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  • Byond CKey

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Atmospheric Technician

Atmospheric Technician (9/37)

  1. I suppose a more direct question would be, then, could a HoP demand my AI to treat them in a particular way outside of corporate standard? If they're insulting the AI, threatening it, etc, should they be able to order the AI to be thankful and happy about the situation?
  2. That was my general understanding too, but I keep getting issues ICly over it because some want to demand that I stop claiming my AI is sentient, or that it's a slave and should bow down at the very whim of any crewmember. It really puts a damper on any enjoyment of the role if I have to be some groveling automaton with no nuance.
  3. Alright, so, this is an issue I'm running into far too often and I think needs to be clearly hashed out. Are AIs simple automatons, with no emotion, no nuance, no understanding, or any measure of insight, or can AI be sentient, thinking individuals with the capability of interpretation of the situation and how it applies to their laws? Are AIs required to NEVER EVER HARM THE CREW FOR ANY REASON, if so, why is that not in the laws? It says specifically to -protect-, as according to rank and role, and nowhere does it state to never, ever harm a crew member. I would understand being disallowed doing so for no reason, but if you have several people trying to kill the Captain for instance, the AI should be quite within its rights to murder the fuck out of the offenders if Security cannot intervene in time, defending the Captain by any and all means. Or if Security is being overwhelmed by people escaping from the brig, to use flashers, bolted doors, and if they're trying to kill the officers, electrified doors if it comes down to it, to stop them. Because this situation came up with me before - I even got a ban, and subsequent unban, for it, before, and I'll copy-paste my argument here.
  4. That kind of attitude is part of the issue here.
  5. The point I was trying to make earlier is that it doesn't make sense for NT to allow this kind of behavior from -either- side. Edgelord cats who disrupt the workplace OR speciesist assholes who intentionally abuse Tajarans. BOTH cause problems that affect productivity, and thus, profits, and that is what NT focuses on.
  6. And yet half the problem exists because whiny assholes get upset when an aggressive Taj or Unathi attacks them for being a walking dickwaffle.
  7. Except NT. Being a raging dickhead to the entire species is going to cause revolt on a massive scale. Upper level discrimination can be grumbled about by the Tajaran and Unathi, and less of a shit given about them from management levels, but outright going out of your way to be a dick to them makes you both IC and OOCly wrong - ICly, individual racism is going to cause major productivity problems, and unless you expect NT to start treating them as slave labor (they wont) or loyalty implant the lot of them (they wont), you have to treat them with some basic level of respect or YOU are the one causing productivity problems and will be dealt with as such.
  8. It isn't about tolerable or intolerable, when you play a character that's going out of its way to harass Tajarans you're in the wrong.
  9. Every single one of your examples are going too far. I said institutional racism was alright - not 'blatant if professional racism'. That's immediate-manager racism, and can be almost -worse- because now players are being treated like shit because some people don't like Tajarans OOCly. If you go assigning Tajarans all the shit jobs, or going over their head because they're Tajarans, or the human-on-Tajaran assault, all those examples, I would consider as an IA agent terminating your employment. That kind of broad-spectrum racism would cause -more- issues down the line. Nanotrasen employs a LOT of Tajaran, if you're going to ostracize the lot of them and treat them like subhuman scum, expect them to violently respond, as they rightly should. Institutional racism is distrust at higher management levels, far beyond that of the station itself. This would be along the lines of the head brass level, whom are making larger sweeping decisions based on distrust of the species, but in ways that arn't so blatant and in-your-face. No head positions. Maybe a bit of extra scrutiny during signup. More background checks. But the kind of racism you're putting out right there is post-slavery blacks in the US up to around the 50's before the civil rights movement. THAT level of racism is not subtle, and more to the point, it is extremely unpleasant to be on the receiving end of it because people empathize with their characters - its natural. If you have someone being a gigantic douchenozzle to you because 'FUCKING CATBEASTS', it's annoying as -hell-.
  10. He can sure try, but it will fail! Huh. Why would it? Biesel does not recognize Synthetics as sentient?
  11. Then would Central theoretically be able to apply for citizenship under Biesel law, using the Lunar Convention of Galactic Law to support his right to request citizenship status?
  12. I would have to disagree with you, Void, most of your posts I've seen are not helpful at all and generally show the worst kind of attitude. My -1 remains.
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