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Security Officer (6/37)

  1. I'll certainly try to model it! No promises on whether or not it'll turn out good ;-;
  2. still want, anybody got any dat news on whether or not this could or couldn't be accepted?
  3. blender because i can't afford anything else it works tho
  4. well i hope you know i can't actually draw that was just a joke but if you want, i certainly draw him in that style
  5. yes it was a funny
  6. I'll take that as a "You're hired"?
  7. I will! I'll get you some samples of what I've done before real quick. edit: right i'm looking for anything in the range of $10-$15 for something like this:
  8. Hello! I wanted to get into 3D modeling but had no idea what to model, so I decided to recreate 2d spess men items into 3d spess men items! Right, well, I only have one thing right now and it's not even fully textured- so enjoy! fancy id card i don't know, i was just bored. give me the names of items you want me to attempt to transfer from 2d to 3d k thx -greekin
  9. man you're like the first person I've ever seen to get this excited about ss13 janitors and I feel like I really gotta commend that It's a casual job that allows me a lot more freedom when it comes roleplay. It also involves a lets me get to know all the other characters, because I'm never really busy as Jim Hascrow. I just like to read everything people have written up about there character
  10. Jim Hascrow, average Custodial Engineer... OR IS HE????????????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!!?!?!!!???!? Did you know that before he was a NanoTrasen custodial engineer, Jim served aboard a independent mining vessel. He's a certified shaft miner, as well as a certified custodial engineer. So if NT decides to fuck up Jims shift, they'll have somebody else occupy the Janitor position and force him to become a shaft miner- not that there is anything wrong with it... you're just not cleaning. Also he knows sign.
  11. Thanks I'll be honest, I didn't want anyone to have to do a lot of work so I tried spriting it. It came out shit. Just wanted you to know I tried. <3 thanks babes
  12. By the way, if I need to come up with some convoluted backstory for the C.E.U., I will.
  13. that implies roleplay jk yea, my character isn't actually a 9 on the edge scale. probs a 3.
  14. Oh fuck, all Jim Hascrow cares about is the station's cleanliness... He's a 9. Jim Hascrow is 9 bowls of grits. I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS EDGY CHARACTER! I JUST WANTED A CUSTODIAL ENGINEER CHARACTER!!!! HOW DO I LOWER GRIT LEVEL?????
  15. Deal, expecting to get all access card btw
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