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Everything posted by rawnoodles
Okay, Since this post has been mostly dead for so ten days I've come up with something else I will talk about the other warnings I've had, Specifically, the second warning i had before this ban, Which is the one where I cryoed as a thrall without Ahelping about it, And to put it simple, I did not know thralls were considered as proper antags, Seeing as they're not a roundstart thing, And I thought I could be un-thralled, So i thought i could've cryoed normally, and for the smack talk in Dchat? it was just me being a little angry since I was enjoying the roleplay in that round, my bad on that one
Well, I never been to the site, so it isn't linked, and I cant link it due to it needing me to join the server to link it
Sure, I can try and make a separate complaint on a different warning, But I don't exactly remember all of my warnings, Would you be so kind to hand me the list of my warnings and who gave them?
@Bear Does there exist a way you could then revoke this last "strike"? As I said, I had read the rules at the time, Just after having my first permaban appealed, So we could argue that the reasoning behind the last strike is faulty, If you revoked this last strike, I would be back to standing with my other two warnings, Which I find a reasonable position for the things I've already done, It's an appropriate last chance for me, And as I stated in my ban appeal, I don't plan on playing antagonists anymore, Which practically resulted everytime in me breaking the rules, Could you reason with me here?
BYOND Key: Rawmoddles Staff BYOND Key: A_big_bear Game ID: N/A Reason for complaint: I don't have much of a complaint concerning the User who banned me, But I'm here to discuss on the topic of the "Three permabans" thing, You see, I got my second ban (at least to my knowledge) when you could get three perma bans and then be out, But now that I've made an appeal at the time where they changed such thing, It's being denied, Now you could say that it's my fault for being "Lazy" and not writing an appeal in time, but it's because I had to take some time for myself to think through my actions, and I agree that I was acting rather rowdy, And I've taken action to stop myself from acting so, So please, You've practically pushed me into begging, I'm asking for a last chance, A chance I'll rather mess up and get what I deserve, or show that I changed for good. Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks: I also have to claim that I had read the rules before the ban and warnings even, but it's too obvious for me and you that there is no way I can prove this in a forum page. So I won't argue about something utterly useless to argue against.
@Loorey Could you handle it now? It's been a couple of days
Fixed it, Very sorry for making such a mistake, I feel really dumb right now
I knew I was missing something, Very Sorry, Just forgot to check it, Its been some time since Ive made an appeal so i forgot i had to put those in
BYOND Key: Rawmoddles Total Ban Length: Permanant Banning staff member's Key: A_big_bear Reason of Ban: RPing as an antag in a reference to a JoJo character disguised as John America. This is LRP and not within the rules. You have recently been unbanned and continue to fail to follow or understand the rules after being warned several times since your unban. Reason for Appeal: On this appeal, I'll go over the why's and how's of my warnings that led to my ban, So you can get to know better what was going on in my thought process, But I won't be trying to justify myself, I fully acknowledge that my actions were breaking the rules, No matter if my intentions say otherwise, And I won't try to "lawyer" my way out of it. If I remember correctly, the first warning was for a no-escalation violation, Of me throwing a grenade into a crowd of security from a floor above. This was a simple case of me doing something once and thinking it would be okay, As I did already do this same violation a long time before so, And seeing as for some reason I didn't get warned about it before-hand, I had assumed it was something okay to do, I hope you can understand this, But I am sorry and can see how it breaks the rule of escalation. Just throwing a grenade ontop of a group of security who aren't even investigating me or what i'm doing is not okay in any way. Now the second warning was because I was thralled and Cryoed without Ahelping about it, aswell as being angry in death chat, This was also something easy to explain, As seeing I started the round as a crewmember, and not an antag, I thought a "Thrall" didn't exactly count as a real or important antag, Knowing the rule that you have to Ahelp when you want to leave early as antag, I thought I could just leave the round without doing so since I had the thought in my mind that I wasn't an actual antag. And as for the angry talk in death chat, That's completely on me, I was having fun with roleplaying and unfortunately got thralled, losing my patience over it, I'm sorry. Now the last warning and ban, Was because I played as a Ninja and named myself "Akira Yoshikage", And used a chameleon mask with the fake voice of a "John America", This is pretty silly but also not excusable, I will admit I'm used to playing servers with less strict guidelines when it comes to naming or joke characters, And to explain the name of the ninja character, It's because it was the first time ever I was playing as ninja in any server, So I had gotten way too hyped for my own good, and didn't have enough time and thought when coming up with the name of the character, Thinking if I just had one letter off the actual name I'd be okay, But it wasn't a good idea in any way, and for the Fake voice, It was just a lame joke on my part, I'm sorry for that. After a long time thinking about it, I've realised that all of my bans and warnings have come mostly or if all from me playing as antagonists and going overboard with what I can do, And while I do have a lot of fun playing as them, I don't want to ruin other people's experience for my own fun, So I will no longer play as any antagonist, Seeing as I'd rather enjoy the roleplay aspect of the server, Which is something I really admire here. I also do know that this is my third ever appeal, And will be my last chance at redeeming myself, I'll try and behave this one time, But if I do end up banned again, I'm sure it will be a good thing. Thank you, and I hope you understand.
huh? two? i had warnings, sure, but never two permabans, are you sure you checked everything correct? or maybe i'm missing something? either way i agree with those terms, if i end up getting banned again, then it really must mean me being in the server was never meant to be, and that i shouldnt play there even if i like it, because i dont want to ruin other people's experience, but yeah i agree with those terms, still, try and check everything again, im pretty sure i only have one permaban, and a few warnings
BYOND Key: Rawmoddles Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: @Melariara Reason of Ban: Left the round as a burglar, then rejoined as an assistant and attempted to get in on the antagonists' gimmick. This is a gross violation of metagaming rules, as you harassed them for knowledge your character should not know about. Reason for Appeal: I can't say it's been a long time, But I think it's been enough time for me to rethink what I did wrong on not just this violation, But as well on my other warnings given by different admins, And I can understand how keeping me banned permanently seems like the wiser decision, considering on how careless I can be, and I can see that I was not on a stellar behavior and acting rather disrespectful, so I can understand and agree with the ban, I wasn't so mindful of the fact in an HRP server things I like to do could not be done, and that I had to focus on a more believable character than just being entertaining and funny, together with my character's story being just a disastrous disrespect when put in place, My mind might have been a little foggy with the recognition I was being given at the time, the praise and all, made me feel like I could get away with things that are blatantly gross violations to the rules, so I shouldn't say that i'm sorry, because i shouldn't be let back simply because i'm sad that I can't be in the community no more, But what I should say is that I understand what I did wrong in the time I was in it, And I can do my best to avoid repeating such behavior, and I also have gotten a second opinion to the particular reason I got banned in the first place, With the burglar round, I can say that even with approval from an admin, what I was trying to acomplish just would not work in any shape or form, And it was just plain stupid and selfish of me, If I roll antag on a round, I have to play the assigned role, Not try to slip my way into a more grandiose gimmick that would be breaking server rules. I also regret my behavior in the time I was in the admin PM, it was very childish of me to act in such way, No one should ever bring up OOC matters into dead chat for the sake of humor or to get a kick out of admins, Because I know how tiresome and hard it is to be an admin in such a big server and community, and I applaud the fact that you still tried to keep me out for thinking I wouldn't get better, Which I would not have, One month really isn't that much time to think about what one did wrong. Oh, And if I could have a word on how anyone should approach my case here, I think maybe a sort of "probationary" unban could be good, I have seen it be used before in the server and I think it'd be fitting for my ban, But again, regular players don't decide punishments, Admins do.
Do you have any idea how long a month actually is? I can't even begin to remember for how long I've been patiently waiting for the chance to re-appeal, regretting what I did, Talking with friends about how I should go about on how to improve my behavior, And you're telling me that you don't believe I'd improve after "only a month after"? When I appealed for the second time I was honestly so trusting of the admins I looked up to and respected that I believed that after an entire month I'd be forgiven, But no, You act like petty powertrippers and treat me like a common shitter, while I'm just trying to get back to the server that I liked playing in and tried my hardest to not fuck up and be banned from, Yes, I may have gotten many notes in a short period of time, But does it really matter if they're simply just mistakes that I did without meaning to? I'm an autistic person, And not to try and blame all of my notes on my illness, but you have to understand that people like me, they do things sometimes, and they don't mean those things they do, I'm simply just clumsy when it comes to trying and stay in a good behavior, Maybe you can ban me on that, But don't try and pin it on me actively trying to make the game harder for other people, that's not what I want, I just want to play in a server that has a good community and some of the best lore I've seen. I was so trusting of you admins to go easy on me that I even commissioned a 30 dollar artist to draw my character so I could use it in the server, because I like roleplaying, I don't play the game to ruin it for others or to do anything like that, Even though people like my character for how goofy the gimmicks I do as a traitor, I enjoy more just roleplaying as the character and not just powergaming and actively making the game harder for others, And that's a point I'll bring out again, People like my character in this server, that's what I enjoy most about this server, I get a real feeling that I'm part of something, A part of a community, They find me entertaining for how I am, And that makes me happy.
I can see that, But over a mistake I did? And what if they're simply keeping my ban due to dislike? I remember them being a little rude on the ticket I got back then.
BYOND Key: rawmoddles Staff BYOND Key: melariara Game ID: 2023-09-02 23:50:10 (I don't have the round's ID) Reason for complaint: maintaining a full server ban over an accidental mistake made in a burglar round as a crewmember/antag, on a longtime player who attempts to play in good faith and wants to be part of the community. Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks: I do not possess logs/evidence of the ticket I had on the day of the ban, But I'd appreciate having someone check them
Then can a different admin handle this?
@Melariara It's been a few days.
BYOND Key: Rawmoddles Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: @Melariara Reason of Ban: Left the round as a burglar, then rejoined as an assistant and attempted to get in on the antagonists' gimmick. This is a gross violation of metagaming rules, as you harassed them for knowledge your character should not know about. Reason for Appeal: Ok, I will not recite the things I had said in my previous appeal as I find it unnecessary, so I will be focusing more on reasoning on the level of breakage I fell onto instead of just admitting I committed a mistake, Which while I did, Just saying "I'm sorry" won't prove to be enough as it proved itself in my last appeal, So I'll start off by bringing up the difference between premeditation and what I call, "Heat of Passion", as well as mixed with my stupidity and unthoughtful acts, Being dumb, in less-than-clever ways of speaking. So, what I did in this metagame rule breakage was not premeditated, If it was it would make me more guilty and make it less genuine of a mistake if I was deliberately thinking, planning, focusing, and acting upon things that break the rules, So in my reasoning, and as well as in most actual, real justice systems, My punishment could and should be looked upon in a lighter way, as again, I was not actually wanting to break the rule of metagaming, So I don't think I should be treated as if I was intending to Metagame, as I mentioned in my previous appeal, and I quote, "I had thought with the character I had, I could do what I did.", A simple yet easy to fall for mistake, Each and every one's characters have different stories, knowledge, backstories, skills, etc. You could make an example by someone who roleplays as a surgeon somehow having professional gun and close-quarter fighting skills, while they mostly play their characters otherwise, Would it be considered metagaming to do so? In my case, I play a character with a variety of criminal associations in his past, and while I don't try to actively play an "Evil" or "Insane" character, I try to get into the character of someone with mental problems that were caused by such activities. In the eyes of my character, with the context of his "Exploitable information", it would make sense for him to be captured by someone looking for information, For all we and even I know, He may have been in the same or similar position before. So again I ask, Would it be considered metagaming to use your character's experience as a base for something you think would be allowed? If so, Then I humbly apologize for doing so, After being banned for a month, I have realized that I have to be more careful in my actions, And I will bring up the factor that I am quite a frequent player on the server, Despite having a few warnings, they were never premeditated actions, But were mistakes I did which I again apologize for and hope I can improve on not doing them again. And by being a frequent player who at least doesn't intend on breaking any rules, I think I qualify as someone who can be forgiven for breaking something so crucial as metagaming, which while I acknowledge being such a crucial rule, I don't think would upset or harm anyone by simply being forgiven once. Especially in this context where I didn't actually upset anyone by doing so, No-one by myself and possible admins who saw me break it, But what mattered were the ones involved in the primary context (The antags and hostage), Of which barely had any actions with me, And I am going to even recall that I didn't even intend on finding, joining, and ending up dead in their hostage situation, as I was simply just a victim of being exposed and forcefully put into it, although I do agree that I should've left while I had the chance to do so. I apologize if this appeal sounds a little messy and rambly, As I'm writing this in 11 PM and am quite tired and stressed.
Staff Complaint - ReadThisNamePlz
rawnoodles replied to rawnoodles's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
as of now i have no more interest in this, feel free to lock it. -
Staff Complaint - ReadThisNamePlz
rawnoodles replied to rawnoodles's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
you misinterpreted how i acted, thats it -
Staff Complaint - ReadThisNamePlz
rawnoodles replied to rawnoodles's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
There is the unspoken rule of "Be nice in tickets", So I might have. -
[Denied] Unban Request: Rawmoddles
rawnoodles replied to rawnoodles's topic in Unban Requests Archive
crap crap crap crap i misspelled the title how do i change it hoW DO I CHANGE IT -
BYOND Key: Rawmoddles Total Ban Length: Permanant Banning staff member's Key: @Melariara Reason of Ban: Left the round as a burglar, then rejoined as an assistant and attempted to get in on the antagonists' gimmick. This is a gross violation of metagaming rules, as you harassed them for knowledge your character should not know about. Reason for Appeal: First of all, There are some errors in this, Even though I clearly talked through the ticket, for example, I didn't "Leave the round", I ghosted and an admin sent me back to the menu as we had agreed, As I and the other burglar had supposedly agreed to the gimmick of using my exploitable, Which then later as I had accidentally walked into their little hostage situation, as I had completely not planned to. Since they brought me into their situation, instead of just telling me to scram, I had supposed that I was part of the gimmick, as if it was me, I would've just said to scram. This whole thing was a huge misunderstanding that I hope we can shrug off as it didn't completely ruin their round/gimmick or anything. As for the metagaming, That was an honest mistake which I won't deny, I had thought that, with the character I had, I could have done what I did, Which I couldn't, I learned from that, And don't intend on doing it again, okay?
Staff Complaint - ReadThisNamePlz
rawnoodles replied to rawnoodles's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
i'm complaining about you mis... misenter... misintreper... mis-in-ter-pre-ting my behavior, that's what im complaining about -
Staff Complaint - ReadThisNamePlz
rawnoodles replied to rawnoodles's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
I am not talking about the IC in OOC thing, That very much was justified because my inpatient ass couldn't wait for the round to end to make that joke