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[Denied] Oddbomber’s IPC Whitelist

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BYOND Key: Oddbomber3768

Character Names: Lena Strauss, Cain Landsknecht, Vinnie Starr

 Species you are applying to play: IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: N/A

Have you read the lore pages for the species: Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I always enjoy playing robotic-type characters. The subtle way they can express emotion under their mechanical speech and programming is somewhat of a very interesting idea to me. 

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Robots are less emotional than humans, more prone to logical choices than hysterics, are clearly physically more durable and stronger, and in the case for non-free IPCs, are bound by rules that they must absolutely follow. 

Character Name: Victor

Please provide a short backstory for this character: Produced by the now defunct Securtek Security Solutions off the chassis of a heavily modified G2 Industrial Frame, the Armored Protective Police Light Entity was developed for use specifically for use in unconventional situations and riot control; and formerly featured tear-gas launchers on it’s shoulders and wrist mounted stun blasters. However, the APPLE series of frames did not sell very well, with only marginal sales to a few Coalition states and the occasional Tau Ceti Police Department. Securtek was forced to declare bankruptcy later that year, and all existing APPLE units were scrapped or put up for private sale after the stripping of any module considered overtly dangerous. Serial Number 100-485-NJ1, designation “Victor”, was one such model that transferred hands from police departments to corporations, eventually ending up with Nanotransen as a miner. Victor has been successfully reprogrammed and is considered safe for work, but retains much of his former policing subroutines due to their integral nature to his operating system. As such, Victor may act and speak in somewhat of a blunt or aggressive manner. He was only been recently switched to Aurora Station due to his marginally higher-than-average mining scores. His current goal is to earn enough money to buy himself freedom.

What do you like about this character? I enjoy the concept of something that has clearly been produced for another purpose filling a mundane, normal role. Victor will sound very aggressive and loud due to just the way his voicebox is set up and outwardly look very intimidating and mechanical, but is actually inwardly sentient and mostly reluctant to turn to violence.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would rate my roleplaying ability as quite good. I typically not only keep to the usual tenants of grammar, spelling, and punctuation; but I work to engage with other people without acting out of bounds of the character archetype or job that they are currently working.

Notes: Robot man bad.

Edited by Oddbomber

Keep in mind the application needs to be two paragraphs at the minimum. Can you expand upon that as well as this portion?

8 hours ago, Oddbomber said:

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Additionally, although minor, is their name Victor or Charlie?


It says in the application that there only needs to be one paragraph per question, though?


And, their name is Victor. Mentions of Charlie are accidental.


The white-list application format states a two paragraph minimum requirement.


Please provide a short backstory for this character (Aproxomately two paragraphs)



Closing due to reaching the 72 hour mark of the application being open. However, you are more than welcome to reapply with the requested additions made.

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