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Everything posted by Death82341

  1. BYOND Key: Same as the name Total Ban Length: Until appeal Banning staff member's Key: MattAtlas Reason of Ban: Ban evesion and me having two accounts Reason for Appeal: This is a mistake, the other accout Death82342 is banned because I gave my account up after the initial ban of evasion, Please do note that that account has not played on the server it self after the ban I only got on the account to give it up to the admin team so it didint look like i was trying to ban evade, Mattatlas even gave the ban because I gave up the account so he should probly know (We talked about pizza vefore the ban). But he is only human after all and we make mistakes, I do not wish to be banned any more becasue I have learned my lesson, so please rectiffy this mistake by the evasionban system please. Thank you very much
  2. BYOND Key: Same as the name Total Ban Length: Until appeal Banning staff member's Key: Melariara Reason of Ban: Left the round in an attempt to avoid punishment from a security officer then lied in a ticket when they returned. Claimed to be 2 different people Playing on the smae account. when you can manage to create your own accounts, and you've read the rules, you can return. Ban was palced on 2024-03-04 Reason for Appeal: It has been long enought I've also reported my second account on a diffirent computer (the account was Death82342 one number apart form my original account). Alberyk can vouch for me. so you said: "I don't think someone who constantly lies to staff members is someone I would like to see playing on the server.". I was only lying that one time, the other times I have tried to be truthfull, and fair. But I will I agree that I tried to escape punishment. But permenantly baning a person that made a lie that one time i sunfair and unjust. So I am asking for a second chance, not to perminantly unban me but a temprary unban. So that you can see how I act back on the server. From there you can decide if I am a good or bad fit for the server. The temporary unban time is your choosing but until I am given evidence that I am a not a good fit for the server I shall persue this temporary unban. Forgive me.mp4
  3. BYOND Key: The same as my BYOND name Total Ban Length: Permanant Banning staff member's Key: Malariara Reason of Ban: Tried to escape security punishment, then relogged as another crew member and lied about stuff that I dont remember. Reason for Appeal: I have bited my time and I believe the sentence is enought for me to learn my lesson. (And not to do it agian because, god so boring)
  4. I wont be able to reply for a bit due to me needing to do some work. An hour or two.
  5. Well to be frank, I was kinda lying there. I had to go to work, some stuff happend at the office. Did it quick and easy. Came back. And I thought I should make a new character and blah blah.
  6. Neigbhours. So, no.
  7. I wont be able to reply for a while. Just write the rest rest of the questions and I will reply, hopefully in the next 24 hours.
  8. Ah. This question. Yes, But I can remove the problem.
  9. BYOND Key: The same as my BYOND name Total Ban Length: Permanant Banning staff member's Key: Malariara Reason of Ban: Tried to escape security punishment, then relogged and lied. Reason for Appeal: I've filled all the cirteria for the unban. As stated by the staff member.
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