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Everything posted by geKo

  1. Tones is an absolutely amazing RPer and above that just a really great person, I've only ever had great experiences interacting with them. I like what they wrote about the responsibilities an OM has as well as how strong an impact they have on a round, which also easily translates into any command play. Last thing, through my many experiences not only with Tones' characters, but them oocly, I have 0 doubts they'll be able to accomplish their goal of creating a friendly Ops environment:) Big +1 in my opinionđź‘Ť
  2. Ah! I had thought like the Lodge tought Sqai'laaq at a surface level and only got to Suur'ka when you got deep into it, with Mruqila is not, however I do still believe their backstory works just as well if they are a practitioner of Sqai'Tzi. Now for my answers to your questions: 1. They are both interested and unnerved by Vaurca and their society. They are fascinated by how their social structure and biology work, and how unique they are compared to Skrell. However, they struggle to see past their use of viax and see them as a synthetic analogue. They believe the number of viax within the Federation should be kept much much lower and blame the Vaurca in a similar way they do Humans for creating them. On a individual level though, they are friendly and interested in akaix Vaurca. 2. I would say the events that have impacted Mruqila the most are both the opening of the workers program and the recent reorganising of the counsel, leading to new parties within the Federation. In terms of the Federation opening up work opportunities, this is extremely important to Mruqila as they rely on the program in order to even be able to get a position with Zeng and be able to explore the Spur like they want to in the first place. With the new reorganising of the counsel, Mruqila is a supporter of The United Federation Party, as they believe the opening up and de-isolation of the Federation will allow more Skrell to seek learning opportunities outside of the home systems. Alongside that though, the party still promotes the enforcement of Skrell ideas and ideologies, which lines up with their upbringing.
  3. BYOND Key: GeKo124 Character Names: (Dynhquarra Ahkdrrazi, Vezhalli Riyamek, Ka'Akaix'Zeevh K'lax) Species you are applying to play: (Skrell) What colour do you plan on making your first alien character: (Purple) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yup! I've done a really good dive into all the lore pages over the past few days. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Well, A few days ago I recently went on a really deep dive into Skrell lore on the wiki. I got really interested in Skrell culture and history and ended up being like, "I really gotta make a character, this is too cool not too". Skrell are unique compared to most of the other species in the Spur in that they are struly a stable and powerful state with large amount of influence in politics on Human states. As well, I really like the Federation and it's "aesthetic". I would love to play a loyalist that fully supports the oppressive actions of the Fed in the name of protection and the benefits that the Fed brings. Another reason I think Skrell are interesting is just how old the Skrell are as a species, both personally and collectively. This is partly the reason I'm interested in Tajara, but the opposite reasoning. While Tajara are extremely young relative to the other species in the Spur, the Skrell are extremely old as a society. Depending on if you include Dionae or not, Skrell are THE first species to leave their home planet and start colonising other planets and systems. I would like to use this as a character as ammunition as to justify the SCS system and the Federation's actions (Especially since it's flawed logic). Overall, trying to condense all this rambling, I really like the idea of how old Skrell society is and how the Federation is a super powerful state that out powers many Human states, especially since the Horizon is in Human space currently I just like the dynamic of that. Most other species are coming from places of lower technological progress, such as Moghes or Adhomai, and are experiencing the Horizon as a wonderland of Human advancements. Skrell however, are coming from places that are either equal or BETTER then the Coalition, which is a very important difference between how individuals would view Humans as well. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: I guess I touched a lot on this in the last section accidently....(whoops) but Skrell have been around in the Spur sooo much longer then any of the other species that they are genuinely more advanced then Humans in their core worlds. Since Aurora takes place on the Horizon, a Human ship owned by Human corporations and operating in Human space, playing a character from another Species is always interesting. Especially with this, a character from a species more advanced and experienced then Humans i think would make for interesting character interaction and stories. Character Name:(Mruqila'slii Zriuulm) Please provide a short backstory for this character Mruqila was born on Aliose on [(32-viq)(1-viqi)(Avrozi-qog)(2382-oqq)], specifically in Fedas'qlip. They are an Axiori Skrell, being born to a Quya of 6 Skrell. Their Fe'ed'Qa and F'ez'Tra moved to Aliose seperatly to work on the Aliose Terraforming Project, where they met and formed their Quya. Mruqila's birth was a huge deal for their family, and they were raised enthusiastically by all 6 members of the Quya. Above all these relationships was their Qrri'Myaq, Lilishq'arl Myunri. Lilishq was a very eccentric Skrell, being from Qerr'Malic but moving to Aliose due to a need to explore. Within Mruqila, Lilishq both taught the Federation's ideals alongside fostering a sense of adventure within them, with the large majourity of Mruqila's Ukutanii being provided by Lilishq. Once Mruqila was ready for their Odurserr, they were given the ceremonial gifts from their Quya. Among the most important was a model of Aliose, a collection of books about Skrell anatomy, a toy model of a Jarqo and a collection of Qwei’Paqui. Mruqila chose the Jarqo model and it was promptly burned away, signalling their choice to follow in their Qrri'Myaq's steps. They then started their time at Untuk'mak, during this time they developed greatly as a member of Skrell society. They developed a love for Homeworld: Invasion and LeviathanTail alongside that, looking up to them. They are an avid player of Homeworld: Invasion to the current day, and have gotten really good at it. It is also around this time that they became much more exposed to the wider culture of Aliose. They were exposed to lectures and teachings from the Veterans Lodge, which promoted their sense of pro Federation. Mruqila heard the horrors of Glorsh-Omega and is part of the reason they dedicated themselves to the practice of Sqai'Laaq. Sqai'Laaq is very important to Mruqila's identity, and they practice the art alongside applying it's doctrines into their everyday life. Throughout their time Reefgardens, they fostered their sense of adventure and love for the many different parts of the Spur. Particularly, they were interested in Dionae and their unique way of life. By the time their time at Unyuk'mak was almost finished, they had emerged as a young Skrell who was fascinated by the space around them, and hungry to learn more. Their love of Dionae and their species caused them to seek something irregular for their Uyi'vesi. They wished to travel to the EUM and attend the Ruqax’Daaq for anthropology. With permission from their Quya and being given financial support by the Federation to attend the school, and prepared to move to the EUM for the next twenty years of their life. Upon arriving in Nral’Daaq, Mruqila was both terrified and uncontrollably excited for this next chapter of their life. They lived close to the sea in the heavily pro Federation section of the city, and up until they left would visit the sea regularly. Their time at school was spent largely studying both Dionae and the different cultures that resided across the Spur, but also studying excotic life and other fauna. During their schooling they made friends with Dionae, Humans and Skrell alike, being like a dream for the curious Mruqila. As time went on, they would become more comfortable exploring further and further out form the core city, but found the anti Federation districts of the city to be distasteful. Their experience in school however, would only get better. The slow and relaxed nature of the school allowed them to make many friends, developing a close friend group of 2 Skrell and 3 Dionae. They also joined a club for Homeworld: Invasion, even playing on a team as a part of extra curricular activities. Heading into the later period of their school career, they would begin to focus their studies specifically on the Ekane and their way of life. They would visit the waters often to speak with them and learn as much as they could about their society, which they Incorporated into their studies. Their final project they did before achieving their junior graduate was a paper on the Ekane. For this, they actually left Nral’Daaq and lived with the Ekane for a year, living on an Ark and living amongst the Dionae there. This experience effected Mruqila greatly, truly making them appreciate the life around the Spur and how they wish to study across all of space. After their junior graduate was finished, sadly, they choose to leave Nral’Daaq and return to Aliose and begin their graduate education at a smaller school for archaeological anthropology. They still stay in contact with their friends from their time in the EUM however, considering them to be their closest friends. Living with their family again, the attended the school for an extra ten years to achieve this graduate, doing work both in Azeq'iix'xlip for geology and Fedas'qlip for the archaeology part of the study. They even started a Quya with three Skrell they met, but this fell apart by the time of their graduation. Upon their return home as well, their Qrii'Myaq gifted them a sqamp, which their family had named Slii. Mruqila grew deeply attached to the pet, loving it greatly. After they graduated, they spent some time with their family, thinking of where to go next. After the Work Exchange Program was passed, Mruqila decided that the best way to be able to explore and learn more about the Spur was to try and get a position at Zeng-Hu. Due to the already ingrained relationship between Zeng and Aliose, they were able to get hired by the company in order to work as a xenoarcheologist. At the age of 83, Mruqila has been assigned to work on the SCCV Horizon during it's mission to uncover more phoron in the Spur. Mruqila views this as the perfect chance to not only to work, but meet members of countless cultures. They also have brought Slii with them, and as part of their great appreciation and love for the pet and their Qrii'Myaq they have added Slii to the end of their name. They have received training on dealing with synthetic coworkers, but they still would view them with blame and anger. Their anger is largely directed at Humans for creating them in the first place, but would never say anything negative directly to an IPC unless provoked as they fear being punished for so. They view non Federation Skrell as a threat to the Federation's stability, and with confusion for why they give up a life of protection and stability for a worse one non under the Federation. Their current SCS is 6.54 What do you like about this character? Once again, I really like the idea of the Federation and all the lore that comes with playing a Skrell. But also over writing this I've grown really attached to Mruqila and their love of learning. I really want to play a happy go lucky, young (for a Skrell) archaeologist who's also a gamer lmao. A lot of my other charactures have much sadder backgrounds, which I LOVE but also thought it would interesting to make one with a happier story. I really would looove playing this character and really hopes this gets accepted:) How would you rate your role-playing ability? I've been playing on Aurora for a decent bit now and would like to say I've gotten the RP down pretty good. My previous characters seem to be well reaceved (I really hope lmao!) and feel comfortable with the lore enough that I can use it. Notes: Genuinly thank you so much for reading this! I'm sorry if grammar is bad or it's rambly as english is not my first language. If theres any advice or feedback you want to give i'd be soooo appreciative so throw whatever you have at me! And once again truly thank you so much, and I hope you have a good rest of your day:) Also I created a doc using the citizen template thingy! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ub5PPGJXFVhMULdgCer5DnWDrB-z8nFrMXoafPCd1w4/edit?usp=sharing on dud email ofc
  4. BYOND Key: GeKo124 Character Names: Lydia Lantz, Dynhquarra Ahkdrrazi Species you are applying to play: Vaurca, Mi'kuetz queenless What colour do you plan on making your first alien character: RGB(17,206,68) but due to how loose the colouring can be for queenless I definitely might want to make sure it looks good in game Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes I have! i went on a huge dive into the wiki pages for both Vaurca and the wastelands. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I do not plan to have many characters, I want to truly be invested in their story and lore. For Vaurca, I am in love with how unique and different they are from the rest of the spur. Humans, Skrell, Unathi and Tajara all at least have some shared similarities in their cultures. Vaurca (and also Dionae), are totally different in how they work. This is so interesting to me and i ended up diving into the Vaurca wiki pages headfirst. After reading all i could i became interested in the Mi'kuetz band, as they in a way reverse this and are totally unique when compared to other Vaurca. Their way of life, beliefs, history and culture all add up to a group i would absolutely love to RP a character from. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Pretty much everything about Vaurca are different from humans. They have an entirely different biology from humans, most interesting to me being the use of sulphur within their chemistry. While only brief, the mention of polysulphides got me excited cause I love non-carbon chemistry, especially in theoretical life. As well, the idea of biological vulcanisation taking place between chemical polymers using these polysulphides is really cool, and got my chem brain thinking of how a exoskeleton made up of mostly elastomer-like material would be like. Got a little off track there, but Vaurca also have a totally distinct society from every other species. They are born with a purpose, designed for a task from their hatching. Most Vaurca follow this up with VR training after hatching, making them completely specialised for a specific task. This is compounded with the different castes, Ka, Za, Ra, Ta and Cephalons. This is similar to Tajara in my mind, but even more extreme. Tajara castes already are enforced due to biological differences between each caste, but at the end of the day they do all share similarities. Vaurca castes are reinforced by just how different each caste is biologically. This is one of the things i would say is so hard to grasp as a IRL human trying to play a Vaurca, we are generalists in our evolution, all humans are just...well human. Vaurca are completely distinct from eachother, and not even from evolution. The bulwarks were designed to be so huge, so different from what a worker might look like. This is something to keep in mind as a human playing a Vaurca character. As well, a side effect of this is also that the actual definition of what a Vaurca is, is much looser then what we would classify. As well, bound viax are a very strange, and even uncomfortable idea to most. The idea of biological machine workers seems weird and totally unlike human society, but compared to how many IPCs are used its really not that different in the end. Although I might be totally making this up since its not actually written, but I feel like Mi'kuetz would treat Vizk'tul with more care then other Vaurca treat bound. Mostly just because of how important Vizk'tul are to their way of life and survival. Character Name:Ka'Akaix'Zeevh K'lax Please provide a short backstory for this character In my head, it makes sense if the Mi'kuetz set for the wastelands in 2460-2462 so i had them born in 2460 Zeevh hatched in 2460 on Moghes, as part of a community of queenless K'lax Vaurca. They emerged into a community of Vaurca that had recently come together in desperation after being sent to Moghes due to their value to the hive diminishing. This community was self governing and reliant on eachother, being met with hostility by Unathi while also being unwanted by the hive. Zeevh joined this community during a pivotal point in their history, after the discovery that they could withstand the harsh conditions of the Wastelands, they decided to set forth into a new lifestyle of nomadic scavenging. This group named themselves the Mi'kuetz, and began to make a new life for themselves, mostly separate from the larger K'lax hive. Zeevh was a part of this change, made for salvage work they immediately became part of the Mi'kuetz group. They travelled with the Vizk'tul, searching for sites to salvage in order to support the Mi'kuetz. It is this lifestyle that Zeevh knows, living together with their band and supporting eachother. As time passed, Zeevh took part in more and more jobs offered by the Hegemony. They wished to do whatever they could to support the Mi'kuetz band, and these jobs were lucrative. Eventually, a new opportunity would arise for Zeevh. As Hephaestus gained more and more control over Moghes, Hephaestus Industries was in turn looking for more and more cheap labour from the planet. They came to the Mi'kuetz looking for Vaurca to join the large number of employees they obtain from Moghes. Zeevh took this opportunity to make money and support their band. After being hired, Hephaestus sent them to the SCCV Horizon to work as a shaft miner, considered to be a dangerous and replaceable occupation. Zeevh will have to adapt to life on the Horizon, interacting with other species and lifestyles. Being away from the Mi'kuetz will be difficult for Zeevh, as they have been reliant on their band throughout their life. Despite this, they take on this new task with enthusiasm and excitement. Zeevh's worldview is very different from the traditional Vaurca. Being from the Mi'kuetz band, they view others in the group, even Ta, more like family. They all rely on eachother to survive, and Zeevh takes this mindset with them to the Horizon. They also had an entirely different upbringing compared to most Vaurca. Vaurca learn in VR long before actually experiencing the real world, making them perfect workers from the start. the Mi'kuetz however, do not practice this. Although having positive relations with the K'lax hive means their VR access is much greater then most queenless groups, the environment they live in means longterm periods in VR is impossible. Instead, Zeevh learned similar to how non-Vaurca species learn things. They were taught, following their mentor Ka during salvage jobs and learning from them. This makes their understanding of their work different from most Vaurca. While a traditional Vaurca is connected to their work from birth, it is simply what they do and what they always have done since hatching. Zeevh sees their work as a way of not only survival, but bonding and growing. They attribute their work to not only connecting to the reason they were made, but the mentors and journey they experienced. As well, part of being disconnected from the K'lax hive proper is that Zeevh does not rely on VR like other Vaurca do. There was little time to get lost in VR when trying to survive in the wastes, instead most playing and interacting with Zeevh's band was done outside of VR. While they would still use VR and the Hivenet for communication, using it for entertainment is still a luxury. Another part of being queenless in the wastelands is that Zeevh values their Ta particularly, the K'lax queens are worthy of respect, yes, but in the end Zeevh's Ta is more important then the far away queens. Like the rest of the Mi'kuetz band, Zeevh is positive and cheery in life. They treat those they meet with comrodary and respect and view friends like family. They do however, fear wastelander Unathi, due to how they view the Mi'kuetz. They are a follower of the classical pantheon technically, but it is more of a respect for the queens ability to propagate life. Zeevh does not feel a connection to any of the modern queens, viewing it more as respect for queens in general. In the end though, they prioritise their work and companionship over their faith. In the end, it is an inescapable fact that Zeevh has lived life differently from most Vaurca, though they don't see this as a negative thing at all. They may have lived in one of the harshest environments one could imagine, but for them its home. Being away from the Mi'kuetz and the wastes may be difficult for Zeevh, but they will surly find comfort in their new work and friends. What do you like about this character? I really love the lore and story behind the Mi'kuetz band of Vaurca and would love to RP a character from it. As well, I wanted to try character building for a faction that is not as covered as some others. Something about it just seemed sick haha, if that wording is not to informal:) I really dont make characters lightly and currently only play one, so having a second would be nice as well. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I really hope it is okay, Ive been learning and getting better as i continue playing on Aurora. I am able to get invested in the RP and find it easy to connect with my character during interactions. Notes: I hope everything is looking good:D im sorry if there are some grammar mistakes, i think my English is pretty good but maybe theres some mistakes so sorry if thats true. Hopefully im not missing anything either lol I hope youre having a great day and i truly thank you so much for taking the time to read all this! Looking vhorwardz to joining the vhoron muncherzz
  5. BYOND Key: GeKo124 Character Names: Lydia Lantz Species you are applying to play: Tajara What colour do you plan on making your first alien character: Wheat (RGB 205,286,150 / Hex #cdba96) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I have many times while learning as much as I can about Tajaran lore both out of pure interest and for reviewing what I say here. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I specifically love the history behind Tajara and how negatively impacting contact with a more technologically advanced species was for their society. I specifically became interested in the New Kingdom of Adhomai, because I personally love the monarchist themeing of the faction. After entering a trance where I scrapped all the information about the NKA I could find on the wikki I wanted to try and create a hyper-royalist Tajaran. The social structure and culture of the NKA really speaks to me. I also like how RP can come up as a result of the history between each Tajaran faction and how completely different each of their respective ideologies are. As I have witnessed this be used as fuel for RP between Tajarans on Aurora I believe it is something I can also participate in using the knowledge I've gained from the wikki. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The revolutions that ravaged Adhomai have inflicted deep wounds into all Tajara. Every Tajara, on Adhomai or not have been impacted by the conflicts. Even after the Armistace of Shastar, the cold war, and more recently possible nuclear war, looms over the people of Adhomai. This is the environment Tajarans aboard the Horizon come from, and it effects their interactions with between both eachother and non-Tajara. Each of the Tajaran factions are constantly on edge, preparing for possible war between eachother. This is reflected down to individual Tajara, where resentment, distrust and blame breeds between them. You can put a lot of RP into simple workplace interactions as a Tajara using this history. Of course humans have disagreements between eachother, but they are not as culturally defining and socially changing as the revolutions on Adhomai were for Tajaran society. As well, of course the simple biological differences such as sleep schedule, pronoun use and differing anatomy can be sprinkled into RP for extra flavour. Particularly, in the NKA, royalism and monarchy seep into every aspect of culture which I intend to use in my character. Character Name: Dynhquarra Ahkdrrazi Please provide a short backstory for this character Dynhquarra is a M'sai Tajara who comes from a extremely royalist family of soldiers. They are from Northern Harr'masir and have always been loyal to the house of Azunja. They fought against the peasantry in the first revolution and were devastated when the nobility were sentenced to execution. Her father was born soon after this event, and grew up being taught about the glorious rulers of the Kingdom of Kaltir and how the PRA were set on destroying all things that make Tajara society great. Her mother was born only a little bit after this, being witness to the same ideological teachings. Dynhquarra's grandparents and parents were deeply involved with the royalist cell in Dymtris, and never waiverd away from their belief in opposing the PRA. It was this setting, in 2446, that Dynhquarra was born. She was 4 years old when the New Kingdom of Adhomai officially declared war against the PRA, and her father went to fight as a pilot in the war. Her mother stayed home to take care of her, and taught her about everything that the PRA has stolen from them. She was galvanised by the stories of the Kingdom her people were fighting to bring back. This had a deep impact on Dynhquarra's personality and life. She is a full believer of royalism and is loyal to the New Kingdom to her very core, she believes the other factions on Adhomai only seek to destroy Tajaran society. Growing up so close to the conflict, the Dymtris Line, and the engineering university she was inspired to try and become a engineer when she was older. The Line and other defence structures were what allowed the Kingdom to stand a fighting chance against their oppressors. They were the pride of Dymtris and Dynhquarra wanted to help maintaining and expand these systems to further enforce the NKA's freedom and pride. Many of Dynhquarra's older siblings joined the Alam'ardii, as infantry and artillery and were stationed at the Line. Even though Dynhquarra never fought as a soldier, she still worked with her mother to help make rations for the local effort. As time passed, they began to hear news of their siblings death during the destruction of the Line in 2458. This had a profound impact on Dynhquarra, blaming the cruel, misguided and oppressive Peoples Republic for their death. She began to worry for her father, dreading that a day might come where they are told about his death. Her father was stationed far from their home on an aircraft carrier, and every day they would listen to their community radio to hear if any ships had been wrecked recently. Minharrzka would smile upon her family, and her father would return safely home from the waters. Shortly after his return, the Armistice was signed and the war would come to an end. The aftermath of the conflict on her community and family were immeasurable, many were left in poverty and without families. She was lucky, even though she suffered greatly her family was able to stay afloat using the money her grandparents left them. She stayed steadfast in her belief in the monarchy and believed they would be able to fix this. Upon the accession of Queen Shumalia Azunja, Dynhquarra was a full supporter of the queen. She looked to her as an inspiration, a strong female leader of the NKA was just what they needed to rebuild their kingdom. Dynhquarra would begin to idolise the queen, seeing her as a figure to look up too and imitate. After the war was over, and after her family has organised their finances she planned to attend the Dymtris Polytechnic College at the age of 18. Her first year was extremely formative for Dynhquarra, growing up surrounded by the war she was not good at meeting new people. She found it difficult to communicate with her classmates and professors. A large part of this was her having to get past her peers political stances. Most of the new people she met were very politically active and supported populist royalism. Dynhquarra heavily disagreed with this, as her political stance stands as a traditional royalist with a little bit of absolute royalism added. The queen should be given slightly more power, but it is the noble cast as a whole who are the rightful leaders of the Tajara. Despite all of this, she chooses not to speak her political beliefs as it is not her role as a M'sai to participate in politics. It is the job of the nobility to govern the kingdom, and she will stay away from their position. However, she would end up bonding with three other students in one of her practicals over her love of the Crown Voices. Dynhquarra loves the group, and is obsessed with knowing everything about their friendship. She is inspired by each member of the group and sees them as a sign of art and prosperity returning to the kingdom after the war. Meeting and making new friends was an extremely positive moment for Dynhquarra, and barley being able to talk with them or her family on the horizon due to the state of extranet in the NKA will be devastating for her. Throughout the past few years, the Adhomian cold war has loomed over the Kingdom. Dynhquarra is well aware of this, and as tensions rose she began to fear what would happen next for the Kingdom. She never spoke of these thoughts to anyone, but she was worried the Kingdoms technological disadvantage would put them in jeopardy if a war broke out. She fears nuclear destruction of Adhomai, and that the PRA and DPRA are leading down a dark future by continuing to reinforce mutually assured destruction of eachother. All if this said, however, she believes that due to foreign companies involvement in the New Kingdom, in time they will be on par with the technology of the other factions on Adhomai. Combined with the spirit and bravery of the people of the NKA, they will be able to defend themselves if it is needed. On the nature of megacorporations, Dynhquarra is a full supporter of allowing business with them, but only if they are second to the queens rule. The queen should have the right to keep corporations in check, and they must respect her word. All of this considered however, if those in power make a decision she disagrees with, she will not voice disappointment as it is not her right too. As a result of this, she has some difficulty understanding many of the alien factions that allow common people to have political influence. She does however, respect them and treats them more with curiosity, as they are not Tajaran and their society may function differently. The DPRA however, is Tajaran. She views the DPRA with confusion and disbelief that they would ever follow their fantasy ideology. Giving political power to the commoners is an affront to the Tajaran way of life, and they are misguided. The PRA's views on the cast system are downright unthinkable, to believe that it must be destroyed to better Tajaran society is an affront to all of Tajaran civilisation. Dynhquarra is not as extreme as some factions within the Kingdom are, but she still believes that the cast system is an important and needed aspect of society. The DPRA believes that the caste system will somehow go away given time, this is a fruitless goal. The caste system is a core part of Tajaran life, it changes alongside them and should never be enforced by law, but it will never go away. To deny this is to deny themselves Tajaran, and makes them fools. As well, she believes the DPRA to be behind the unrest and terrorist organisations that threaten to take up arms against the crown. The NKA opening their doors to the large corporations found around the spur has given many students the opportunity to study abroad and learn in a real working environment. Dynhquarra saw this and immediately wanted to sign up for the program during her second year of university. This both a way to earn extra money and see more of the spur, which is likely something she would never get to experience again. With support from her parents she began to study extremely hard for her final exams in an attempt to get her grades as high as possible by the end of first year. With some prayers to Kraszar and support from her friends, she finished the year on a high note. She was later informed that she was accepted into the program and would be granted an intern position as an Hephaestus Industries Engineering Apprentice. What do you like about this character? As I have mentioned, I love the monarchist themes of the NKA. Dynhquarra was created from my interest in the setting and culture of the Kingdom and I really think I will be able to channel this passion into RP. I really got invested when reading the lore for Tajara and I hope to be able to incorporate everything I found fascinating into my characters story and RP. The idea of a super loyal and extreme royalist just sounds fun to me haha. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I am relativity new to HRP space station, I just got into Aurora after coming back to ss13 after having a mac for awhile, but I have done roleplay quite a bit throughout my life. That said, I really hope to improve over time and I do think this character can help me by giving a new perspective to RP through. Notes: I know I'm pretty new (and my forum account was made like minutes ago lol), but I hope I managed to create a good application. If there is anything wrong, or something that should be added please say so:) I'm always looking to improve so every little tip or suggest helps. Thank you for taking the time to read all of this, I hope you're having a wonderful day and yeah! fingers crossed I haven't royally screwed up and embarrassed myself. ---(Also advice on the name would be appreciated, im not sure if its good or not)
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