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Mr Blackzero

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Everything posted by Mr Blackzero

  1. Glory to operations.
  2. Aurora has fallen. Millions must RP
  3. Frends
  4. "SIT YOUR K´LAX ASS DOWN THERE" said Armand calmly.
  5. 1. Being raised in the Parivara with other children as a family, Hendarr didn't faced much discrimination for the early part of his life, though he did receive a different treatment in certain tasks. While in the ALA he experienced mixed results as some would welcome him regardless of his background but others ,more conservative Tajara, looked down upon him and actively avoided him. And in Little Adhomai he could not fit in as he wasn't seen as a "Pure Blood" by many which led him to join with the Kazarrhaldiye Operations Group to find job outside of Little Adhomai. Overall, Hendarr was very naive to how people would perceive him and now avoids talking about himself or his parents to other Tajara in the Spur. 2. Hendarr despises what the PRA has become as he saw how the PRA resorted to barbaric acts to keep their own people, the people they were meant to protect, in check and how they had to resort to aliens when the S'rand'marr Coalition was formed to protect the very heartlands of the so called "People's Republic" and while he is not as well informed in regards to the NKA as he didn't had time to care while being shelled by Republican forces, he does not like the NKA as he thinks they are trying to restore the rule of Nobility as how it was before the First Revolution with an even more enforced Caste system. 3. Hendarr is dissapointed that many of the Juntas refuse to stand down and return to a Civilian Government as this division clearly weakens the DPRA not only in the inside but on the outside as well, leaving the whole exposed in the event another conflict were to start. He is also concerned at how fragile the Civilian Government currently is and how one wrong step could turn it into another Junta refusing to let go of power. 4. After first arriving at Crevus, Hendarr and his friend saw a Kitchen soup, inspired by this act of generosity they decided to do something similar in the Inn: giving food and shelter to those who lost everything in Crevus but they were still gonna charge payment to those who could afford a drink. This did not lasted long as the Inn was brought into the Rhan-Cresh fold who held the monopoly of Kitchen Soups and Food drives, changing the focus of the Inn from a modest Inn helping those in needs while trying to make a living to a proper Inn with staff and more entertainment facilities for Visitors arriving at Crevus. 5. The trip was not pleasant as he had to live cramped in a cargo hold with other Tajara in makeshift tents and hamocks, add to that the constant fear of being captured by pirates and sold as slaves or worse, being sent back to Adhomai by authorities and risk being taken in by the PRA instead. Aside from that the only major issues in the ship were pipes leaking water and the already mentioned cramped living conditions, when Hendarr made it to Tau Ceti he did not wanted to make the trip back to Adhomai any time soon if it was on the same conditions.
  6. BYOND Ckey: MrBlackzero Character Names: Henryk Katczinsky, SINA-734 Species you are applying to play: Tajara What color do you plan on making your first alien character: I plan on making it the color "Wheat" stated in the Wiki (RGB 205, 186, 150 / Hex #cdba96) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I really like the Tajara lore, more specifically, the Tajara revolutions as they clearly draw from conflicts. Namely the Russian Revolution and the downfall of the Nobility, the White Army and the not so known (as far as I've seen) Russian Liberation Army (in name only) and how the war finished not long ago that every Tajara in Adhomai still bear the scars and memories of this horrific conflict which, may have started with noble goals, quickly derailed into a World War with no end in sight and no limits on what the contenders would do to achieve Total Victory over their foes. Aside from their lore and conflicts I really like that they speak in third person like the Khajiits from The Elder Scrolls (where I play as Khajiits) and that the setting of Adhomai could be seen as the opposite of Elsewyr in regards of Geography and Religion (Tajara having the Twin Suns, Khajiits having the Twin Moons). Overall the way Tajara interact with each other, their environment, the Aliens some of them hate so much, how they react to their History depending of the Nations they hail from and so on. That and last year some Tajara guys in Ghost roles encouraged me and another guy (we were both interested in applying to Tajara) to apply as back then there was a distinct lack of Space Cats. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: As I have stated before, I really like how Tajara speak in Third person as that puts a new challenge in communicating with others (and the structure of sentences). Aside from that there are the loyalties of each Tajara, be it from one of the Nations locked in the Cold War on Adhomai, Smugglers who care only for credits or Tajara born outside of S'rand'marr. Character Name: Hendarr Kharkov Please provide a short backstory for this Character: Hendarr is the son of a Zhan Khazan and a M'sai who fearing persecution, gave him to a church of S'rendarr and Messa in hopes he would have a better life. Hendarr grew up alongside other Saplings, he was taught the ways of S'rand'marr and to read and write, he would have become a Priest of S'rendarr had it not been for the Outbreak of the Second Revolution. Growing up in a Coastal Town in Southern Ras'nrr whose industry was mainly focused on Fishing, life was peaceful and dull sometimes. PRA patrols would come in to check in with the Town and making sure it was safe this changed after the outbreak of the Revolution as the Patrols changed from ensuring the safety of the town to searching for subversive elements and suspected ALA cells, young and old Tajara disapeared, being sent into the Heartlands to be "reducated" or "serve in the war effort" eventually, executions started happening. Whoever was suspected of having sympathies towards the ALA were labeled as traitors and executed without trial this, incidentally, sowed the seeds for the Guerilla cell the PRA so zealously hunted. Hendarr joined this cell, seeing friends disappear and families weep for their lost ones. The Uprising was short and incredibly one sided, as soon as the Guerrilla fighters entered the town the citizens rose up and caught the PRA forces off guard, unprepared and unmaned, those Republican soldiers who did not die in the initial mayhem were hanged or beaten to death. With this initial success the Cell decided to move on into neighbouring towns to bring the fight against the PRA and perhaps, eventually, join with the main body of the ALA. Hendarr decided to continue on the cell believing in the words of Supreme General Nated, he took his tutor last name of Kharkov as he raised him and was the closer to a father figure he ever had. In time the cell made contact with the ALA and many of if members went on to Das'nrra, including Hendarr where he lost too many brothers in arms. The years passed and the war ended in the Armistice, Hendarr and one of his few friends left went to Crevus in Das'nrra and opened an Inn where they worked for years. Hearing the words of President Harrlala, Hendarr decided to embark into Tau Ceti hoping to show that Tajara could make their own destiny without the claws of Corporate greed but by their own will instead, using the money he had accumulated he paid for a seat on a smuggler ship to go offworld, he bid farewell to his good friend and told him he would eventually return. After a month or so of travelling he arrived at Tau Ceti where his plans of finding employment nearly crumbled due to the state of Little Adhomai. Sick of the Gang warfare, Hendarr bregudgingly joined the Kazarrhaldiye Operations Group. Now waiting for his assignement, he hopes to prove that a citizen of the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai can do anything he sets out to do. What do you like about this Character?: I really like that he could have had a life of peace as a Priest of S'rendarr but the War changed everything, including himself, aside from that is the fact that his parents were from different ethnicities and how this can affect him or how others see him and despite his hatred towards megacorporations he might end up having to work to protect one. How would you rate your role-playing abilities?: I really hate this kind of questions of "Rate yourself...." but on a scale of 1 to 10 I would give myself a 6.5 or 7 as I feel my "ability" has been stunted through experiences in other HRP servers such as, or rather mostly, Fallout13 where I had bad experiences with other Characters (imma keep it real with you chief, all those guy I had problems always left their posts/jobs and never came back) although that was years ago and hopefully all of those bad vibes that stuck with me have wore off. Notes: I really don't know what to put here but I have decided to put other characters I play as, they are mainly Ghost roles or Characters I only played one round: Clifford Monroe (my character from CM, don't worry he ain't a marine here), Z.I. Asimov from a round of Burglars where we pretended to be Representatives from Zavoskoi, SINA-735 (it was a lowpop round and I just spawned as a borg to clean up the mess Security made fighting Greimoirians), Al'Maiq Morrozov a NKA Sailor (if I remember correctly that was the role) from the Polar Expedition, he and another Sailor ended up being the sole survivors of the Expedition, truly tragic and Hendarr Kharkov itself as a NKA PMCG Guard, I didn't wrote a part where he was in the NKA as a PMCG Guard as am not sure how canon Ghost roles are, I mostly flew the ship and cried in the corner when no one else played the NKA Merchant though there were two times were people did and they were great times. And those are all I can remember out of the blue as finishing notes I would like to thank whoever read until this part be it the guy that has to review and accept/deny this or some rando in the forums. I also took an absurd amount of time (without counting the fact I've been wanting to apply since last year) writing this App as I started writing at 12 AM and as of writing this last part it is 04:36 AM (Sleep is for the weak). With nothing else to add I finish this App.
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