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About Aetherscald

  • Birthday 16/09/1995

Personal Information

  • Interests
    Vidya, movies, boxing, culture, food, cards, and music are generalized interests of mine. I love Scorcese-type films, I favor heavyweight matches, etc. Honestly just ask me to tell you the specifics and I will.
  • Occupation
    Culinary Specialist for the U.S Navy
  • Location
    Orlando, Florida

Aetherscald's Achievements


Chef (10/37)

  1. Major props to Jaden Halliwell and Ahren Hawkins for looking out for my wheelchair guy when he was in trouble. Also the CMO of that round for the same reason.
  2. Major props to Jaden Halliwell and Ahren Hawkins for looking out for my wheelchair guy when he was in trouble. Also the CMO of that round for the same reason.
  3. I'll keep it simple. You can list a faction you work for as competing industries such as Hephaestus Industries (which is misspelled a lot) or Zeng-hu Pharmaceuticals, but i'm not aware of any reason for why I can be helping these guys and Nanotrasen. I usually write that the employee is just part of a kind of "foreign exchange worker program" and go from there, but I always get paranoid that i'll get called out OOC for being some loyal Hephaestus Engineer that works on a NT station. So is it amiable to canonize that Nanotrasen establishes collaborative employee exchange contracts like some kind of fucked up interstellar corporate football draft? And if this is already a thing can I be directed to a sauce so I can learn myself up on it?
  4. I'll keep it simple. You can list a faction you work for as competing industries such as Hephaestus Industries (which is misspelled a lot) or Zeng-hu Pharmaceuticals, but i'm not aware of any reason for why I can be helping these guys and Nanotrasen. I usually write that the employee is just part of a kind of "foreign exchange worker program" and go from there, but I always get paranoid that i'll get called out OOC for being some loyal Hephaestus Engineer that works on a NT station. So is it amiable to canonize that Nanotrasen establishes collaborative employee exchange contracts like some kind of fucked up interstellar corporate football draft? And if this is already a thing can I be directed to a sauce so I can learn myself up on it?
  5. I'm dogshit with proper forum interface and don't really know how to quote and counter argue specific points, but each counter point I make is top to bottom and responds paragraph to paragraph for you Ghost. Don't be sorry at all, while I don't find it fun to argue about videogames, I understand that people have their own opinions and viewpoints regarding the mechanics and delivery of said games that differ from others, particularly games that have constantly changing mechanics like SS13. Regarding Nanotrasen's ideals, this excerpt I read from the Baystation12 wiki was interpreted by me as Nanotrasen being corrupt and vicious, etc, etc. "NanoTrasen is characterized by its aggression and questionable ethics, which, combined with the high emphasis they put on new, untested and dangerous technology, means their installations are often considered unsafe and hazardous. " As well as: "NanoTrasen was effective at patenting methods that lead to more cost effective coverage plans for business use, primarily through aggressive business tactics than personal research brilliance- Many minor bio/med research facilities ended up on the unpleasant end of Xavier Trasen's desire to make a name for himself and sharklike approach, and were bought out and taken apart for his company's capitalization. By the end of the decade, NanoTrasen became a trans-stellar entity. " This came off to me as a corporation that takes shortcuts regarding the health of its employees, but i'll relent my viewpoint seeing how it's really ambiguous when it comes to how shitty or good Nanotrasen actually is. Regarding civilian employees and their implied "dying all the time" that was really meant as rhetoric. I agree that they shouldn't be dying at every turn. The disposals thing is also rhetoric and was just used as an anecdote for actual workplace mishaps. I don't actually expect the disposals thing to come up that often, nor do I utilize them as a form of transport (except for that first and last time when I didn't know it'd kill me) Sorry to make you focus a large part of your words on that bit. I agree with the character committing point, though I would argue that a briefing mechanic be introduced to players who arrive late in the round. Things like "This shift has seen 4 deaths, and 2 breaches,etc." or a rule that allows a player to respawn with some intrinsic knowledge of what has occurred so far that might reach ears outside the station. But I also agree that it isn't feasible at all times, so i'll just drop this part of the argument altogether. Chaplain was the wrong anecdotal device for this example. I should've said botanist or librarian or literally anyone else who doesn't serve a situationally important role. This suggestion is not that because I have no interest in actual permadeath. As I stated in my other post, cloning is a mechanic I wholeheartedly support and believe is integral to the game, I would simply like to see realistic restrictions in place for it.
  6. I'm dogshit with proper forum interface and don't really know how to quote and counter argue specific points, but each counter point I make is top to bottom and responds paragraph to paragraph for you Ghost. Don't be sorry at all, while I don't find it fun to argue about videogames, I understand that people have their own opinions and viewpoints regarding the mechanics and delivery of said games that differ from others, particularly games that have constantly changing mechanics like SS13. Regarding Nanotrasen's ideals, this excerpt I read from the Baystation12 wiki was interpreted by me as Nanotrasen being corrupt and vicious, etc, etc. "NanoTrasen is characterized by its aggression and questionable ethics, which, combined with the high emphasis they put on new, untested and dangerous technology, means their installations are often considered unsafe and hazardous. " As well as: "NanoTrasen was effective at patenting methods that lead to more cost effective coverage plans for business use, primarily through aggressive business tactics than personal research brilliance- Many minor bio/med research facilities ended up on the unpleasant end of Xavier Trasen's desire to make a name for himself and sharklike approach, and were bought out and taken apart for his company's capitalization. By the end of the decade, NanoTrasen became a trans-stellar entity. " This came off to me as a corporation that takes shortcuts regarding the health of its employees, but i'll relent my viewpoint seeing how it's really ambiguous when it comes to how shitty or good Nanotrasen actually is. Regarding civilian employees and their implied "dying all the time" that was really meant as rhetoric. I agree that they shouldn't be dying at every turn. The disposals thing is also rhetoric and was just used as an anecdote for actual workplace mishaps. I don't actually expect the disposals thing to come up that often, nor do I utilize them as a form of transport (except for that first and last time when I didn't know it'd kill me) Sorry to make you focus a large part of your words on that bit. I agree with the character committing point, though I would argue that a briefing mechanic be introduced to players who arrive late in the round. Things like "This shift has seen 4 deaths, and 2 breaches,etc." or a rule that allows a player to respawn with some intrinsic knowledge of what has occurred so far that might reach ears outside the station. But I also agree that it isn't feasible at all times, so i'll just drop this part of the argument altogether. Chaplain was the wrong anecdotal device for this example. I should've said botanist or librarian or literally anyone else who doesn't serve a situationally important role. This suggestion is not that because I have no interest in actual permadeath. As I stated in my other post, cloning is a mechanic I wholeheartedly support and believe is integral to the game, I would simply like to see realistic restrictions in place for it.
  7. I wouldn't mind being an event planner. Granted I won't have access to a computer for a few months after September ends, I do plan on coming back once my real life obligations are settled. I have plenty of ideas for this sort of thing too. Just off the top of my head I think a "double station event" could be interesting. Where people who join are divided into the derelict station (modified to be 2/5 habitable to allow for players to have a staging point to expand upon the station) and people who go on the NSS Aurora as normal. From there both stations will have a goal such as "Destroy opposing station, infiltrate and take their data disk, etc." The advantage and disadvantage of either station could be that NSS Ruskie would be given mostly engineers, scientists, and sec officers once Aurora has at least two of each for themselves. It'd be complicated to pull off for sure but that's why we'd plan a month ahead for something like this. This would be a special monthly event that happens at the last Saturday of every month to ensure participants. From there we could organize weekly events to be done every Friday that we have handled and properly staffed such as nations or ayyliums. Or even prison with twists like prison cultists or malfunctioning prison AI. The possibilities are endless.
  8. I wouldn't mind being an event planner. Granted I won't have access to a computer for a few months after September ends, I do plan on coming back once my real life obligations are settled. I have plenty of ideas for this sort of thing too. Just off the top of my head I think a "double station event" could be interesting. Where people who join are divided into the derelict station (modified to be 2/5 habitable to allow for players to have a staging point to expand upon the station) and people who go on the NSS Aurora as normal. From there both stations will have a goal such as "Destroy opposing station, infiltrate and take their data disk, etc." The advantage and disadvantage of either station could be that NSS Ruskie would be given mostly engineers, scientists, and sec officers once Aurora has at least two of each for themselves. It'd be complicated to pull off for sure but that's why we'd plan a month ahead for something like this. This would be a special monthly event that happens at the last Saturday of every month to ensure participants. From there we could organize weekly events to be done every Friday that we have handled and properly staffed such as nations or ayyliums. Or even prison with twists like prison cultists or malfunctioning prison AI. The possibilities are endless.
  9. See, everyone is treating this like i'm saying "Let's get rid of cloning because muh realism and shitters ruin the game." I'm literally suggesting limiting who has access to cloning. A scientist would have access to cloning healthcare because they are IMPORTANT to Nanotrasen's goals. An engineer would have healthcare because their job is hazardous and needed to keep the platform, for which Nanotrasen's goals may continue to be explored, afloat. A Librarian is NOT important enough to be cloned because we all know why. This is a very simple idea i'm putting forth and it's being treated as straight up removal of a mechanic which I very much agree is integral to the overall game. This suggestion is exemplifying the fact that there's no way in hell a corporation like Nanotrasen, which is set up as very corrupt and vicious, would give every assistant, every chef, every friggin botanist cloning and healthcare that lets them shuffle into this mortal coil time and time again. This suggestion was made to appeal to the Heavy RP sensibilities of the Aurora server. And I feel like it'd never really be true heavy roleplay if some greyshirt climbs into disposals and comes back because everyone miraculously has the same healthcare plan. Besides, respawn is a feature, so it's not like you're out for the whole round either. Just come back as some other character you made and go from there. It could serve to make things interesting if you're committed to the round, which if you're here for Heavy RP, you should be. Most if not all civilian jobs should have no business being exposed to the instant death mechanics that permeate the game if they're doing their job and roleplaying within their parameters. Death will likely only be the cause of an antag for these individuals. If you're a Chaplain who wants to play hero and rescue someone from a hazardous environment or situation, then you knew the risks roleplaying that way.
  10. See, everyone is treating this like i'm saying "Let's get rid of cloning because muh realism and shitters ruin the game." I'm literally suggesting limiting who has access to cloning. A scientist would have access to cloning healthcare because they are IMPORTANT to Nanotrasen's goals. An engineer would have healthcare because their job is hazardous and needed to keep the platform, for which Nanotrasen's goals may continue to be explored, afloat. A Librarian is NOT important enough to be cloned because we all know why. This is a very simple idea i'm putting forth and it's being treated as straight up removal of a mechanic which I very much agree is integral to the overall game. This suggestion is exemplifying the fact that there's no way in hell a corporation like Nanotrasen, which is set up as very corrupt and vicious, would give every assistant, every chef, every friggin botanist cloning and healthcare that lets them shuffle into this mortal coil time and time again. This suggestion was made to appeal to the Heavy RP sensibilities of the Aurora server. And I feel like it'd never really be true heavy roleplay if some greyshirt climbs into disposals and comes back because everyone miraculously has the same healthcare plan. Besides, respawn is a feature, so it's not like you're out for the whole round either. Just come back as some other character you made and go from there. It could serve to make things interesting if you're committed to the round, which if you're here for Heavy RP, you should be. Most if not all civilian jobs should have no business being exposed to the instant death mechanics that permeate the game if they're doing their job and roleplaying within their parameters. Death will likely only be the cause of an antag for these individuals. If you're a Chaplain who wants to play hero and rescue someone from a hazardous environment or situation, then you knew the risks roleplaying that way.
  11. I agree with this. I'm always interested in doing an event and I was really into the idea of the Prison event we did earlier as of this writing, but I feel like it would've gone a lot better if officials had time to organize and make a really interesting scenario for people to participate in. Also Nations has been talked about lately as something that would be very fun as a planned event that people could look forward to.
  12. I agree with this. I'm always interested in doing an event and I was really into the idea of the Prison event we did earlier as of this writing, but I feel like it would've gone a lot better if officials had time to organize and make a really interesting scenario for people to participate in. Also Nations has been talked about lately as something that would be very fun as a planned event that people could look forward to.
  13. Aetherscald

    Fix Botany

    So I just found out that botany has been dumbed down to being a not fun job, even WITH mutagen. I'd like for the developers to fix that and maybe integrate certain things in like nutriments that have a chance of mutating the plants, a drying rack so people can smoke their food, potato man cloning, and maybe even bring Xenobotany back for the people who know how to make that work (i.e no one). When I went on Aphelion they had drying racks and they had smoking pipes available as a loadout item. One round I decided to be an old man who made the whole public garden area into a wooden smoke shop for people to chill out in and get their favorite flavor of smokable. Hell I even sold the HoS dried grass. It was good shit and it has the side effect of keeping people fed somehow. Please it bring it back to snuff. Don't forget to make corn + hatchet = corn cob +hatchet = cob pipe. Aphelion weirdly didn't have that feature so I could only sell my wares to people who started out with pipes. Also maybe add in some sort of restricted chemmaster for botany to have an easier time of traitoring or making actual reefer from dried grass injected with ambrosia space drug?
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