Alright, so, this is an issue I'm running into far too often and I think needs to be clearly hashed out.
Are AIs simple automatons, with no emotion, no nuance, no understanding, or any measure of insight, or can AI be sentient, thinking individuals with the capability of interpretation of the situation and how it applies to their laws?
Are AIs required to NEVER EVER HARM THE CREW FOR ANY REASON, if so, why is that not in the laws? It says specifically to -protect-, as according to rank and role, and nowhere does it state to never, ever harm a crew member. I would understand being disallowed doing so for no reason, but if you have several people trying to kill the Captain for instance, the AI should be quite within its rights to murder the fuck out of the offenders if Security cannot intervene in time, defending the Captain by any and all means. Or if Security is being overwhelmed by people escaping from the brig, to use flashers, bolted doors, and if they're trying to kill the officers, electrified doors if it comes down to it, to stop them.
Because this situation came up with me before - I even got a ban, and subsequent unban, for it, before, and I'll copy-paste my argument here.