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FPS problems within SS13.




I've been experiencing FPS problems on my (older) computer which is quite annoying since it's mostly impossible to move around the station when on the other hand it runs completely smooth on my (newer) computer. I don't know if it's a hardware problem or if there is anything to fix this big FPS problem I have.

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I've been experiencing FPS problems on my (older) computer which is quite annoying since it's mostly impossible to move around the station when on the other hand it runs completely smooth on my (newer) computer. I don't know if it's a hardware problem or if there is anything to fix this big FPS problem I have.


The game can get fairly strenuous on machines, given certain circumstances. Normally, these are caused by the game running complex or especially lengthy processes. (Such as a meteor storm. The game is suddenly having to shift pressure within certain parts of the station, then acknowledge that it is doing so for each tile affected, then it has to carry out things like telling hazard locks to drop, atmos alarms to go off, etc.)

Staff do what we can to try and keep these lengthy processes down to a minimum the best we can, but put simply, a lot of the atmospherics and powernet code is grossly inefficient and poorly designed, making it more prone to cause unnecessarily high amounts of lag in response to mundane events.

In a nutshell, the game is picky. Most of the stress caused by these calculations should be placed on the machine the server is being hosted on. This isn't a game requiring very much computing power, but if your hardware is really that outdated, then it could be contributing to your problem.

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It's nothing to do with the server, it's more client-side because when I play on my better computer it runs really smooth (except for meteor showers because those are a bitch.). Thanks though for the information. I think it's just because my computer is old, it doesn't really run well anymore which could be it's most major problem with SS13.

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something i have found that huuuugely helps with this problem, is bringing up task manager (ctrl alt delete) and setting dreamseeker.exe 's priority to high or above normal. This means that the strings that go through your processor are organized-ish, and ss13's processes will always run through first, resulting in a smooth game. Albeit, it doesn't always mean you go from 4fps to nolagwhatesoever, it just means you go from 4 to say, 20. So the main pauses will be from server-wide lag. If that doesnt work i can always suggest other things :P

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something i have found that huuuugely helps with this problem, is bringing up task manager (ctrl alt delete)


CTRL+ALT+ESC opens taskmanager without having to go through the additional menu.

And yeah, settign the priority to high should help clientside.

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