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About Fred3764

  • Birthday 14/11/1995

Personal Information

  • Interests
    Digging holes, being a party Scientist, browsing the complaint forums, building things and pondering the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything.
  • Occupation
    Redshirt first class.
  • Location
    Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.

Fred3764's Achievements


Barman (3/37)

  1. Said it before, I'll say it again. Jenn is a great RPer and I say she ought to be able to have this opportunity to make even more great RP. +1
  2. Everybody is ignoring Jason Wright and his pleas for help again.
  3. Jenn has already proven to be pretty swell at this whole RP thing, I say +1 to this.
  4. Sorry for not being about all that much as of late (y'know, if you folks actually noticed my absence ;-; ) I've jusjust sort of forgot to be about. Been up to a few things and unfortunately I'm very easily distracted from things. I'll try and be about sometime soon, though! See y'all Stationside!
  5. I... this... this is probably the best thing in the history of ever.
  6. I've seen Jenna do good work not just as a roleplayer but also as a mod. I say +1 to this.
  7. Never played 4 or Alpha Centuri, but I've heard good things about both of them. Only played Civ V and Beyond Earth.
  8. Gandhi has never been my neighbor. It's always either Germany or Rome. And they always backstab me. Always.
  9. Never actually seen a nuclear Gandhi in my time on Civ V. Whether or not this is a bad thing I am unsure. I have however seen Spearmen take out planes overhead by tossing torches at them. That's how I lost my first Stealth bomber ;-;
  10. Anybody about here play civilization? Favorite Civilization? Most hated civilization? Maybe set up a game? (One where I'll probably lose ;-; )
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