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Everything posted by Aznmang

  1. wat. I thought my R&D skills were great! I used to get* Mat at 7 and pretty much every thing else at 6. Even then, I go around the station upgrading machines! But on the subject of the paperwork, I'll get started on that shiz today. Server update removed being able to deconstruct items with reliability.
  2. I'm pretty sure I only set off two per round. And besides that, I usually aim for Sec Armory/Sec and Bridge/AI due to RP raisons. Giving me a -1 just because I set off a maximum of 4 bombs during dead hours doesn't seem very reasonable. I get you're unhappy, but damn man, at least give some insight on my non-antag rounds! I have a jumbled memory on why I set off those bombs though. I do think, the one in Northern Central Hallway was to disable Bridge and traffic to EVA/Security. And I'm pretty sure the one I set off in Sec was to kill the remaining Sec members + Captain + free my Cultist friend.
  3. I thought I roleplayed pretty well. No one was asking for my attention and I do remember multiple times when I tried to interact with the crew. You can't pin that on me when no one wanted to interact back, and I didn't murderbone people until the end when they tried breaking into my upload and I destroyed the whole station using the self destruct.
  4. Well golly gee, thanks Golle and Owen.
  5. Yo yo yo, it's a +1 from me. I've seen him a couple of times, he's helped me and is a pretty great RPer. Bringing him to IAA might make rounds more SPICY.
  6. BYOND key: Asianmang Character names: Joriah Micheals How long have you been playing on Aurora?: On and off earlier last year. About a month continuous. SS13 for seven years. Other heavy RP stations for three. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: For dat dank ass RD role. Why did you come to Aurora?: Heavy RP baby. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Si. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Fuck, I suck at writing. God damn, a fucking paragraph, I can barely make two sentences! Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: RP is your chance at a new life, enjoying a different story and making choices that you watch unfold into consequences. RP is a FUN thing to do. RP should be living the life you want with no regerts and watching a world different from yours.LARPing is TOTALLY different and TOTALLY gey. lel. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: A Head of Staff is to accept a way of life. Knowing that you're the one keeping others in line, making sure they're doing what they are there for, and making sure nothing fucks up. Heads are there to help the newer players learn the ropes, teach them how to make big holes in the station, or holes in the crew. And that sweet ass job title is no joke. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Whitelisted players are the ones who uphold the meaning of RP. The ones who are devoted into their characters, who adopted a new personality or incorporated theirs into the realm that is SS13. They are the ones who keep every feeling, every word, every phrase in Aurora realistic and lifelike. The shining beacons of example! At least. They're supposed to be. And I guess I would keep on doing what I've been doing. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Joriah Micheals Character age: Thirty Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Joriah Micheals. A mediocre height of six feet, weighing in at around 180, he comes from a upper class family from Mars. Having felt very little discomfort during his childhood years, and his parents focusing on his education, due to unwillingness to have him become like his brother Anthony, or disappear like his brother Benjamin. Joriah went to many different schools, studying anything he could get his hands on while conversing with the general populous learning their culture. However, he found focusing on one subject boring. Unwilling to focus his lifetime to just one thing, he took as many classes as he could, becoming knowledgeable in many fields but is only a master of few. After graduating with several PhDs in many fields of science and medicine, he found out through advice from a colleague and friend that NT would grant him fields out of his wildest dreams. He decided to sign his life away at the deat- Ahem. Scientifically advanced station Aurora and learned soon through his job, his friend was a douche. Later on through his job occupation, Joriah having made a stupid mistake in trusting others to properly configure the Telescience console, was teleported onto a asteroid too close to what seemed to be a black hole.The black hole was distorting the space and time around Joriah aging him faster than he should have. He resigned himself to death, and prepared for the inevitable as his oxygen was going to run out. So he sat and started reminiscing his past, all the regrets, the mistakes, and the successes. He decided. His mistakes and regrets heavily out weigh the successes! This was no time to die! He sought about, looking for a answer to his predicament. Having no clue on what to do, or where he was flung, he decided to jump off the asteroid and float about in space. Using his PDA as a speed boost to getting away from the asteroid's gravity, he was flying at incredible speeds having forgotten to account for the asteroid's velocity too. Clueless on how he was going to survive, seeing as he's heavily reliant on luck right now, he kept floating. Until, he couldn't breathe. Everything was going dark. Then, brightness. He's on the ground shaking, coughing, and feeling like he's dying. But he's alive. Naked, cold, but alive. What's more, he's back in Aurora. His eyes in disbelief upon being debriefed by the Captain on how lucky they were to find his corpse about a month after he went missing. He couldn't believe it. He was back on this shit hole of a station. Unfortunately, due to his corpse having aged from the time dilation of the black hole, he was now classified biologically as around mid thirties. Wanting to seem younger, he picked thirty and blamed it on the smoking. What do you like about this character?: Smart, friendly. What do you dislike about this character?: Gets bored quick, dislikes being looked down upon. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: He has a wide knowledge on all things science, not to mention decent at conversing with people. RD does broaden his horizon on what he can do. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: On a scale of one to ten, I would say a eight. I try to do things what someone like Joriah would do and keep it consistent, but sometimes, when I'm a mothafukken Antag, and I want to get my shit done I don't usually aim for killing because that's putting people out of a round. But when I get pushed, I push back with thunder. And by thunder I mean bombs*. Joriah wouldn't do that cause he's a nice friendly guy, making friends all around. But, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do to make 'dem thalers. Extra notes: Idk mang. Urm. I'm a pretty dank guy to be around. P.S. When I say Bombs, I mean one-two. I don't aim to blow up the whole fucking station. Two birds with one stone. No issues, no tissues. Pls no nitpick, I really hate making words. I got a two on my SAT exam.
  7. Yeah, that's what I'm seeing, whoopsies.
  8. BYOND Key: Asianmang Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: No clue. Reason of Ban: Forgot. Reason for Appeal: T'was quite a long while ago, don't know the exact time when I got banned for whatever. Besides that, I'm pretty sure I've done my best to be friendly and helpful to other players and RPed correctly. And losing out of that RD job for me sucks dingus. At least I think so.
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