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Everything posted by EORhappiness

  1. EXCELLENT opportunity to pave the way for GLORIUS revolution, Equality for all! All Unite! Destroy the Fascist Tyrants!
  2. Comments Withdrawn. Situation is getting to personal for me to want to be involved.
  3. Comments Withdrawn. Situation is getting to personal for me to want to be involved.
  5. As somone who plays absolutely nothing BUT medical- you have NO IDEA how much we NEED this, people have died waiting for surgeries to get finished before and there wasn't jack shit I could do about it, Also we only have one body scanner. I suggest, 2 OR's both with tools and another Body Scanner in the Treatment center please. This is a serious issue and I have personally witnessed people complain about dying waiting for the OR to open up- and unfortunatly about a quarter of the time it turns into anger twords the surgens when it's usually not even their fault, either that or Remove the damn timer on using surgical tools, witch Im not sure if you can even do, and if you could it would be very unrealistic and silly. TL;DR You cant support FIFTY people with a single operating room and thats quite literally what we are trying to do. FIX NEEDED
  6. thank you very much
  7. Name of party: The Workers Party Candidate for President in the upcoming election: corporal Edik Leonidovich Tolstoy (Human, Russian Descent), Doctor Of Politcal Science, Doctor of Economics, Masters in Military Tactics, Fifteen Years in Biesal Military Service (52 Earth-years of age) Brief description of the candidate: Edik Is a Devout Socialist and Universalist, Heavily Preaching Workers rights and The Unionizing of The Republic as well as the fact that Xenos are Humanities complete equals and That all species deserve the Exact same rights, He is a middle-aged man and has served a modest military service of fifteen years for the Republic with an honorable discharge at the rank of Corporal, He is well Educated and speaks for the common worker and civilian, speaking in public rallies about Social-Services such as Unemployment Subsidies, Disability Benefits and Improving work Conditions all around, But also Expressing an open friendliness to Mega-corporations, especially nanotrasen, promising them more freedom to work around the system and is interested in created a unique relationship between the republic and nanotrasen in witch both the Republic and Nanotrasen could benefit. Who are the party's biggest financial backers?: Many people have financed the party even several mega-coperations after the promise of more freedom when it comes to the corporations and even Nanotrasen themselves have donated a modest amount to the party and due to sympathy of cause they have also received donations from the People's Republic of Adhomai,Einstein Engines and many others, They saw a spike in funding from private donations after ATLAS gained moderate power in the Sol-Alliance, and again when the alliance passed the Tajaran Exclusion act. What is its opinion on Nanotrasen's level of influence in Tau Ceti?: Accepted, and loyal, The workers party believes that nanotrasen is a "Must-have" To keep the republics economy at the level it is, There are some things they would like to improve upon such as Treatment of xeno employee's, however the party is willing to negotiate and compromise to achieve this and does not believe it needs to be an immediate change and can be something done over the long term. How does the party view the non-human minorities? (Unathi, Tajaran, synthetics): The workers party is heavily universalist, believing that non-humans deserve the exact same rights and treatment as humans and have attracted many non-humans and human-sympathizers to their ranks because of this. Is the party friendly to the Sol Alliance?: The party is on uneasy terms with the alliance- At best, they do not trust them right now especially after electing the ATLAS party into power (their near political opposites) and passing such decree's like the Tajaran exclusion act witch goes against one of the very foundations of the party. What other information about the party do you want to include?: There is a much more Detailed explanation of the party located here at this lore-canonization application I have out for them. http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=4498 that should cover just about everything anyone wants to know- and even has a picture of the leading members at their latest conference.
  8. I agree with this- It's annoying having a way out of it before the 2 hour mark.
  9. Oddly enough, No It was not. Besides, I Wouldn't have put this much work into something that would have essentially been a simple political rebuttal This is somthing I have put my Blood, sweat and tears into so-to-speak I have worked very hard on it.
  10. Edited: Party leaders and even added a picture of them!
  11. In fact they arn't all slavs, one of them is a Tajara, their name is just Derived from a Russian like background instead of an Arabic one- As their lore allows I just forgot the apostrophe in her clan name, has been fixed now. HOWEVER you make a very valid point about the primarily Slavic based names and universal-ism, I will be doing some Research and Editing this shortly, Thank you for pointing that out I didn't even think of it.
  12. uh- Saint. I and schubie talked about that and adminsitration was notified too...That actually Wasn't me playing.
  13. I did, I really really liked it.
  14. Okay- Sorry for the confusion there. I was kind of trying to play off of the awkwardness of it being named after the cossacks. Guess it didn't work, Anyhow Party Renamed to "The Workers Party".
  15. Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System):Party Founding/Settlement Date (if applicable): 2450 Region of Space:all of Tau-Ceti Controlled by (if not a faction):Republic of Biesel Other Snapshot information: Party Commisioner: Edik Leonidovich Tolstoy (Human, Russian Descent), Doctor Of Politcal Science, Doctor of Economics, Masters in Military Tactics, Fifteen Years in Biesal Military Service (52 Earth-years of age) Sub Officer: Raabiya Jala'li (Tajaran, Adhomian Descent), Doctor In Medical, Associates in Social Sciences (41 Earth-years of age) Leader of Propaganda: Shrubick Walaufsh (Skrell, Jargonian(J4) Descent), Doctor in Medical, Doctor in Engineering, Doctor in Astronomy,Doctor in Mathamatics, Doctor in Social Sciences, Doctor in Psychology, Doctor in Psychiatry, Doctor in Political Science, Juris Doctor (217 Earth-years of age) Leader of Parlimentary Affairs: Chien Ming-hua (Human, Chinese Descent), Doctor in Psychiatry, Juris Doctor (36 Earth-years of age) International Representative: "Hammer That Forges Steel" (Dionea), No Formal Education (Uknown Age) Party Events Organization Officer: Moyolexochitl (IPC,Built By R. of Biesal), No Formal Education (6 Earth-years of age) Party Treasurer: Ka'Akaix'Siikit'Vess'ex (unbound Vaurca,Vess'ex Hive Descent),Doctor in Economic Science, Associates in Mathamatics (29 Earth-years of age) Secratary of Trade: Crocefisso Di Angelo (Human, Italian Descent),Associates in Economic Science (22 Earth-years of age) Commander of Party Defense forces: K'Ssazhil Unzrr (Unathi,Ourean Descent), No Formal Education, Biesal Military service, Seven years (28 Earth-years of age) Union Organization Officer: Oliver Maitland (Human, English Descent)No Formal Education (47 Earth-years of age) Party Intelligence Officer: Amélie Lozé (Human, French Descent), Associates in Psychiatry (25 Earth-years of age) The party leaders at their most recent Gathering in Mendell city (Ka'Akaix'Siikit'Vess'ex Was unable to attend): Platform: Gender Equality, Xeno Equality, Racial Equality, Workers Rights, State Industry, Socialized Society, State Controlled Economy, Universalism, Secularism,Single Wing Government(left). State Industrialism and Socilized Politics: The party glorifies the state of Biesal and it's Potential to become an industrial giant and the new bastion of humanity, proclaiming Equality for all Species, claiming species,races and ethnicities are all barriers put up to divide us and prevent us from our true potential, It also focusses on how State owned Industry and a Properly socialized Political system can benefit the Republic and how the Alien races should be treated as brothers to Humanity and Biesel. State Communism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism Banner of the Party: Long Description: The Workers party is a Socio-political party in the Republic of Biesal's popular assembly. The party was founded early in the creation of the Republic of Biesel, as a support organization for Growing Industries and mega-coperations, as well as workers rights, to the newly Formed Republic, which of course were funded by the Nanotrasen incorporation, traditionally they shared close ties to the leaders of the Party. Eventually the support movement radicalized into a political party that stood for “Workers Rights”, originally this was quite moderate and peaceful, with only minor restrictions being wanted for Mega-coperations, and a Unionized program for all that worked inside of the Republic. However soon after that the Radicals from the party staged a coup of party leadership, and silently became the new majority changing the platform to suit their wishes. Following this coup the Party started using mass politics and populism to draw support pointing out the flaws in the Modern Republic government, all the while criticising its association with Inadaquitly Unionized Corperations such as Einstein Engines, and zheng-hu Pharmaceuticals. The party also opened up a youth wing Children of The Sickle (CS), which trained children in the dogma of mass action, as well as the principles of being a good citizen And labourer of the Republic these children, were declared the future of the party. Along with the youth branch a Paramilitary branch was started the Commrades of Labour(CL) or "Comrades" for short , Here willing participants, required to have served 5 years in the Republic’s Navy or army, and were required to be Unionized Workers (obviosly).These men and women were to be trained to be the vanguard of The Party's parades throughout streets. These Vanguards are also known to go lone wolf and work for the Syndicate against Nanotrasen, especially the infamous agent Graouvichi, a noted Republic Revolutionary Communist, they will refrain from taking work for currency instead wishing only for the action against Nanotrasen. Now to explain the Party's program. The Worker's Party is split into many internal factions each representing a front, in Ideology For Heavy Industrialism by the State, and for Workers Rights. Red Staters: The Red Staters are a specialized form of Communist industrialists that wish to reorganize the economy in to planets that are self-sufficient and turn them into Social communes, as well as State Moderating or controlling to the best of their extent, large corporations, especially Nanotrasen, whom they view with utter disgust in the way of Workers Rights, especially with their Treatment of Xeno species. Biomechanical Engineers: Biomechanical Engineers are a group of the party who seek, to assist Other Species Developement through the use of machinery, especially with Plasma based Machinery and mechanically Advanced tools. They are strong proponents of trade with the Tajaran to help further Adhomai's technological advancement. Workers: The Workers embody the largest part of the Party, representing the average joe, and their plight against the Lack of Unionized conditions in the Workplace. They support Very Tolerant and equal treatment of Aliens. Along with the Co-Existance of the Tajarran and Unathi governments to the Republic,adding to their Peoples workers rightsand, to promote , Equality to the perceived brutality of the Unathi , especially one of their cultures Sexism. Which the workers are vehemently against, as well as the Politically backwards Sol Alliance. Revolutionarys: Those who liken the struggle against Imperialism, as a Struggle for Equality, they run propaganda on Aliens words spreading Communist Ideals to whom they perceive as brutes like the Fascists of the Sol Alliance. They are by far the most peaceful and Conservative members of the Party espousing Pacifism. Muscovites: These are men who wish to see the end of the Biesel Republic and wish to see a dawn of a Union of Soviet Socialist Planets. They cite the ancient significance of the Communist and Socialist Governments of Earth's past and point out that why mighty, the Humans alone have never had a truely Communist State. Nor is anyone else in space, a Truly "Proper" Communism in their eyes. Their ultimate goal is appointing the party leader as Chairmen of the USSP.
  16. Yeah- Pretty much what I am looking forward to- also Why I am primarily interested in the Vaurca.
  17. I assure you I am no friend of the alliance as long as they hold any ties to the ATLAS party I thought I had made my disgust with that clear, Also- it's an election, Whose to say more ATLAS members will be elected, Perhaps it would give rise to a more...appropriate party to fill the void- like the Utopian Front or the Workers Union? A lot can change in a short time my friend, especially with the actions ATLAS has taken of late- such as the Tajaran Exclusion Act. I want these bastards killed, I don't care how its done, I don't care about the collateral damage either, The alliance is no friend to me while such barbarians hold office and an election could very well change that.
  18. Rinoi Warufsh - 13 Maruce hanson - 7 Robert Spenlow - 16 Tajak al-azaam - 15 Samule Czechi - 28 Is that an okay place to be?
  19. First of all, I would like to thank you dearly for all of your compliments. As for being volatile? I...Don't think so? I do like to talk a lot about subjects I like, yes but when it's clear I should stop I do, and am Capable of doing so, See my little bit in that varuca lore about the new caste I Added? I wanted to go on and on and on about that and initially I did, But I was able to review it, and condense it down into no more than a short bit on them in less than an hour for the entire process. I really do think I can do this. Secondly- Yes, I do care a whole lot and I understand the position of loredev is full of criticism, I wouldn't apply for it if I couldn't take it I assure you, Critique is part of what makes something improve and thus I actually agree wholeheartedly with it- and love receiving it, on the note of accepting and denying applications? I don't really care about get flak from anyone it's a matter of brushing it off and moving on- and in recent times I have come to understand that. It's been a bit since that ninja incident occurred and I am happy to say I have come a long ways since then.
  20. Rinoi Warufsh Votes yes. FOR THE BOOK GODS!
  21. A Simple Text Transmission with the coordinates to New Concordia Station Appears in the Thread Followed by a simple message Here.
  22. okay- To clarify That is only Samuel, I have not done that with any of my other characters, That is legitimately just Samuel and its a part of his personality. Witch is different for each of my character- Robert for example Is not interested in romance he has a wife...kind of- thats still a work in progress, Maurice is old and has been married twice- he's given up on that and Rinoi- well Rinoi is in love with his work. As far as my Tajaran- He is a family man, He is married with children. So it's legitimately just Samuel- and thats part of who Samuel is, Chasing after love interests and playing hero- it's actually why he is a doctor, witch is why he is actually kind of a crappy doctor, he doesn't care about people at all he cares about money, Women and Fame. Thats part of his personality as a character and none of my others are like that, in fact the only thing my characters have in common is the fact that they all work in medical because..well because thats where I play. So If I could just clarify your statement- I don't have a habit of trying to play Hero, nor am I a serial dater. One of my characters is, and thats it.
  23. Ckey/BYOND Username: Fritz_Kuhn Position Being Applied For Lore-Developer (Primarily interested in the Vaurca) Past Experiences/Knowledge: Multiple Novelettes based on Space Station, Practice in Cartography and Geography,And intense and obsessive study of our wiki and baystation 12's wiki, I also have minor to moderate expierince in wiki Writing and design. Examples of Past Work: A partial Edit I did to the Vaurca wiki page- a lot has changed, a lot is the same, Essentially some minor edits to try and make things easier to grasp since some aspects of the race were so...complex- I wanted to try and make it a more player-friendly race and a bit more familiar. here you go have at it http://pastebin.com/RP5QzRzv Preferred Mode of Communication (Skype, Steam, etc.): Skype would be nice just messege me here on the forums or via the byond client to ask for the contact info, Other then that I prefer contact by Byond Client, Forum Messeges, Email (Ask for address), Text (Ask for number), Phone call (Ask for number), Traditional post (Not reccomended, but ask for address),Telegraph, Smoke Signals and unintelligible face to face grunting. Additional Comments:
  24. a figure appears on screen with a cloud of anonymity covering him while he uses a voice changer My friends, IT is with a heavy heart I bring you this proposition, But those bloody Pig headed Fascists have gained a sturdy position in The alliance, And that is not good...not good for any of us. I suggest Cutting their power down to size- considerably or completely Eradicate them...I propose a historical attack, to wipe them off the legislate forever, I offer you the modest sum of one million Credits to lay waste to the next meeting of legislate for the alliance- kill as many ATLAS party seat holders as possible if you succeed...The credits are yours, And if you think this is a joke... The man Reaches out, Setting The fully stocked one-million Credit Charge card in front of the camera You are very wrong, I am dead serious. I hear tell that Cesare Pietro Valerio Augistiani, Leader of the ATLAS party will be attending- You will receive and extra Five-hundred Thousand credits for his death alone I want those disgusting pigs brutally murdered. You will leave a message at the scene for me- In whatever way you choose to do so. just make sure it gets one single point across, If you ever try and let a Fascist gain this much power in the alliance again. I will hunt you and your affiliates down, and kill you- until I die myself. The Message abruptly ends
  25. BYOND key: Fritz_kuhn Character names: Samuel Czechi, Robert Spenlow, Maurice Hanson, Tajikil Ala-azaam, Rinoi Warufsh How long have you been playing on Aurora?: about three months Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: To further my own skills in roleplaying and to further develope my charachters Why did you come to Aurora?: Server hopping one day, Found it, liked it, went to the forums, fell in love with you guys, Haven't left since. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: You know, I sat here for a good couple hours thinking about the answer to this question and you know what I came up with? Nothing. What Role-playing IS and what it is about Varies Greatly from person to person, there is no real, solid answer to this question. What is roleplay? It's the ability to escape from real world stress, A way to have fun, a tool to use to relax, a way to hang out with friends, a hobby, And the list can go on forever...And what it should be? Whatever you want it to be of course! (AS LONG AS IT IS WITHIN THE RULES AND DOES NOT EFFECT SOMEONE ELSE ROLE PLAYING ENVIRONMENT NEGATIVELY) What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: The OOC purpose of a head of staff ingame is, To mentor and guide new players and to watch over a department making sure all the OOC and IC rules and regulations are being followed. In my personal opinion it has many many more reasons than just those couple, but I could only come up with those ones off the top of my head. but yeah- Guiding new players to help them become comfortable in their enviroments or to help them find an enviroment they will be comfortable in, teach them and show them mechanics, and make sure everyone is working coperatively in your department. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: This- This is honestly a tough question, yet again, because there are SO many correct answers. MY own personal belief however is that the OOC responsibilities of whitelisted players to to other players is, to set a good example, You have to remember you are kind of representing the community in this position and it's important to behave, Follow the rules, support the enforcment of rules and to generally act like a decent person whenever you are dealing with something involving the server. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Rinoi Warufsh Character age: 48 earth years. Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Rinoi was born to a humble hatch of fifteen offspring, his mother and father were very typical Aliosian Skree, the entire family lived in a moderate subterranean home on their home-world of Sralaark (Aliose to non-skree) Living comfortable and cozy daily lives. His mother practiced Culinary-Arts from many different corners of the universe, often blending them...or...attempting to at the very least, while Rinoi's Father Worked as a Bio-engineer for the Federation. They Were not Wealthy, There were not special in any way- just a typical, Average Skree family on alosia...That is, They were...Until Rinoi grew into a young teenager... Rinoi Was Very strange for a typical skree- it was noticeable almost immediately, his emotions were much more potent then those around him- he wanted to do illogical things out of curiosity, He was...A rebel, by all intensive purposes, Totally Swept up in the culture and history of The Xeno's around the galaxy he buried himself in E-books Day and night- reading about them all, The humans, the dionae, the unathi, the tajara. Even the Vaurcae and Vox. He wanted to go to places- Dangerous places to see their culture first hand like Adhomai, Moghes and ourea. But as time went on he found himself Burying himself more and more in his personal studies rather then his academic studies, this turned out to be a pain for him once his father forced him into the Nralakk Institute of Bio-Mechanics and robotics, Something he /really/ did not care for. Eventually- Enough was enough and he did what any young teenager who "knows everything" would do- he packed up his bags, Snagged some credits and left, Course set...For...Moghes, He had a rough time Getting into the planet but eventually- he was allowed residency. Rinoi stayed on moghes for a good Ten years, bathing himself in the unathi's Primitive culture and influence even becoming employed by the Izweski nation themselves as an Archaeologist, but he still wanted more- to dig..deeper- that's when it hit him, Surgeon, he wanted to be a surgeon! of course! The opportunity to legally and safely dissect and study every little thing that got an injury that required a good ol' fashioned scalpel... He set off once again- Pulling all the credits from his account onto a single charge card and Setting course for Mendel City- Where he enrolled in a local medical university. Graduating with full honors at the top of his class in Medical practice,Anatomy, Virology and Chemistry quickly, easily and even a bit earlier than the rest of his class. Taking notice of his Heritage and Profound academic skills he was plucked out of the bunch by a Nanotrasen Employer- One thing led to another and quickly he was on his way to being employed as a surgeon for nanotrasen...and well, the rest is history or- really all of that was. What do you like about this character?:Well- My favorite part about Rinoi is that he is, Different- Withing different. I mean not only is he a skrell but he is a /weird/ skrell...but not /too/ weird y'know? Just an out of the box kinda guy and I really like that Idea- I am very excited to be able to play him as a chief medical officer. What do you dislike about this character?: Oh- Definitly his "touch" Of specism twords the unathi due to recent events (ourea), but again thats understandable. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: Rinoi is very intelligent, Tidy, Organized and tries to be friendly. I think he is fit for the position and capible of running a department smoothly. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: honestly? about a five or a six. I do think I am up to par- but I am still learning alot, especially on the finer notes of roleplaying. But then again, We all, always have somthing to learn dont we?
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