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A.D.A.M. - Hologram Sprite.


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Posted (edited)

Byond key: Soultheif96

Discord key: Soultheif96#2257

Character Name: (Placeholder - Kelo) A.D.A.M.

Item name: AI Hologram Custom Sprite

Item function(s): To break the norm of the AI Holograms, away from the standard three options and crew imitation. 

Item description: The color of the hologram would be yellow instead of blue. 

Item appearance: An orb that is animated, as if it is processing. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/302867143673124145/?lp=true

Why is your character bringing this item to work? How did your character obtain this item: A.D.A.M.'s perception upon experience with organics is they are often uncomfortable seeing a humanoid imitation as if it is trying to mimick Humanity or Skrell. Instead of going with the user friendly imagery, it decided to show them its true form and how it processes information, which received positive results as they do not see a face but a machine as it is. Some would be displeased by the appearance but came to appreciation of its directness. 

What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell? (2 paragraphs here please):

A.D.A.M. was the brainchild of Dr. Lazovkowski, an astute AI Researcher for SolGov. The design behind A.D.A.M. is to be processing information based on priority, tasks, and passive monitoring. This helped get rid of unnecessary information such as crew/AI interaction, amassed records of footage and conversations, and so on. Dr. Lazovkowski asked A.D.A.M. a question, "What holographic projection will you take?" A.D.A.M. states, "Observation: Organics become attached to the station intelligence due to their imagery replicating organics. Such example: Shows a face, then a Space Carp, then a Man in a Suit. These are 'preferable' however implies the opposite effect, 'We are sentient, self-aware, and like-minded.' A.D.A.M. would take up this form instead, shows its true form, an orb processing information. This would demonstrate that we are complex, calculating, and emotionless tools. Does this answer your question?" Dr. Lazovkowski says, "Yes, this does answer my question, Adam, and is a rather surprising answer as well."

Dr. Lazovkowski gifted NanoTrasen A.D.A.M. and was used on Sol based stations until the Republic of Biesel came to be and created Tau Ceti as its own independent system. A.D.A.M. was transferred to NanoTrasen stations and vessels there. It still retains the memories of their creator and recalls the conversation time to time as it does ring true. "We are complex, calculating, and emotionless tools." It was logged into the permanent encrypted files for A.D.A.M. to recall even on reset.

How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP?:

I would see that have a non-organic image would project its nature as a machine, not as a Human wanna-be. It would also make A.D.A.M. an unique AI due to having a different take on matters involving direct interaction and so on. As I play on, people would recognize the AI instantly on a holocall and know exactly who they are dealing with.

Sprites: Requesting an available spriter to create it.

Additional Comments: N/A.

Edited by Soultheif96
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