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Bran232's Achievements

Cargo Technician

Cargo Technician (4/37)

  1. BYOND Key: Bran232 Total Ban Length: Permaban Banning staff member's Key: Alberyk Reason of Ban: Power gaming the usage of the ninja hardsuit, and than raging over looc when people fired apoun them for going rogue with it. Reason for Appeal: Hey, its been a good three months. I miss the server, and the code. Not a whole lot of servers can really match up to the feel and look of it. Just wanted to ask for a chance to play on the server again.
  2. A majority of the shit I express discontent with is founded, and honestly, Yeah, I come off as a dick and complete asshole. However I was hardly a complete asshole over LOOC, I was relaying the fact I was taking to a staff member, and they didn't have to shoot me the very second I popped into their line of sight. Yeah, I was a dick, but was it unfounded? I think not, alot of instances of me getting bent out of shape are founded, and not just simple matters. On the subject of the hardsuit, I find it perplexing how I was permabanned. I didn't hurt a single person in the situation, I didn't do anything really round breaking, and I had intentions of following staff advise. Yeah, things went to shit, but I did not act in a manner that was destructive, but in self interest. I hardly wanted to sit around and let security haul me around like cargo as they decided if I was the biggest criminal of their career, especially after they shot at me without a fucking word. I don't know, Its just the way it is. But honestly, what I did with the hardsuit was hardly the worse thing possible, far less than what I /could/ have done. I reached out to staff in regards to the hardsuit, Alberyk didn't have to find me after I had caused massive chaos, no, I reached out to him in its regard. I find it frustrating how quick Alberyk was to ban me, and not even investigate. I literally had to direct him towards information he should have aquired through investigation. I don't know, I hardly did anything that was severely damaging, and yet I was treated as public enemy number one by Alberyk
  3. BYOND Key: Bran232 Total Ban Length: Perma Banning staff member's Key: Alberyk Reason of Ban: Reason: Powergaming the ninja hardsuit usage, and then ragging over looc when people fired upon them for going rogue with it.. Reason for Appeal: So, this is the general lay down. We captured a ninja, I took the suit to get repaired, I started messing around with it. After awhile, I thought i'd ahelp about using the suit, and my character's plan to sell it. Anyways, security storms in, and starts firing at me. and yes, I /raged/ over looc telling them I was discussing with admins, and they didn't really need to fucking shoot on sight. Alberyk claims I was powergaming use of the suit, I only used the EMP once after our conversation. After that, I escaped on my own accord. Alberyk claimed I also used the teleportation to allude their clutches, which is in fact wrong, I forced my self out an airlock. I did my best to explain to Alberyk that I was going to turn the suit in after I was done talking to him. Me and Alberyk were in the final moments of our discussion, too. And I was going to hand over the hard-suit over to security and move on with my day.
  4. BYOND Key: Bran232 Character name: Friedhelm Hoyer Item name: Dog Tags - Friedhelm Hoyer Why is your character carrying said item to work? Item function(s) Has Friedhelm's Name, blood type, and other relevant information on a service dog tag - Item is nearly complete flavor. How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP?: Its an important component to my character, and I'd like to be able to have it.
  5. Breaking News! Reports are pouring in from the N.S.S Exodus (a research station of the megacorporation Nanotrasen.) in occupied Tau Ceti space, Disgruntled Tau Ceti citizens and nationals battled with the present Nanotrasen security, and Sol liaison officer, the clashes resulting in multiple casualties on both sides. We are receiving information regarding executions of Sol Alliance opposition members from multiple eyewitnesses that saw the executions, and those who handled the victims’ remains. Not much is clear at this time, but the highly controversial invasion of Tau Ceti by the Sol Alliance has been speculated to further destabilize the already fragmented alliance. We will keep you tuned to further updates, here on the Tau Ceti daily.' Just a fan lore I wrote for today's events on a round.
  6. I've talked with Judge's character quite a bit, ICly their on friendly terms. From my perspective Judge is a really good individual, and I'd love to see him in a staff position. I could ramble on about how I feel like he is perfect for the position, but rather I'd like to make a solid, quick point. Judge tends to stick up for what he perceives as right in a situation, regardless of how much flak he receives for it. One main issue in my mind with heads of staff is they tend not to bother with touchy IC subjects due to the consequences and issues that arise from such situations, and I'd like to think that Judge would be willing to put himself in those positions to help players that have been (pardon my french) fucked over by IC situations, and with no one to assist them.
  7. BYOND Key:Bran232 Player Byond Key: A.R.C - Unable to retrieve their BYOND Staff involved: Skull132, Garnascus, AimlessAnalyst,Alberyk. Reason for complaint: Durring the round, two changelings. Mark Syion,Za'Akaix'Ghul'Zo'ra. Were randomly stinging crew, changing their appearance.(Will list link to complaint about those two.) Mark, the Head of Security, ordered the borg to debrain myself, despite IC restrictions the borg should have observed, and applied. They still debrained me, allowing me to be removed from the round due to the fact I was never linked to a MMI. Akenzua, following my death, was than transformation stinged, stripped, and than proceeded to get operated on by the borg. I find it annoying that the staff allowed for, despite IC circumstances that DID NOT allow for debrainings to occour. Approximate Date/Time: 19/1/2016 10:00 AM
  8. BYOND key: Bran232 Character names: Elric Yuvin - Jun Ivanova How long have you been playing on Aurora? Approximately half a year, give or take. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist? - I wish to fill the gap that is a lack of heads of staff, and open myself to different positions. Why did you come to Aurora? - After a long cycle of playing with a singular community on multiple servers, I moved over to Aurora. The community was from BestRP, and followed a constant cycle of a new server being hosted, and than shutdown due to internal issues. Repeating itself constantly, I decided it would be simply easier to move to an already established community and server. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing? - Yes, I have. And I have experience playing it on other servers in similar Roleplay standards. Although the wiki can give you a decent idea of what the role is about, it doesn't really fully divulge the information needed to dive into the realm of the role that experience alone will provide you. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: - Roleplay to myself, is where you "act" or simply play out a fictional character with particular traits and unique personality with constantly changing circumstances that affect how you play your character. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame? - I personally believe that a Head of Staff is responsible for providing round stability, and to act as an opposing/ resolving force to antagonist and IC conflict that the round produces. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them? To protect the players from potentially crappy OOC/IC circumstances, and to help them along to resolve the issue and have everyone leave positive about the situation. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: - Elric Yuvin Character age: - Forty-Four Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs) - Lore behind the character is that they were in Sol Special Forces, think of something like SAS - British "Special Air Service." Serving as a marksmen, serving as Sol contract bounty hunter after they were medically discharged due to a severe field Injury. What do you like about this character? - The Character has solid character, their personality being very adhering to authority and strict chain of command. They have strong devotion to their job of doing their assigned task, that being Nanotransen's Corporate Security. What do you dislike about this character? - Their special forces background can be perceived in a power gamey manner, and seen in a snow flakey light. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff? - They have excellent leadership skills, and set a good example for the collective to follow. As a character, they get deeply attached to their duty, and their subordinates due to his perceived responsibility to them. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying? - I personally believe I have a particular roleplay style, especially when it comes to Antagonists and my application of my character's lore. I would rather have the community answer this question, but personally I believe I am a distinct, decent roleplayer. Extra notes:
  9. I am not referring to Branden, I am referring to his mate. Regardless Tablespoon, I am sorry that my emotions towards the situation made your job harder, but I personally believe that my actions were far less severe than that of Braden's, or his Mates. I apologize for the fact that my personal opinion of the situation and conduct made the situation far worse than it needed to be. But at the end of the day, I still personally believe that my actions were not that of belligerent intent towards the community of Aurora, I did not join that day with belligerent intent, nor did I join expecting the situation that unfolded that day to take place nor was I equipped to deal with it. I have plenty of things to say about the situation, but I do not believe it matters at this point. I enjoy playing at Aurora, for many reasons; I've never made it my goal to go into a round any day with the mindset of receiving negative attention from the staff, nor with a mindset of breaking the rules set by the staff and community.
  10. You gave me a three day ban for an offense that was light. I find that ridiculous, regardless of how unpractical it is to apply such a card regarding punishment. I'll keep it in mind that I can get away with running around with a metabuddy and assaulting crew and murdering them. But when I breach the "don't be a dick" and "No IC in OOC" rule I'll remember that it is a more severe offense.
  11. Tablespoon, emotions guide every action that an individual will partake birth to death. To say that emotion regarding any situation is not "valid" is like saying you don't need Gasoline to run an engine. Lets take rules into account, if I was banned for rule "Don't be a dick." the individual roleplaying an disabled bloke deserves to be banned for the same rule violation. "We're all here to have fun, not fight and argue with assholes. Don't ruin the game for everyone else, and use common sense." Lets pay attention to the phrase 'Don't ruin the game for everyone else,' They supported their meta-buddy in their destructive behavior and rampage, even partaking in the assault of EMT; Or for example "Only escalate conflict in a realistic manner." They did not need to beat an EMT to near death, nor did they need to go around avoiding security. So why did they not get banned for these rules that you are in position to uphold? I find it amusing that you are selective in their application.
  12. What do you honestly want to me to say, Skull? I wanted the situation resolved, at the time, I felt as if nothing was being done to resolve the issue; They were going around rampaging like lunatics, while I just simply watched. The situation was ridiculous, let me retract the statement where I wanted them "Permanently banned" rather, let me simply put it this way, I wanted action to be put forth, and at the time I personally felt as if nothing had been done, while that is not true as of this very moment; It was very true to me during the events that occurred during the round. Tablespoon, you may find me demanding, or even aggressive to Administration, but that is simply because to many times have I seen lazy, or unwilling staff on various servers simply refuse to do anything about rule breaking, and individuals simply running amok; Even with various apparent rule violations. While Aurora may not just be any server with just any staff, and said staff do not deserve to be labeled with that of "lazy, incompetent, or lax on rule enforcement." Regardless, I was /very/ upset as towards how those particular player's actions affected my round, and how silly it was that they would go as far as to beat me to death. To summarized, I was upset, pissed, angry, determined to see some form of action taken place; Regardless of what you want to call it. This situation was simply "retarded." Whatever word you may wish to use, I expected higher roleplay from those two individuals, and when they did not deliver, and went as far as to bring the grey tide to the station, that is when I snapped, and wanted to see action taken place. You banned me for a silly vendetta, I would like to request Tablespoon to list all the rules I broke, and the various modifiers contributing to it.
  13. Tablespoon, to begin; I joined that round that day with the expectation that I would not be beaten to death by a chucklefuck. To refute your point as to the fight, that was not esculated. I restrained myself to very little permanent harm in the early phases, using table and punches alone; The individual Braden was using a powergamey item which they probably spawned in with, and used it specifically to win a fight. Secondly, I wanted their damn CKeys, no way around it; I was going to file an player complaint no matter what. If you had simply given me their CKeys, which I had PLENTY of reason to be given, I would not have "issued Commands." - As you put it. Thirdly, You wanted to keep this matter IC, I can respect that; I cannot respect that when the Braden bloke broke roleplay even further, and dragged my ass from medical in an attempt to subvert my treatment. That was the final straw, That, was not /cool./ He made it his personal mission to finish me off over something as silly as a barfight, I don't know about you, but people usually don't murder people, or beat them to critical with broken ribs, collasped lungs, disfigured face, broken arms and legs; over an misunderstanding, that is someone playing to win, someone being an asshole. Thirdly, I never actually ATTEMPTED, to retrieve the individual's CKey, but when they spoke over Looc, it just fealt to damn good to be true. Fourthy, You claim they were being chucklefucky to an extent, they were being complete assholes running around greytiding, there is no other way you can possibly make their behavior look any better; Especially since Aurora is supposed to be "High roleplay." Not "Grey-tide central." The individual roleplaying a mentally disabled bloke broke off their roleplay of being incapable of walking once their meta-buddy was banned, and than beat an EMT severely, running around screaming "NO ME. NO ME, I GOOD." Summarized: I was furious, for all the damn right reasons. You know what Tablespoon, I was ready to get their asses permanently banned from the server; I made that my damn goal, I wanted that, so when you refused to give me both of their Ckeys, you simply made me even more determined to make a player complaint.
  14. Let me give a follow up on this. At the time of the situation, I was upset as to how the situation was allowed to progress to such a point that I felt the need to post a player complaint so more staff could get involved. I was determined at the time, as to why I was demanding for their CKeys; Infact I think Tablespoon wanted to give the players the benefit of the doubt, not a bad thing to do as an administrator. But regardless Tablespoon handled the situation. But at the time it was unresolved, and I was upset due to the fact that the players in question had decided to roleplay a disabled individual and a caretaker; that they decided to beat me to an inch of my life for the misunderstanding that took place in the bar. Perhaps I am demanding, and difficult to talk to. But I respected Tablespoons wishes for the situation to remain IC, and to keep it that way. But after their successful attempt to kill me by taking me away from medical, and the fact I fealt as if they were getting away with it. I was just perplexed at how such a situation was unfolding, and how I fealt it was not being handled. But ultimately a situation like the one that took place today was not one that is easy to handle, nor is it a very apparent course of action. Regardless, I am sorry that my constant interference and personal vendetta with the two caused escalation.
  15. BYOND Key:Bran232 Total Ban Length:Three days Banning staff member's Key:Tablespoon Reason of Ban:Being disrespectfu/demanding of admins, ignoring comamnds and using underhanded tactic to get info in spite of administrator warnings. This is a 3 day ban.. Reason for Appeal:Well, here is the player complaint (which explains the situation - http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=4419 - link attached) Let me be clear; Tablespoon seemed adamant to do nothing about two chuckle fucks getting away with their shenanigans, and I demanded to have their Ckeys to take the matter to management. He gave me one of the bloke's, but refused the other. I had plenty of good reason to retrieve both of their CKeys. I find it ridicolous that Tablespoon would ban me for simply trying to take the situation to someone who would fucking do something about it. Infact, he banned me quicker than he banned the bloke roleplaying a disabled individual that was going around beating the shit out of people with his metabuddy.
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