Mineymonkey Posted June 29, 2018 Posted June 29, 2018 (edited) BYOND Key: Mineymonkey Character Names: Sebastian Kingsford, Alec Resvere, Dayna Wolfe Species you are applying to play: Dionaea What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I wish to try something different. I've been looking at all the races for a good time now, and have finally decided to pull the trigger on the Dionaea as my first application. It in itself seems to be a rather interesting race and in itself completely different than any of the other races. Other than IPC most races are similar to human in some way or form. Maybe Vaurca being another one seeing as they only breathe phoron. Vox being another, but seeing as they are rather limited in roles I don't think it would count personally. Anyways other than that specific reasoning I've been looking at this race in particular and the whole concept sounds fun, and challenging. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: First and for most is that a Dionaea isn't just one entity like a human. In fact depending on the form the Dionaea due to their biological makeup. Nymphs are the original form and are highly curious creatures. They are not the smartest, but they have great potential to learn. When multiple nymphs link together they become new forms. Like the worker which is the most common form seen. The worker form begins when a small group of nymphs link together. Usually anywhere between three and six. Once linked together they take a humanoid form. This form is highly intelligent and is able to perform most tasks like a human or other space-faring creature with similar intelligence could. Seeing as nymphs are the building blocks of Dionaea in a literal sense it would make the most sense to explain how they act differently compared to humans. Seeing as nymphs are also highly curious and child like in nature they don't always have an exact control of their emotions. They are emotional creatures in a primal sense, and are only capable of feeling four emotions when formed. That being anger, fear, happiness, and sadness. Being curious and like a child most nymphs approach many new situations with caution. A careful observation before a more up close interaction usually is the first steps one might take. Their best source of knowledge comes from a genetic analysis of biomatter, and merging with older more experienced nymphs. Due to most Dionaea being that of a worker form, and having multiple nymphs linked together they do not exactly speak in a similar way humans and other species might. As to where a human would refer themselves as I a Dioneae would refer themselves usually as We. They can usually comprehend most if not all languages and emulate them to some degree. There is only one known language at the time that they can not speak and that is the Skrellian language. This is due to the fact that they can not emulate the speed and necessary variances in pitch well. Nymphs are all different, and no one is the same as another. Though they do all have a fundamental respect for each other and will treat each one with respect and equally. Sometimes though a Dionaea might consider another one a sage if they are much older as they should at the same point be far wiser. This is somewhat similar to how humans are in the fact that they typically would look up to a superior as someone wiser than them, and respect them in such a way. Character Name: Songs of Phoron Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Songs of Phoron is a Dionaeas worker who is only a combination of six nymphs. At first glance there was only one nymph newly grown by a group of humans who were at the time living on Biesel at the time. It was there that the little nymph named itself Leafs after the abundance of leaves falling from their branches. It's creator called the little nymph Chowder due to its ever increasing consumption of chowders throughout it's time with them. This nymph went on it's life a devouring just about whatever was given to it by it's creators, though it did have a particular interest in chowders. Little plants, leaves, pizza, bugs, chowders, and just about whatever leftovers were given to it was consumed. Soon the nymph's curiosity became quite high and so it went off on it's own. Leaving the small roof top garden it's creators had it in. The nymph went on about scouring the streets of Biesel and devouring whatever it could feasibly take on it's own. It was there that it ended up taking an interest in watching students. That interest had it learn general principles of science like basic physics and chemistry due to the consumption of the leftover notes, homework, and tests that the students threw away after they had little use for it. After a little over a year the nymph found another one like itself, but a bit more. It was a Dioneaes whose name was River-flow. The Dioneaes River-flow took an interest in the specifics of water as well as the laws it is bound to. The two Dioneas nymphs spent most of their time near a lake not to far away from the city. They spent a lot of time there learning of the physics of water, the water itself, and those creatures that called the lake their home. It didn't take long for River-flow to link together with Leafs as it was in the best interest to continue their quest for knowledge. Together they called themselves Leafs of River-flow. Each of the nymphs continued to give each other an understanding of what they already knew. A collective learning experience all together. As the three scoured about the city they ended up hitching a shuttle to the Sol system. At which after arriving on Mars the three nymphs went out about learning of the new landscape. Learning what they could about this world, and it's inhabitants as best they could. Soon they met up with another just like them. Another three nymphs that were linked together. It was there that the group of six decided to merge together, as it would be in the best interest in learning. With the newly forged worker Dionaeas they were forced to obtain citizenship within the Sol Alliance. With their new citizenship they went off in an attempt to learn more about the universe at the Solis Cognito University. It was here that the Dioneaes took interest in the practical applications of phoron, and it's use in explosives as well as it's use as a coolant. It wasn't very long after studying phoron that the gestalts decided they wanted a new name and changed it to Songs of Phoron as they collectively enjoyed phoron and music. It was there that they studied for many years and obtaining a PhD in phoron research with an emphasis on explosive technology. What do you like about this character? I believe my favorite point regarding the character is that it is something new, and would be challenging. I can only theorize what it would be like to play the character at this point, but I believe it would be fun and exciting. It is something new both roleplay wise, and also mechanically that will keep me challenged which I find particularly fun. From the way they feed on light to the way they heal brute damage from radiation I find it would change the play style quite a bit as well. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I'd say a seven. On SS13 in particular? Maybe a five. Notes: I've been role playing for a good ten years or so. I always have something new to learn which is why I state a seven. I state a five though with SS13 in particular due to the system. It can make it hard sometimes to get a worthwhile sentence out (or sometimes not even come out after typing away), and in certain positions like medical someone could easily die as I tell them to be still instead of just poking them with syringes and what not. I try my hardest to roleplay every instance that I can. Edited December 16, 2018 by Neinbox Application declined.
Sebbe Posted July 1, 2018 Posted July 1, 2018 Okay so after reading this a few times I think the only thing I can tell you is that you need to read the wiki before you apply, there are several mistakes here that alone will get your application denied. Read the wiki and edit your post then comment that you have edited and I'll read over again.
Elohi Adanvdo Posted July 4, 2018 Posted July 4, 2018 Okay so after reading this a few times I think the only thing I can tell you is that you need to read the wiki before you apply, there are several mistakes here that alone will get your application denied. Read the wiki and edit your post then comment that you have edited and I'll read over again. If you can [mention]Sebbe[/mention] , please point out the parts that they should review and where to look.
Elohi Adanvdo Posted July 4, 2018 Posted July 4, 2018 Hello, [mention]Mineymonkey[/mention] ! Terribly sorry, I have been a little busy for a bit and accidentally missed your post. Now then, let's get to the nitty-gritty. Hopefully you didn't just post and abandon the forums and hoping to see an "application accepted!", as there are a few things I would like to talk about- such as Sebbe being right. As I can see, their advice wasn't taken. There are a few things in your application that I've noticed that seem to be a bit off, so I will go over those here. However, you are following the formatting rather well, and I can appreciate that! Your reason for wanting to play the species is an excellent cause, and I'm happy they're your first choice! But we must go over a few things first before I can give an answer, and hopefully the process will be short. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human. As much as I love the multiple paragraphs (which actually got me a little excited), this section feels a bit plagiarized in my eyes with the middle-two paragraphs, but the beginning and end paragraphs are pretty good, so I'll leave it alone. I mean, I did get four paragraphs out of this. Leafs in River is a Dionaea worker who is only a combination of thee nymphs. At first glance there was only one nymph newly grown by a group of humans who were at the time living on Biesel at the time. It was there that the little nymph was named Leafs by it's creator due to it taking an interest in a leaf that fell on top of it early on in it's life. This nymph went on it's life a bit devouring what was given to it by it's creators. Little plants and leaves were some of the few things given to it along with little pieces of trash. Anything real easy to grab for the most part was handed to the young nymph. Soon the nymph's curiosity became quite high and so it went off on it's own. Leaving the small roof top garden it's creators had it in. So, we've reached the part where it is apparent that there may be a misunderstanding between you and the lore. Call me a Grammar Nazi, but "Dionaea" refers to a group of Gestalts, not a singular Gestalt which would be simply called "Dionae". Additionally, if it found it's interest, normally the Nymph would name itself in such a fashion- humans usually override that process if the Nymph cannot find itself a name. But once a Nymph has a name, it sticks. No human can change that. Next, we get to how it was raised. Why was it fed trash and compost, essentially? Who were it's owners? Did it learn anything from them? What was the Nymph's interest- what did it want to learn about, and what was it's personality like? The nymph went on about scouring the streets of Biesel and taking whatever it could feasibly take on it's own. After a little over a year the nymph found another one like itself, but a bit more. It was a Dioneae whose name was River-flow. A creature with two nymphs linked together, and not to long after meeting each other they linked together unanimously. Because of it taking a form of a worker Dioneae it had to apply for citizenship within Tau Ceti space. At that time the three nymphs hadn't thought of a name and were soon in a spot were they had to. Unanimously they decided to be named Leafs in a River-flow. The two nymphs were rather interested in science as it would appear to Leaves as it was soon flooded with new knowledge regarding bits of science. Information regarding new plant compositions, different planets, and new animals came flooding in. They decided it be best to look for work in research, and after a year of searching it was hired on as a lab assistant for NanoTransen. Dionaea was once more repeated, but that's not my main concern here. "River-Flow" is. I have a lot of Dionae coming in with nature-themed names, and it kind of makes us look like a bunch of hippie jokes. You can give them a nature-themed name, but it has to be handled a bit differently- a Gardener or Xenobotanist Dionae might be a bit more appropriate, or any other nature-focused personalities would fit. Next, the number of Nymphs in the Gestalt. Having only three would mean that you would have either an armless or legless Dionae due to the fact that each Nymph takes up a section of a Worker, the typical form reaching six Nymphs: A head, main body, and two arms and two legs. Your Dionae would not be able to do very much at all, and if they gained more Nymphs over time, their name would be continually changing which is a bit of a pain for admins to fix up for you each time as you collect Pokemon Nymphs. Next: What is the story of the other two Nymphs? Where did they come from? What have they learned and how? What was their personalities like? And here's where naming conventions get a bit mixed up now. They do not combine names in such a way- when they merge, they as a team in that instance would create a completely new, original name that would reflect on their new relationship with one another and accumulated knowledge. I apologize if that wasn't quite clear in the lore, so I'll reflect that as soon as this is posted. Also, please take another look at the Citizenship and Education sections in the Dionae lore. Your character has managed to skirt it because it is a Lab Assistant, but if your Gestalt and Nymphs are approximately two years old, they cannot leave their position until they earn their degree like everyone else. Which means, you may be an Assistant for eight years ICly and OOCly. Another thing, I'd like it if you tell me what their personality is like now that they're merged, and what their intentions are/what they want to do in the future. What drives them? I believe my favorite point regarding the character is that it is something new, and would be challenging. I can only theorize what it would be like to play the character at this point, but I believe it would be fun and exciting. I would appreciate it if this answer was in the form of a paragraph. Expand on why you like them: What are they like? Do they have any quirks? Hope to hear from you soon!
Mineymonkey Posted July 5, 2018 Author Posted July 5, 2018 Sorry about the delay I've had to deal with two funerals these past almost two weeks I believe, and it has had my attention elsewhere for the time being. I've updated it and hope it meets expectation.
Elohi Adanvdo Posted July 6, 2018 Posted July 6, 2018 Sorry about the delay I've had to deal with two funerals these past almost two weeks I believe, and it has had my attention elsewhere for the time being. I've updated it and hope it meets expectation. Oh, God. I'm terribly sorry, and I know what that's like. I hope things get better for you soon. I'll take a look over this and make a reply when I can.
Elohi Adanvdo Posted July 7, 2018 Posted July 7, 2018 Sorry for the late reply, sorta on vacation. All righty, time to take a look through aaand... I still see that a lot of your paragraphs are still only three, even two sentences long when I suggested five to seven which is typically what a paragraph consists of. I know I'm not your English teacher and I don't wan to be a pain in the ass, but the more information that I get, the better this application will have in the way of getting accepted. I'm a glutton for details, so go ahead and splurge! Next, the background. Can I just say how adorable the nickname Chowder is for a Nymph. River-flow is good for a new Gestalt name, but when they combined with Leafs, Dionae do not combine names like that. Like I said previously, they create a new name that reflects their experiences. If one enjoyed vegetation and the other enjoyed the study of fluids, their new name could be something like "Green Water" (or even combine it together so it's just "Greenwater" to show their inexperience). The nymph went on about scouring the streets of Biesel and devouring whatever it could feasibly take on it's own. It was there that it ended up taking an interest in watching students. That interest had it learn general principles of science like basic physics and chemistry due to the consumption of the leftover notes, homework, and tests that the students threw away after they had little use for it. After a little over a year the nymph found another one like itself, but a bit more. It was a Dioneaes whose name was River-flow. The Dioneaes River-flow took an interest in the specifics of water as well as the laws it is bound to. The two Dioneas nymphs spent most of their time near a lake not to far away from the city. They spent a lot of time there learning of the physics of water, the water itself, and those creatures that called the lake their home. It didn't take long for River-flow to link together with Leafs as it was in the best interest to continue their quest for knowledge. Together they called themselves Leafs of River-flow. This section is a bit concerning. What do you mean "consumption of leftover notes, homework, and tests"? If you mean they ate the homework and suddenly became a generous Martha Speaks style, Dionae do not operate that way whatsoever. Sudden increase in knowledge is only possible through consuming biomatter like blood, which is the most prominent and harmless way for them to do to a donor outside of a spinal tap. If you meant they consumed the knowledge written on the notes like they read it like everyone else, then that is more acceptable. Each of the nymphs continued to give each other an understanding of what they already knew. A collective learning experience all together. As the three scoured about the city they ended up hitching a shuttle to the Sol system. At which after arriving on Mars the three nymphs went out about learning of the new landscape. Learning what they could about this world, and it's inhabitants as best they could. Soon they met up with another just like them. Another three nymphs that were linked together. It was there that the group of six decided to merge together, as it would be in the best interest in learning. With the newly forged worker Dionaeas they were forced to obtain citizenship within the Sol Alliance. With their new citizenship they went off in an attempt to learn more about the universe at the Solis Cognito University. It was here that the Dioneaes took interest in the practical applications of phoron, and it's use in explosives as well as it's use as a coolant. It wasn't very long after studying phoron that the gestalts decided they wanted a new name and changed it to Songs of Phoron as they collectively enjoyed phoron and music. It was there that they studied for many years and obtaining a PhD in phoron research with an emphasis on explosive technology. Your Dionae is... overall interesting. Dionae typically pursue knowledge pertaining to their interest, like Leaf's greenery and River-flow's water. Going to Mars is understandable, but why did their interest suddenly switch to purely Mars geography and life/culture? And what were the three new nymphs like- what were their interests? Names aren't really needed, you can keep that part vague. And once more, there was an interest shift from Mars to Phoron. And again, there's a naming problem: Nymphs create a new name shortly after merging, taking a bit after to decide among themselves to identify themselves by their experiences. It's not like typical naming where they can change it on a whim to whatever their newest interest is, it is based off of their past. A new name comes with a new merge. Overall, there is suddenly a major shift in interests, and their backstory wanders about a lot. Usually if a Nymph or Gestalt has an interest in something, they study it for a very, very long time until they either feel like they've learned about as much as they could for it, or they have learned everything that is there for the topic unless the Dionae's nature is to wander. Additionally, are you able to give a timeline and include their age? Dionae need to complete their schooling like everyone else if they want a job. Sorry if this is a lot of work for you, but this application needs a bit more fixing up. I suggest you read the Archives to see other Dionae applicants that had passed and failed to see what I'm looking for more. You can also check my signature for a link to my Dionae Discord to ask other whitelistees and discuss further things with me about Dionae if you need to (I dwell more commonly on that platform), or you can PM me on the forums or ask me here in posts for a bit more help. But it's not your fault- the Wiki mostly just glosses over things to keep it short for readers who just want a quick answer instead of boring them with things they don't want to know. You've managed to follow a style with problems that that the Wiki doesn't yet address. Sounds a lot like what I did when I first started, and it caused a lot of headaches for the other loredevs when I first joined!
Elohi Adanvdo Posted July 28, 2018 Posted July 28, 2018 Unfortunately, life hasn't been fair to many recently. You haven't responded to your applications that I had accidentally let sit for... What, weeks now? We were both dealing with some tough things off-screen, so it's all understandable. I will be denying this application for now- please note that this isn't a hard "no". You are completely free to re-apply again at a later date when you're up for it, and I encourage you to do so. Hope to hear from you again. Apllication Declined
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