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NanoTrasen Official (29/37)
Sphere dragged me out of the e-retirement home to say hello and give the usual 'back in my day' speech My condolences about your father, I hope you're as good as can be considering the circumstances. It's odd but good to see something Sphere, Tool, Subdigital and I started over a decade ago still going, past the point of me handing hosting over to Sphere at the end of 2013! I hope it's still in capable hands and gives people a good time! I'll dig out Aurora's original barebones mission statement so you can all see how far the server's come, while I'm here. I hope everyone is having a good time!
https://github.com/tgstation/TerraGov-Marine-Corps/pull/4993 Makes you think huh, these sprites are from Ocelot
Was pointed towards this by someone. Some of these are stolen and recoloured sprites from Bimmer and others over at TGMC.
You’re about a week out, but it’s a good guess.
BYOND Key: Chaznoodles Staff BYOND Key: Alberyk Game ID: N/A Reason for complaint: Banned for 'metagrudge', no evidence presented, removed from Discord, previous confirmation of bias, locking a thread without conclusion. Evidence/logs/etc: https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&p=73253#p73253 Additional remarks: Metagrudge: I was banned from the server for metagrudge. Having asked both over the Discord before I was removed and on the aforementioned thread for evidence of said metagrudge, I was completely ignored, with said staff member instead locking the thread without conclusion. This is pretty telling, really. No metagrudge has taken place, as neither myself nor the other player have been in contact for a long time, with there also being no stated metagrudge on my notes. Alberyk has repeatedly tried to pin things on me that do not apply via adminPMs in server before, including, recently, one sentence that had absolutely no bearing nor impact on the round as "metagaming". This highlights a bias against me from Alberyk, with punishment for nothing happening on any excuse he can reason. Removal from Discord: As can be seen in the aforementioned thread, a certain player went on a verbal tirade against me, including personal attacks. This player got off without any punishment, whereas I was removed. This further shows Alberyk's bias towards myself, where one player gets punished for 'taunting' when I was genuinely curious about the situation the player was mentioning, whilst the aggressive player gets away with murder. Previous Confirmation of Bias: Many a month ago in Discord, Alberyk admitted to having a grudge and bias against me. I brought this up at the time, and have brought it up numerous times since, but have been ignored by staff. Locking Thread Without Conclusion: This related back to the removal from Discord, which the thread in question was about. The player, again, got off scot-free, whereas I received punishment. The player in question has exhibited repeated occurences of behaviour of this fashion, which can be seen through their notes as well as asking players who have been in contact with them. As well as this, I've been told and have experienced in the past one of Alberyk's characters, an Unathi, and one of the aforementioned player's characters, a Tajaran, frequently buddying up in numerous rounds to the detriment of others. This included an occasion where Alberyk's character slaughtered the majority of Medbay staff when the aforementioned player's character received a DNC order. All of my interactions with Alberyk have been of a negative nature. I have frequently asked for another staff member or avoided him completely if can, due to his tendency to target me. This has included both IC and Discord. If you need anything expanded on or clarified, I'm more than happy to comply.
Waiting for any staff member to provide evidence of metagrudge, and to explain why favouritism is happening here, in which a player is getting away with the evidence posted in the original post, as well as their attitude here.
Those were posted to provide evidence that this sort of behaviour is not an isolated occurence, contrary to what people believe. There's numerous other incidents that have not had reports made that also mirror this behaviour. Then your opinion is bloody silly, now that I've provided context. You're acting like I'm doing this out of childishness. I'm doing this to prove a point: The player in question gets away with everything they do. Also still waiting for any staff member to provide any evidence of metagrudge.
http://iob.imgur.com/uYGg/DSwTuDo2Uy You attempted to antagonize me with this comment after I told you all to move to trash. Look at what it says for a moment. If you took that seriously, you need to reevaluate how you view things on the internet. Huge difference between an entirely comical insult - bimblesnub - and calling someone an insufferable cunt, both in different tones. You'll need to explain what mob mentality you mean. The one where we all had a good chuckle renaming ourselves? Or the one where people viewed what sue said as downright wrong, having had past experiences with sue of the same nature? >Intelligent >ss13 pick one
Still no clue what you're talking about, I have absolutely no metagrudge towards you, nor did I attack you. As a related note, here's all the complaints against sue from the past, which all reflect the current IC and OOC behaviour, and that it has not changed at all: http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=5317&hilit=complaint+suethecake http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=5155&hilit=complaint+suethecake http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2046&hilit=complaint+suethecake http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2043&p=19530&hilit=complaint+suethecake#p19530 If you're too lazy to, I'm more than happy to collate opinions from players about their interactions with sue, and how they're in keeping with this trend.
What impact did this have on the round, as per the rule? Off-duty chatter happens, why were you pushing this so hard when it was a non-issue and was not discussed IC beyond that point? Okay, three OOC incidents, from over one year ago, the first two of which are the same incident. Tell me how OOC is IC metagrudge, please, as well as how this is relevant a year and five months later with no other interaction. That last one's just hilarious, someone was too soft-skinned to deal with something so cried and has absolutely nothing to do with this issue. As I have made abundantly clear with every single interaction I have ever had with you, I do not wish to talk to you over issues. I asked for another staff member in previous cases because you have openly admitted to being biased against me in the Discord. I had hopped on to get the metagame rule, nothing more. Feel free to look through sue's notes and suchlike, as well as the complaints on the forum, as well as the complaints about them on Reddit, as well as ask players of their opinion of them. I'm still waiting for evidence of metagrudge. Didn't involve me, I wasn't banned, irrelevant. I took no part in what happened. Check your facts before you make accusations. If you look at the round, I was heavily antagonistic to everyone in security, which I believe they can all testify to, due to you all interrupting a religious ceremony to beat the person down, as well as you all being compromised and trying to kill the Hos. I have absolutely no grudge towards you, I acted as the character would act towards any snowflake cat insulting people on open comms and threatening to harm people. Classic. If I insult someone and display this unredeeming attitude, will I get away with it, or is it just favouritism at work? As a note, both myself, Tool, Lasomaes and others have been removed from the Discord for expressing our opinions to each other without insulting or involving anyone who didn't want to be involved, by Alberyk.
As a note, I logged into the server a short while ago to retrieve the metagrudge rule for that post. When I logged in, I instantly got PM'd by Alberyk, who stated "We need to talk". Due to the bias he's displayed, I was unwilling to talk to him, so stated so, retrieved the rule, and left. I attempted to log in there, and received: I'd like to see evidence of harassment and metagrudge being presented here, by a staff member I'm willing to communicate with in a reasonable manner, as well as said metagrudge being weighed against sue's previous actions over the course of Aurora.
I don't see how saying 'I'm making a report' is anywhere near the level of the very first screenshot I posted. It was not said to antagonise, but to state what I was doing. You neglect to mention the fact that this player has been around for a long time, and has at no point made any effort to change either their IC or OOC approach to issues, resorting to killing players for calling their self-insert a cat, using lethal force without needs, sperging out in OOC, and other issues besides. If you have a trawl through the ban requests and complaints, I'm sure you'll find numerous issues that back this statement up. At no time did I bait her, I stated I was going to make a report, which I have. You proceeded to try and strike me, to which I responded, asking why you were trying to strike me and not the person who had an autistic outburst in public. You have, in fact, admitted to bias, previously in discord as I believe. I'm going to state right here. As my character, I stated something along the lines of Aren't you prone to killing people for calling you a cat?. You proceeded to PM me and accuse me of metagrudge, when the ruling of metagrudge on server clearly states: No metagaming. This could mean using any knowledge external to your character (knowledge of antag types/items as a non-traitor, or knowledge of who is the traitor from OOC information) to give yourself an unfair advantage. At no time did this one single sentence, which was not acted upon or ever brought up again from either party, give me an unfair advantage of any sort. You pushed a note on me about metagaming when nothing of the sort took place. I see nothing in here about any harassment I have ever caused to sue, where are you pulling that from? You fully understand someone sperging out and personally insulting someone, when it's wholly against the rules to make personal attacks?
BYOND Key: Chaznoodles Accused Players Byond Key: suethecake Time of Act: 4:25 GMT approx. Reason for Ban: Actions in Discord that continue a trend from long before where they would deliberately insult and target me, showing a huge grudge, being extremely aggressive. These issues happened before and they got away with them then, and I'm not keen on them getting away with it now. I'm more than certain these actions will continue on into the server itself as they have before, with her attacking people for calling her character a cat and the like, as well as using lethal force when it's not needed. On a note here, Alberyk, who has previously admitted to having a bias against me, attempted to warn me in Discord for replying to what sue said with no aggression in my tone whatsoever, whereas sue got no such treatment for the below logs. Evidence:
Delayed until tomorrow, spent today filming and I'm super sleepy.
[Resolved] Staff Complaint: Juani2400
Chaznoodles replied to EvilBrage's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
'Don't be a dick' rule is a leftover from early days, when I trusted my staff in their judgement, and the players in their ability to know when they were being dicks, or when staff were misinterpreting it. Now, I wouldn't trust either side with that judgement.