that the key to creating a solid character is to give them flaws, it's to not make them perfect. If you'd like me to break most of the rules I've ever come across for character creation and have my character be a complete Yes man, who never drinks, never smokes or questions their superiors then you've come to the wrong person. Because then there'd be no point in Security being human beings, you'd probably prefer to have IPC's instead, as they won't question anything nor will they request to be fired or transferred from their job when you deprive them of everything they love in this world - including work. I am a roleplayer who defines his actions through his character and while my actions may not be traditional, they will always follow standard regulation as well as server rules. But here's something I will point out, the HoP for that round actually broke space law during said round when I had absolutely zero infractions other then my constant request to be transferred from my job. The action the HoP did take was to allow engineers to produce alcoholic drinks and serve them behind the bar, while he supervised. Although I'm not a huge fan of pointing fingers, I do like to refer to other instances of roleplay to support my claims. Perhaps my character is a clone of myself in a way, my character as well as myself, are both very analytical. He's quick to question, so am I, I'm always someone who finds myself questioning the actions of others if I think they're less then they should be. Because quite frankly when I see command staff misbehaving or acting poorly, I'll question them and if they continue on a downward spiral there's only really one course of action - I have to quit my job. Because like my character, I will never actually serve under someone I have absolutely no respect for, as that would be detrimental to my integrity as well as reputation as a professional. Like I stated, I was not fit for work under the current head of security due to said current emotional status. --- I will make it clear at this point that I don't like to act exactly like others do, as I'd see no point in doing so. Because then what would be the point of being alive in the first place if you followed the same footsteps as those in front of you, never wandering in a different direction or wondering if there's something more to life - maybe I should fly instead? Who knows. Anyway, I take a different approach to command, I like my staff to be happy and fulfilled. I want to give them ample work, I want to be realistic and treat them like human beings, not IPC's. I believe that when you are a head of department, you need to push the interests of your own department further - because if you aren't supporting your own department, then who will? I'm someone who likes a customization or homebrew of roleplay(For you DnD enthusiasts), I like custom jobs and promotions, I like to give people more work then normal because it gives them a feeling of fulfillment and business. I dislike stamp and paper jobs, by this I mean anything repetitive, I'll have people patrol but I'm not going to force them to walk from one spot of the station to another for the duration of an entire three hour shift. I want them to stop and engage in passive roleplay, drink, smoke, interact with others, perform departmental investigations, arrests, interrogations, prisoner discussion and watch. If I can find jobs that need doing I'll tend to give it off towards those below me, because as a Head Of Security I'm already having plenty of fun, I need to give those below me some of what I'm getting to do. Obviously you want to also think of the interests of those outside your department, a rule of thumb is to never let your department be detrimental to another even if you'd think it'd better your own, because when you kick a dog for the amusement of your friends, you can find that dog coming back later for revenge. Statement End.
Look, just about EVERYONE roleplays at the bar and it's fun to roleplay having a nice drink at the bar. Getting rid of it would destroy a lot of the roleplay that goes on there and if you actually think people will want to roleplay drinking at a boring Coffee shop, your just wrong. If you want to change the bar for your own reasons, be the bartender, hand out coffee - then enjoy nobody showing up at your bar.
Make friends with Tytos (resident fascist) , and don't be arrogant about your roleplay ability. It is actually impossible to not have fascism in me due to my indoctrination into a different roleplay platform some years ago(They got me when I was kid, taught me how to shoot illiterate people and sing the Grammar Nazi anthem). Believe it or not but I'm actually one of the less fascist more friendly people you'll meet from that roleplay platform. My prosecuting days are long behind me, well at least in RP servers. The comment section of controversial videos will never be safe.
Look, honestly - it quite clearly suggests that you were one of the people strongly opposing my argument and debating isn't exactly a specific crime. Basing the fact that someone's passionate about a specific debate as a main point to decide if they're good enough to work a Head Of Staff role is just an ineffective method of judgement. I still, right now stand by my argument and I will support the knowledge I've accumulated over the years. And - you should base what you see on the characters your interact with. My argument OOC does not actually show anything about how I roleplay or how my character interacts with others, it shows that if you engage me in an argument I'll see it through to the end because it's what I do. Because when I do engage in arguments like that, it's because I've generally done that same argument and won twenty or forty times before. I mostly keep said arguments to forums, face to face or in game chat. But the thing is, I'm not the type of person who allows other people to argue with me - then step down like a dog and say that I'm wrong, when I've proven that same argument many - many times before. It is not in my nature, I do argue and I see it something that's healthy. If I see the argument as going nowhere I tend to drop it and if an authoritative figure attempts to diffuse the conversation then it's diffused. Now if you are saying that based on that argument, I'm unfit for a Head Of Staff role - you should remember that one of the administrators themselves got involved in the argument and tried to press their own points across as well as many others. It might be irritating to some, but debating about a topic that's fuzzy to many people or specifically alien can be a good learning experience as well as a way to reinforce current knowledge you have as well as your confidence in being able to convey said argued information in future. Edit: Read the part of you talking about my officer, but I'm confused as to where any "Dredd" like behavior came from. My character spends most of his time sitting in the bar, drinking, talking to people or conveying information to Security. When he's not doing that, he's dealing with antagonist threats when he gets forced into it, he's doing his job(When he isn't busy lighting a cigarette.) or he's doing forensic analysis which is really rare for a Detective seeing as the Tech seems to always take the fun out of it. Been some times where Francis has ignored MD's requests for him and various partners to leave during investigations, but they were ignored because for a fact they have no authority to remove him if he's doing his job. I even make sure that when people request he leaves, that I double check with other security and Command to see if I can ignore their orders, just to check if I'm in the right to keep walking. If you can state the times where the character's been Dredd like or tried to break Space Law, then go ahead with that. Because honestly the worst part about my character is that he drinks and smokes, then litters. That's his flaw, it takes up a lot of his time and makes people see him as this very unhealthy person. In a good perspective I like to see my characters as knowledgeable and bull headed when it comes to doing his job, he never breaks law, but his approach to work is that he needs to do his job and he dislikes it when people try to jump out of their job descriptions to stop him - mostly medical doctors do it. He's intrusive to his investigations, makes assumptions as best as he can and does some CSI shit in terms of figuring out what someone is doing. When I'm passively roleplaying I give off some of his backstory, investigate into others and often there's banter that can go on for about 40 or 60 minutes. From what I can tell most people enjoy interacting with my character, just as long as they aren't hardcore Sec Officers who oppose moderate drinking in the bar(I've met two of those. They're fun killers.). I spend more time just talking to people and passively roleplaying than running around like an actual cop or detective. I'm often hesitant to run off to a crime scene because I know there will be a boat load of people, so usually unless somebody specifically asks for a Detective I'll just keep talking to my bartender friend about my woe some troubles. // Also as a note to the first guy, you probably don't know me because I'm not a regular here. I got involved in a lot of other alternatives of writing like Roll20, actual writing and creating Roll20 campaigns. When I'm not doing that I tend to go on DayZ or play action based SS13 servers - you know, because I generally did not see SS13 as an opportunity to commit to passive roleplay. BUT - I have been enjoying the past while I've been on here, mainly because I created a character I like. A bit of a hick from an rimworld that thinks Central boys don't know a thing about people or crime who backs up his vast, small town knowledge by drinking everyday at the bar and wasting every smoke in Aurora. Right - also as a note, obviously as a HOS. You would never smoke an drink like that, not something I plan to do as Command if any of you were curious. I just find it appropriate for a Detective to do that all the time seeing as they never really have anything to do. Plus I mean, you give a Detective a cliche detective's hat and coat, then not expect them to sit at Bar's all day all mopey and Sin City like? Second Edit: Damnit 1138, why are you bringing the argument in here? I read your comment again, your blatantly trying to revive the argument and if you were even listening, my argument had nothing to do with the fact that Kinetic Energy by itself was lethal. I was talking about a crowbar, I was talking about how Energy is key to a strike - my argument did not involve trauma being irrelevant to an attack. But I do not want to continue down this road since you like to repeat things quite a lot and this isn't really the place to bring in irrelevant arguments.
To be honest, at the minimum you guys should at least remove some of the requirements on the head of staff applications. I mean seriously, two paragraph minimum for a backstory? I've been roleplaying and writing ever since Diablo 2 came out, EVEN I struggled with that process of creating a back story. It's a really big ask and it's not as easy as you might think when you have to create a back story as well as canon to a universe, with essentially no storyline. If you made it less daunting for people to apply, maybe more people WOULD apply. I actually avoided applying for quite a while simply because it was asking me to put down more then two paragraphs about a character, that I really don't know about - in a universe, that has no solid lore to follow. I really have to agree with people here, I get really - really sick of a lack of command staff and I get even more sick of getting on security every day to find no HoS(The Captain essentially is the HoS every shift.). I also very rarely see a CMO and I think RD's are about as common as cortical borers.
Well actually space carp can be somewhat of a problem and so can the drones. More importantly, being able to patrol space is important to combat antagonists who are in EVA, mainly nuke ops - but there are other types of antagonists that like to occupy space and do their evil crimes out there. You could say that security could do it with the hardsuits, but it takes ages to suit up and actually leave the station and even longer to do a full sweep. A pods fairly simple and there's not really much of a process to the job, put on your suit, get in the pod, spend most of the round patrolling the station and wearing your suit. No need for the HoS to hand you one or for you to get external airlock access. Also, just saying - some people would probably have fun with it. Just put some strict rules on what not to do with the pod when they join - e.g. "Please do not become Dora The Explorer, your job is to patrol around the exterior of the station - not fly off into space.".
Like this shouldn't even be argued. None of us should be arguing now. This is resolved - because this is not an issue. Good day to you all. Back to your GOT reddit's and such.
BYOND key: nickscv Character names: Francis Hunt And SomeRandomOtherNames How long have you been playing on Aurora?: I don't really know, I think I started last year or this year. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Because I just do and I believe I'd have some fun acting as a Head Of Security. That's really all there is to it, I don't really have any life long dreams to be whitelisted on Aurora, just feel like it. Why did you come to Aurora?: Because other servers have a tendency to be crap and unserious? I'm also a roleplay veteran, so my standards are quite high - I'm not sure if Aurora is up to the level of elitist fascism I crave, but - maybe it is. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yeah I have. Not really... that inspiring. Some of the stuff on BS12 is kind of funny - in a bad way. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay's just a combination of acting and writing. You play as something, it can be a nation, singular character, group of characters or maybe a cube. The point is you interact with some kind of story as a 'player' and you do this with other players. It probably all started as writers getting together and both writing on the same page at the same time, like some collaborative book. Then all of a sudden they involved clowns and fictional sex, then one thing lead to another and we now have roleplay. It is both a fantastic and disgusting experience to be a part of. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: In an essence, they're meant to be non retarded members of crew that hold everyone together and manage the staff. You need a leader, someone who you can trust will be able to keep people from stealing, breaking the law and not doing their jobs. In more specifics, they're just a head of department, a boss - they do their specific jobs and they get paid to do it. They're reliable, experienced and you need them to get a lot of the shift done, they're also really - really good at opening doors for me. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Man this is starting to sound like back in Primary School "Strive to excel!". Yeah - I'll perform to the best of my abilities, but I really don't want to do this "Role model" "Seniority" thing that you might want me to do. Because I had enough of that from school and it was just really an embarrassing experience to be a part of. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Francis Hunt Character age: 32 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Francis Hunt, born on Houxon 4, a Dwarf planet with a desert wasteland and four big industrial cities occupying it's less hostile surface. To most, Houxon 4 is a beacon of hope to the man who wants to make enough money to get his own ship, to others - it's the shit hole they live in for the rest of their lives as they perform work akin to slave labor, all to mine out fuel and plasma like dogs for their companies. Francis's younger life was filled with a lot of dangerous weather, dead friends down in the mines and for a better word - a rimworld education. For many years of his younger life, all he knew about the world around him was that he lived on Houxon 4, it was a mining planet and that Houxon 4 was in the Sigma Aramas sub system and that there were some big wigs living in nicer planets, in other systems - with nicer names... apparently. As he matured, he learned more about the world and took a liking to the Sheriff's department. Originally he'd befriended the Sheriff in his younger days as he spent a lot of time in jail cells for drunk driving and disorderly behavior, which the sheriff tended to keep of his sheet seeing as he needed to hold down a job at some point. But as he became older, he'd found a career worth taking employment under the Sheriff's department within the town of Librae, spending four years as a fully fledged Deputy in Librae, arresting drunks, shooting pirates and not writing reports - he left that to Cindy. But of course, he grew up out of that too and Francis found work directly under the Company that pretty much owned the planet as a Forensics Technician, apparently they'd read his reports and liked how well he did in terms of his investigative abilities. After some months of training, he'd been tossed a new badge and spent seven years swabbing, analyzing - just trying to find employee's who were stealing money or selling fuel to private buyers. At the age of twenty seven Francis was picked up by NanoTrasen who offered to give him a scholarship at one of the educational academies orbiting the planet Librae, which was just spitting distance from Houxon and after five years of study he left after completing a dual major in both Forensics and Security, also taking classes in electrical engineering, law, EVA, leadership, psychology and general medicine. At this point though, with his extensive study - he managed to skip most of the training he'd be required to go through due to extensive study, becoming fit for duty as a HOS after a mere few months of training under NT. His first assignment, working at the NSS Aurora. What do you like about this character?: I like that he isn't exactly what you would say, traditionally intelligent. He's intelligent in terms of intuition, mechanical knowledge and his way around people as well as the law. Kind of person that can walk into a Mexican stand off in a bar with no gun and leave with a bunch of drunks followin' him. What do you dislike about this character?: Well, he likes to drink and he's not traditional in terms of how he'd act. He obeys the law sure, but his attitude is different to how most Command members would work. Not a whole lot I dislike about the character, mainly because I just find the flaws he has as acceptable - you know, because he's not some perfect droid that does his job perfectly. Got a way of doin' things. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: He's not traditional, he's got a rare attitude and he's experienced. He understands that non lethal is the best option or even better, just talking it out. He's a man that prefers the interrogation room, to a gunfight and he likes his men happy, fulfilled with their jobs and relaxing at the bar once in a while. He'd dislike opposition and would strongly oppose people who stop those under his command from doing their jobs, sort of the person that would be quick to authorize a search warrant if he thought they had merit. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: Depends on the day, I can go from pretty average to godlike in a heartbeat. It's kind of my thing, if I'm not writing everyday then I guess I'm slowly delving into a pit of insanity. Extra notes: I like flies and not only - do I like flies, but I like flies with water inside of them. It's seven AM and I still can't sleep. Maybe some soothing meth will help.
Here is my second OOC proposal, it regards promotions and seniority. As there are some situations where people would benefit massively from additional authority, this mainly applies to the Warden, Officer's and Forensic Tech's. It works well for when someone has less work to do then they'd of imagined and have the appropriate OOC/IC skill. This could include a well known Forensic's expert becoming a "Head Of Investigation.". Which might allow them to do additional tasks. This could include a Warden or Senior Officer being able to take on the role of responsibility for Cadets, possibly forcing things like mandatory training - etc. I haven't started on this yet obviously nor have I started on the previous, so nothing I've said is absolutely solid for what I'll be writing down. Hopes are, I can do something to improve the life of a Security Officer and make the enforcement of law a bit more interesting for those involved(Interesting does not mean to 'actiony' or 'robust'.). Just thinking that by creating official roles people can be promoted to by the HoP, it gives the HoP more things they can do(Also means command doesn't need to be scared of giving said promotions) - it gives people more reason to perform their jobs to the best of their ability and also allows for a bit of variety in how Security might perform their duties. From my experience with SS13 in general, it tends to work as long as the person assigning the promotions knows how to do their job - which is confirmed with Aurora due to the Head of staff applications. Because really, when you give people something to go for, to achieve - it gives them reason to try harder. Security officer's don't really have too much reason to be really good at their jobs, if you waive a possible promotion in front of their faces that one of them can grab - you get a better workforce that's really keen on enforcing the law. I've seen how this works with people in real life - with the army, it'll probably work in a similar fashion. Also no - I'm not a jarhead, don't ask me questions about jars. Also you might be wondering why the effort into security? Well it's really because security isn't so much like other departments, it's a department based around law and authority, it's somewhat military in the way it works and therefore a differentiation in the ranks does make a massive difference - so does additional empowerment to it's senior members. Quite simply, a scientist can request additional access or permission to work on something riskee - but with security, the promotion is essentially there to provide them with more authority or work to be done. Add some color to your day. [wip] BS12 is confusing at times.
I'm posting it here because it's easy, I can get some easy feedback and I don't have to save it as some annoying draft or drive document. Advisable that you don't respond to this until it looks semi finished, as it'll be subject to major change. Chances are, you'll be commenting on something that's going to be gone or changed anyway. I'll remove this comment when I think it's just about ready, which is the green light to pepper replies. Purpose behind creating this is just sometimes security needs clarity on what it can and cannot do, it needs clarity on what command can do with security and what specifically we have in terms of authority. I'm assuming you guys don't really want to hug Baystation 12's method of handling security, since it's not too specific and a little bit - distasteful. I want to take a more IC and specific approach to how security and space law would be handled. Because BS12 is more of like someone who tells you how to do something - but not so much as to the specifics of it, like the reason behind doing said thing and what to do with a specific situation. If you can get what I'm talking about. NSS Aurora - Security Directives Security Officers Forensic Technician's