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Peppermint96 - ReadMePlz

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Peppermint96

Staff BYOND Key: ReadMePlz

Game ID: The round after b4y-akXo, though not exactly relevant. 

Reason for complaint: This isn't entirely a complaint, but more a request for better clarification regarding certain rules. 

For a run down for what happened: A nations event was started by Read, with little spoken about expectations when it came to rules/goals. I was told during the ahelp that no rules are relaxed unless an admin states as such, but given the round type and what was already happening, I'm not entirely sure that was true. An announcement regarding (but not really clearing up) this was made whilst I was ahelped, but again it lacked any real info as to what was and wasn't okay.


So as a sec member, I ended up leaving the sec 'nation' after ten minutes in, a gunfight and brawl broke out after someone committed the terrible crime of....sitting in the warden's chair. Seeing as I joined late and this is hardly normal, I assumed things were more relaxed. Anyhow. I went off to steal the spare as bargaining power to join another group, as seemed to be the sensible option. When I got there, it seemed other people had the same idea. I hacked into the bridge and got winded without a word. A few minutes pass and still nothing, after which an announcement follows up saying  no powergaming/overt rule breaking. I then get messaged and we speak a bit, at which point I accepted all that was said and didn't make a fuss. I was then told I was getting temp banned for having a note regarding hacking into areas the week before.

I assume I was banned over not playing a believable character, though I disagree with this. 

My problems in general are:

- This was an entirely different character, and one I mean to eventually transfer into engineering as part of her story. I'm not sure why the ban states she's eighteen?
- A temp ban when I have a single warning seems rather harsh, though I assume it's due to it being a repeat despite very different contexts.
- I have seen multiple other people do things like this with no repercussions. From other sec officers routinely hacking into places without getting spoken to, to doctors claiming they have two doctorates and a masters so they can do any work. This is a pretty common thing yet enforcement varies wildly from person to person. 
- Very little was said about how the round type would work. Given the mayhem very early on, I feel this is a point in my favour. Depending on who had handled the ticket, I feel like the consequences could have varied wildly.

Evidence/logs/etc: N/a

Additional remarks:

- I accept that I messed up, to a degree. However, I do feel like the cross-departmental rule needs better/further wording as it's very subjective. I feel like someone with an interest and some schooling in engineering being able to do the very simple task of opening doors to be fairly believable. Had I filled out employment records would that make it fine? And, if so, where is the line drawn? There seems to be a lot of room to abuse things there, as it does if people used the skill thingy. 

- Is there a way to see your note history?


Decided I don't really care enough to follow-up. Can be locked/ignored.

Edited by Lemei
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