LocoTokyoFunBus Posted May 15, 2020 Posted May 15, 2020 BYOND Key: LocoTokyoFunBus Character Names: Stephanie Weisgarber - Xenobotanist Joni Mercury - Chef Za'Avaix'Zyrgr - EMT Irvine Pikari - Phoron Researcher Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Slate blue, as a consequence of his weakness for imported inky foods Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I really like a lot of the Skrell lore, particularly their religions and really strong singular state. I think the Skrells' relationship with their state, with their religion, and with their social role as a listener/receiver can shape Skrell characters' backstories, and in turn, their personalities, in really interesting ways. I also think Skrell relationships are really neat, and I would like to see what it's like to interact with other Skrell playing on aurora. The kind of friendships that form, intellectual rivalries that occur, etc. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: They can't slip, drown, or eat solid food unless they have beakmouth. They also have difficulty conveying emotions to other races that aren't attuned to the very particular ways in which they express themselves. Skrell can also communicate to each other via various means of psychic communcation (Nlom, The Dream, telepathy), and their preferences with regards to the amount time they like to spend in Srom, whether they're a listener or a receiver, etc are personality vectors that there are only rough human analogues to. Character Name: A'ablek Quomi - Xenoarchaeologist Please provide a short backstory for this character: A'ablek was, in his youth and so to into adulthood, an oddly intellectual Skrell for someone of his background. Coming from a more pragmatically-minded community on Xaqixal I, most of whose infrastructure was present to support mining efforts and hot spring tourism, A'ablek found himself spending most of his time outside of Skrellian kindergarten exploring the environs of the hotel his mother owned, reading in the library, and spending time in Srom, exploring worlds of his own creation, preferably by himself. He was a listener, oversleeper, beakmouth sufferer, and generally the black sheep of whatever room he was in, and frequently found himself in the position of an aloof object of other Skrell's intellectual interest, but never one to be befriended or romantically involved with. As he grew to first-college aged, this became a more severe source of distress for him, and he sought certainty in his social standing with others by antagonizing other students. It was here that he first challenged his long-standing Lu'Poxii, and made frequent Lu'Kaax. These frequent challenges sharpened him mentally and bolstered his confidence, and although he still felt unable to relate or empathize with many of the other Skrell at his first college, these experiences helped erase the notion in him that there was something wrong with who he was. He began socializing more, forming a small friend group of 4 or so other listeners, and gained somewhat of a reputation for his irreverent and witty sense of humor. He also found great company in nearby communities of Diona and Vaurca, typically miners, who tended to find him very insightful. A'ablek had always been frequently accused by family of behaving selfishly, wasting his talents on lackadaisical romps through Srom, and generally not living up to the ideal young Federation Skrell, but as A'ablek transitioned to his second college, learning more about the traditional religion of Qeblak, and more recent Weishii, his understanding of his place in the world began to crystallize. He began attending underground counterculture concerts, visiting Wulumunusha houses as he became more serious with his spirituality, and studying hard at his second college, choosing to focus on classes regarding Skrellian religion, Skrellian history, and the origins of Vaurca and Diona, spurred on by his friendships with members of the two races. As he progressed through his second college, he came to terms with the fact that he was somewhat selfish, and perhaps wasn't the most exemplary Skrell the Jargon Federation had to offer. However, cosmologically, it became his belief that his free-spiritedness, his imagination, and his unique perspective on life was a gift from the creative force spoken of in Qeblak, and that these qualities were, paradoxically, what would help him do his part in uncovering the source of all things for the good of all species as a collective. After cobbling together the money for a dwelling with several multi-species roomates, A'ablek finds himself living in a small sharehouse on Xaqixal I, finding joy in the distance from home that his Tau Ceti work visa offers him. After several unsuccessful attempts at finding non-volunteer work researching the archaeological history of the Diona, he found himself working for Nanotrasen more out of necessity than enjoyment or interest. What do you like about this character? He's somewhat bitter and confrontational due to his former outcast status, but is embracing of all other races, especially the ones he grew up around, and is finding a plethora of new people who don't share the prejudices that Skrell on his home planet had of him. He also feels a lot freer in expressing the more bubbly and humorous sides of his personality being free from that same discrimination, which is a side a lot of my characters tend not to have. He's also the only character I've made that doesn't particularly like his job, and is typically mentally preoccupied with more fantastical theories about the origins of the Diona, the location of Sedantis I, etc. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 8/10, and as I've said before, getting better the more I play on Aurora and learn the lore
Snakebittenn Posted May 21, 2020 Posted May 21, 2020 This, I like. Your character is pretty interesting, as we've had few Skrell like A'ablek. I look forward to seeing them onstation. Aprobado.
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