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  1. BYOND Key: Our Lord Spungus Total Ban Length: Perma Banning staff member's Key: readthisnameplz Reason of Ban: Reason for Appeal: Somebody said the person who made the complaint against me that got me banned in the first place was banned for bad conduct. Some of the accusations levied against me were "character stalking" accusations, which are frankly not true. There was never any metagrudging in this situation. In addition, the OOC issues were heavily overstated. There were times when I got heated, sure, but to no greater degree than anybody else.
  2. I don't see how you got metagrudging or targeting from that, but, if you insist. I opted to apologize multiple times and try to explain my side of things, as well as outlining the way I was going to remedy the problem, but, yes, I clearly hate this random internet person and I hate all Dominian players.
  3. You're veering off from actual issues that exist and can be addressed and steering into making absurd speculations about someone you don't know. I was willing to accept that I was in the wrong before, I was trying to be calm and civil and admit that maybe it was weird, but now I'm going to be blunt. Neither you nor anybody else on this server is important enough for me to consider actively stalking them, nor is anybody else on the planet for that matter. At most, it was a subconscious inclination - I'm 90% sure it's a series of coincidences. As I have already made clear: Yes, I have involved Cordia in gimmicks too much. No, I am not the driving factor behind a majority of the gimmicks involving Cordia. If you want to call it stalking, call it stalking. You're reading far too deeply into it. I'm willing to accept that I was being a moron, but accusing me of stalking is a bridge too far.
  4. Again, I'm not intentionally trying to include Cordia in arcs (most of the time, this specific incident included - I don't think I've actually encouraged any "let's gang up on Cordia" gimmicks in AOOC, and I'm not a loud antag player, so every loud gimmick involving Cordia has most likely been someone else's choice. The logs may prove me wrong here but I'm pretty sure if they do it was one or two situations). As for meta communications, I'm standing by that, because I find it to be extremely silly that everyone's go-to when an established Dominian character doesn't like what a newer Dominian character is doing is to immediately get in the discord and tell on them. I already said the solution to that is to just stop playing characters who have any involvement in Dominia, which I'm doing. I still don't like it and I don't think it provides any sort of RP beyond "kill off a character because they're inconvenient", but we've already been through this. I get the message. When I do stupid shit like this I only really need to be told sternly once, and usually I'll stop. This is a fault with me, I'm aware, I'm bad at gauging when people are gleaning enjoyment and when people are getting stressed or frustrated - what you perceived as demanding resolution was what I perceived as a request- your perception is objectively more correct than mine, so I have no problems accepting it. My wording sucked and the pattern exists, but, genuinely, it's a failing on my end that happens to be the product of repeated attempts to do literally anything with Dominia as a setting. I don't want to shift the blame to you, but, Cordia is one of the few consistently-active Dominian characters with actionable exploitables. She's also a member of Command. It's inevitable that she's going to get swept up in antaggery. The vast majority of the time if I'm involving you, it's either because you've involved yourself inadvertently (e.g. with a majority of Eloise's gimmicks, specifically those involving Sandford or those where there's already been brigging involved) or I have entirely run dry of creative ideas and have jumped on the bandwagon. I have no right to make this suggestion, but, consider playing a less high-profile character if you don't want to be a high-profile target. Yes, I have an over-reliance on psionics, it's a unique mechanic that has multiple uses, and I use them mainly in an attempt to perfect a single gimmick I have in mind rather than trying to branch out and do different things. I've been, slowly, attempting to change this, either by completely changing the type of character I'm using, playing offship roles, or otherwise doing an entirely different sort of gimmick. Call it dedication if you want, in reality it's more of a crippling lack of being able to take hints and a need for clear-cut instructions to stop doing things. Despite having tried to pick up on these cues, I cannot figure out when somebody is playing a character as being distressed or is actually distressed. I suck at reading people over the internet. I will make this fuck-up constantly (as you've seen) if it isn't nipped in the bud.
  5. I can attest to the fact that it's been several rounds, over, like, the course of a couple months or so. Honestly, it's my fault and I need to get my shit together and either stop playing antag or get better gimmicks and/or play completely different characters that have zero reason to interact with Cordia or Dominia as a whole.
  6. To add to the previous post, it wasn't that they went off their medication, it was that their prescription is not a long-term "this will solve it" sort of thing, and more of a patch-the-hole-until-something-better-can-happen solution. They didn't go off of their medication, they ran out and the pharmacist refused to make more. And yeah, my gimmicks need work. I've branched out, though, sort of. More prevalently, though: I do apologize if I've made you uncomfortable, I'm woefully dogshit at gauging people's level of comfort and often get excited about things that other people want no part in.
  7. In defense of Chiora's existence, a most of the gimmicks I played out were supposed to involve literally any Dominians, but usually (through no fault of my own more often than not - I roll antag a lot but most of the shit involving Cordia recently with antags has been unrelated to me or I've just sort of hopped on the bandwagon) it came back to Cordia. So I stopped playing Chiora because it was getting insane. I try to keep Eloise out of people's business, and kept doing psionics stuff in an effort to refine a gimmick that never quite went how I wanted it to go. That's my fault. The recent Fisanduhian thing was, once again, not intended to cycle back to Cordia. The character took personal offense to some Solarian machinist claiming they were trying to steal a gift (when they just wanted to participate). Started off as generic "Hey, fuck off, man, you didn't see it and you weren't listening" and ended with Marielle coming into the bar's private room and basically telling said fisanduhian that he was going to get deported and probably tortured. Said fisanduhian had the stream of his sister being tortured, unsolicited, by Tribunalists, sent directly to him, and, basically, lost his fucking mind over it. He was treated for it, but due to how recent it was (within months of him going abroad) the wound is still fresh. The pharmacist also refused to make more of his medication due to being at the party, which exacerbated the paranoia. Yeah, maybe PTSD is a little light for a diagnosis, probably it should be something more like schizophrenia (I'm not a psychologist and I don't really want to become an armchair one so I can write a character). Regardless, the bit wasn't necessarily meant to go to Cordia, but considering she was the only other Caladius there and one of the only people to actually interact with the Fisanduhian in question, it wound up turning that way anyway. I recognize that it seems really fucking weird, and, yeah, it kind of is really fucking weird, but I don't mean any harassment by it, and really only wanted to solve the previous round's conflict by doing literally anything but the "OOOOOH I'M GONNA TELL BASSETT" garbage that I've seen be the 'resolution' to any canon Dominia stuff I've seen recently, because, at least from my perspective, it's metacomm-y and does not actually lead to any roleplay other than "haha get blackbagged".
  8. It was an exigent circumstance, really- I don't think even in megacorp dystopia 2465 anyone could really be innoculated against facing down a terrorist who was an accessory to killing a valued acquaintance. It's not normal Eloise behavior.
  9. I didn't search the brig for tools, mainly because I had been watching you over the cameras the whole time and had searched you prior to your incarceration. Integrated combitools are actually selectable from the loadout screen as a non-antag, so it isn't far-fetched that a warden would have experience with personnel using them to escape confinement. I actually thought the implant was a freedom implant (as in, break-out-of-cuffs, not a combitool) which partially influenced my extended cuff-holding. As for acting unprofessionally, a character who Eloise considered to be fairly close (not quite a friend, but at least someone she would be sad to lose) was killed by the raiders, Robin was being overly smug and demanding, and required medical for an injury she caused to herself. Most people, security or not, in a realistic situation, would be extremely fucking frustrated to be forced to watch an accessory to the murder of an individual like this, and have them whine for medical over an injury they caused themselves while trying to escape. On top of this, Eloise worked most of her life to obtain the Strelitz surname, and being called by her first name by someone she considers a terrorist murderer would be more than enough provocation to be a little rough. As for the shotgun, that was an accident. I could probably have handled the containment better, yeah, that was my bad. And, no, I didn't call for medical because I was poked by admins. I don't have the log, but the admin in question contacted me just after I called for medical to speed up. When I said "take your time" I didn't think they'd take ten whole minutes of time. TL;DR: I shouldn't have grabbed you for 10+ minutes, but I don't think metagaming applies, nor the IC warden duty failing. OOC, yeah, my bad.
  10. BYOND Key: Our Lord Spungus Character Names: Currently, Eloise Strelitz, Chiora Kvaratskhelia, A Fleeting Memory of Dim Carcosa, Dreams of Steel and Oil Species you are applying to play: Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character: #550000 Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Why do you wish to play this specific race: Ultimately I want to play a Ta when I eventually get a command whitelist, but until then I will suffice with playing either very socially inept Unbound vaurcae or particularly 'smart' Bound vaurcae (think Ogryn Bone'ead intelligence, being able to maybe count their fingers on a good day) Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Lobotomization, for one thing. The other thing would be a lack of knowledge of social norms. There's also the biological differences between humans and Vaurcae, and I've always found insectoid aliens to be more interesting than other, more 'basic' alien types. Amphibians and lizards are great, but bugs are neat. Character Name: Ra'Viax'Torr Zo'ra Please provide a short backstory for this character: A young, Bound Bulwark, Torr's story is fairly short. Originally created to maintain structures in Luthien, Torr was repurposed by Queen Xakt's orders and shipped to the Horizon. On the Horizon, Torr works in Engineering under a contract with Zavodskoi Interstellar. It struggles with complex tasks due to its original purpose of patching holes and breaking down old walls, but is quite adept at building and smashing structures. What do you like about this character? I like the idea of a huge, not-particularly-smart biological excavator being used to patch hull breaches without the danger of pressure or radiation. Torr can be used for a myriad of purposes, and, considering its Bound status, has little reason to protest unless asked to do something like set up propulsion. How would you rate your role-playing ability? iunno, 4
  11. I'm not a loremaster, but I AM a moron who gets confused over simple things and doesn't like things how they are. I would make the argument that they are, because the concept is featured kind of prominently in the lore pages for it (specifically the idea that, though stratified, the Dominian social structure can be navigated with hard work and/or networking).
  12. See, but the thing with Dregs and Suits is the overwhelming presence of slang for each. Reinstated dreg can be remedied by having a dreg use suit slang in conversation. Morozi doesn't have any of these conventions, thus making the gap between Vulgar and High Morozi, effectively, unbridgeable except for flavor text
  13. Secondaries that become primaries, according to this character complaint that was just answered a few hours ago, are intended to use Vulgar Morozi, and, by extension, the origin of their birth.
  14. The accent, like HMR, is for members of nobility- however this accent would be for those who were relatively-recently elevated into the nobility. To visualize, High Morozi would be used for people who were either born into nobility or were otherwise raised in nobility. Elevated Morozi would be used for people who were elevated into nobility past a certain age, most likely 14 or 16. TL;DR If you were nobility as a child you speak HMR; if you became a noble as an adult you speak EMR. Edit: 2 hours later I realize this didn't address your concerns at all, but, in essence, this is High Morozi Lite - Secondaries that are loyal to the empire and considered part of nobility would take it, and would have the same, if not more expectations as their born-primary counterparts.
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