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Permaban appeal

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Regarding https://forums.aurorastation.org/topic/14393-permaban-appeal-promestein/

BYOND Key: Promestein

Total Ban Length: Manual ban

Banning staff member's Key: nursiekitty

Reason of Ban: In attached image

Reason for Appeal: I will admit, I was wrong to play when I found out my account wasn't banned even though I was still supposed to be banned. I just really love the Aurorastation server and its community, and I let my excitement get the better of me. I should have submitted a ban appeal before I started playing.

Moving on to the reason why I was originally banned. I was young, dumb, and immature then. I've learned a lot and come a long way since then, if you compare my rp performance from my recent stint to before I was permabanned.

If you decide to reject my ban appeal, I understand. I just would like a chance to prove that I've learned from my past mistakes.

Regarding the original ban, the reason why I ghosted when I got caught for vandalism was because I checked the clock at that point and saw that it was five AM in the morning, so I decided to go to bed. I ghosted and logged. I realized later that i should have ahelped that i was going to bed because it was late, but by then I had already been banned.

I find it very odd that people who have done worse stuff than me get unbanned, while my appeal is dismissed out of hand despite the relatively minor offenses. Again, that was two years ago. I've seen people who had been banned for more severe mistakes made years prior get their ban successfully appealed. And is it really necessary to ban my forum account when my appeal is denied? That strikes me as being spiteful, a petty move. I would appreciate it if my appeal was taken seriously, and consider all the factors I've mentioned in my appeal. I've provided reasonable arguments to support my appeal. I've not once been hostile or passive-aggressive.


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