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Everything posted by MoralsManners

  1. This guy should totally get to play his chunky maintenance drone. +1 -daburs
  2. BYOND Key: DaBurs Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Garnascus Reason of Ban: Got an attitude with Garnascus when I was told not to involve myself in fights helping security. Reason for Appeal: I'm sorry Garnascus. I was acting like a dick, over something that wasn't that big of a deal. I was going through a rough patch and was having a pretty bad day already. I hope you can forgive me, because I'd love to come back to Aurora. I won't act up again and let my emotions get the better of me.
  3. No, ban appeals are for people appealing their ban. Which is the main reason I made this post. As a moderator yourself, you should know that much. The complaints I made against Garnascus are secondary to that (but still valid complaints), and I won't bother filing a formal complaint because I see Garnascus has had many of those filed against him before and these kind of reports from what I can garner never give any results and can be compared to shouting into a void. If you're done getting acquainted with the prefix 'quasi' I'd really like to get my ban appealed already.
  4. Me saying he was having a powertrip isn't warranted for a permanent ban from the server, I don't care what you think. I said nothing of him being drunk or being unable to articulate his words properly until I was actually banned, and before that point all I did say was that he was having his little powertrip. Which, my point was obviously proven, because I was permanently banned for an extremely small offense. Also like I mentioned in my original post, this is an informal staff complaint; and addressing how a Head Admin is having serious issues articulating sentences, communicating and managing his power as an admin are very real and valid criticisms. He can choose to be insulted by the citicisms instead of taking them to heart, but that doesn't make them insults in and of themselves.
  5. Again, where is the insult? I'm sorry but telling someone when they are abusing their power isn't an 'insult'.
  6. I never insulted you and the logs you just posted prove that, and my reasons are valid and stand up to basic logic and survival instinct. Even with that I only did a max of four attacks, three of them with my bare fists to the chest area. I still maintain a permanent ban is so grossely overkill for what happened that this whole case is pathetic. I have nothing else to say to you personally, and hope a different admin can respond to this thread.
  7. BYOND Key: DaBurs Total Ban Length: Permanent (Seriously?) Banning staff member's Key: Garnascus Reason of Ban: Defending myself in an elevator that had an antagonist in it, helping officers in that same elevator fight off two seperate ambushes. Reason for Appeal: This ban is insanely ridiculous. I was in the elevator unknowing that the two security guards were dealing with an antagonists, until shots started being fired. I paniced ICly, punched the merc in the gut once or twice and stood in the corner of the elevator. A second merc shows up, starts firing and gets knocked down. I take his gun, throw it away from him and back up. He stands back up and keeps struggling with officers. I pick up a random stun laser from the floor and fire a single (1) shot at him, shout ICly and drop the gun. Garnascus proceeds to tell me how stupid I am, and how I should have just ran blindly away from security by myself to other parts of the station while I was politely trying to explain to him that maybe being by yourself in a situation where the station is being raided isn't such a good idea. The way he typed was very disjointed, ungrammatical and gives me the impression he is probably under the age of 18. He way he handled this apparent admin report was completely immature, and what I did not only didn't call for a permanent ban, but I feel any ban whatsoever. I was simply defending myself as two mercenaries were in an intense gunfight within five feet of me and trying to be a good samartian by helping the officers at the same time. All of my actions were roleplayed in-character, and in no instance did I go full murderer-minge and spam attack the mercenaries. In total I must have performed only three or four attack actions at most, and spent most of the time roleplaying out my injuries that I recieved from the mercenaries. I'd also like this to be considered an informal staff report against Garnascus, who in all my time on this server I have never seen act so childish and unprofessional. I would really like to call into question if he was even sober from how bad he was slurring his own typing.
  8. BYOND Key: MoralsManners Total Ban Length: Permanant Banning staff member's Key: Baka (I think?) Reason of Ban: Abused virologist job to kill 16+ in the span of 30 seconds with Gibbingsons disease. Reason for Appeal: I wrote two lengthy essays before trying to get unbanned months before, and was told to wait a month before making another appeal. Well that was back in October (I think.) and many months has passed and of course if I didn't regret what I had done truly I wouldn't be back asking for an appeal. I write this appeal so I can finally put the past behind me and get back to roleplaying in a mature manner on the server, a far cry on how I ended up banned in the first place I know, but none-the-less I just want to come back into the community and be given a second chance after these many months.
  9. Reason for Appeal: Let me just start off with... the obvious, its clearly not been a month since the last time I made another ban appeal. I know, and I'm sorry. I already feel bad enough about the situation, including going against this thing that was asked of me. I know I'm probably taking a risk writing out another appeal so soon, but the cringe and regret I have for what I did is already hard enough to bear in the near-week I've already been banned. Doomberg, you said in reply that 'it doesn't work like that' in response of saying I've changed. Baka agreed, and I agree. I didn't change, because to change that would have to be who I usually am, and that's just not who I am usually. I do enjoy RP. I have enjoyed RP, and through all sorts of media. Garry's Mod is a large hug of SeriousRP, along with different MUD clients, which can act as text-based serious roleplay. and even things like private World of Warcraft serious roleplay servers and private Neverwinter Nights roleplay servers. My actions are my own, and I hold my self completely accountable from them, but my ignorance was from a mix of not seeing SS13 as a place where /serious/ and respectable roleplay could take place until I came to Aurora, and even then, I didn't know what I had found until it was gone. Coming to these forums, I discovered this, I realize more than ever that this server deserves better than petty griefers. Roleplaying fills a gap in my life and gives a certain satisfaction through doing things I couldn't do in real life, from being a brain-washed policeman in a dystopian future, a knight serving under some fictional crown, to an employee aboard an advanced researching space station owned by a mega-corporation. I feel like none of these things right now can fill that hole, that feeling I get from roleplaying better than the latter. I just want this to be a bad memory, to me and to my friends who I surely embarrassed just by being banned. I want to be apart of this community again, just to show that I can. I know I will get scolded for not waiting the entire month.. And that's a given. But I just want to prove it to everyone that I won't be a further hindrance to the server, and that I want to help it grow, and have it help me grow as a person. If there's a chance that the un-ban is negotiable, if there is anything you want to know or that I can say to help me be part of this community, please just ask. In this thread or personally, and I will be glad to answer.. BYOND Key: MoralsManners Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Bakagaijin Reason of Ban: Multiple counts of virologist grief as a non-antag. Fore-going job-ban because I knew what I was doing.
  10. Baka, I know after some of the things I've done it's hard to believe that I genuinely like the server for the roleplay. But I promise I do love the roleplay, I'd do anything to get back onto the server. I'd take permanent job bans to all medical jobs if that's what it took. I mean, I know how thin of ice I would be on after coming back, and I wouldn't be writing all of this just so I could mess up again and get banned in five minutes. I'm writing this because I know how immature I was acting before, and that I feel I've changed and wouldn't do what I did again.. Regarding your link, since that has happened I've actually became friends with XXTheFurryXx among other people. I've changed, so please consider giving me one last chance.
  11. BYOND Key: MoralsManners Total Ban Length: Permanently Banning staff member's Key: BakaGaijin Reason of Ban: Giving Pan Pan noodles that had Gibbingston disease in it as a self-antag, knowing it had said virus injected into it. Spreading the virus across the station and causing the deaths of the majority of the station. Doing something similar two days ago that resulted in less deaths and more of a general annoyance. Generally abusing the virologist job. Reason for Appeal: I genuinely enjoy roleplaying on the server, normal non-antag roleplay with my friends on the server. I think Aurora is the current best server on SS13 because of the harmonious mix of peaceful roleplaying and conflict, which is usually neither too dull nor too chaotic. I realize I've been overstepping my bounds and how thin the ice would be for me if I were to be unbanned, I just want one more chance to stay on the right path and have fun roleplaying with my friends. It's in no way a justifiable excuse, but having never been naturally selected as an antag by the RNG, I wrongly took out my frustrations through abusing my job as a virologist. All I want to do now is make amends for what I've done during the round by showing that I can follow the rules. Attached below is an apology in my poor mouse-handwriting to everyone I effected during that round.
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