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Myazaki's Antag Diaries! (Aurora Edition)


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So my Baystation12 Antag Diaries  turned out to be popular - Wanting to recount some of my best antagonist rounds and give people an idea of what is possible as a HRP antagonist, beyond the usual bombs and shootouts with security.

I'll keep this thread updated with accounts of rounds that were well received by other players, and enjoyable for me!


Traitor Atmospherics Technician

Playing Melody Loop, my extremely lazy Atmos Tech. Got traitor'd with about 50 minutes to go in the round, and not much of an idea of what I wanted to do! Aaaaa!

There are already some other violent traitors doing things on the station, so I decided that my ambition would be Secure paid leave for the Engineering department and see what else could be done after that.

I did the bare minimum to have my face seen around Engineering, then headed off to the construction level to stash my gear and swap it out for chameleon gear - Disguising myself as a NT Corporate Liason.

Annoyingly, on Aurora, the voice changer isn't itself a chameleon item. So I had to get creative and forge a fax from NT explaining that their CL suffered an injury enroute to Aurora and was rendered mute, but due to their contract they could not be fired and had to work the shift. I gave this to the HoS who was the highest ranking character at the time.

Next, I broke into the CLs office (no access you see) and managed to get my face seen at my desk doing my CL thing. A couple of people had questions for me, but I managed to get them to go away wordlessly, with emotes and paper messages - Guess who forgot to give their character Sign Language?

Now for the ambition - I wrote another fax from NT, saying that there was a big legal case at the moment about an overworked Engineer -- And to be safe the CE & Engineers were to have the rest of the shift as paid leave. Upon delivering this to the CE, the department was delighted and the CE went to the pool.

Naturally the station started getting upset that the Engineers weren't doing their jobs, especially the Quatermaster who wanted phoron for a bounty - But no one would give it to him.


So, I got the most ridiculous outfit with my chameleon gear I could and returned to being my engineer. And stood infront of Supply heckling the QM about our paid leave.

The QM made the bar refuse to serve me, and I was about to find a way around that... when the server died.

Successful and fun round anyway, and the QMs player found it funny afterwards! I think it went very well for such a short amount of time as a traitor in that round.

Edited by Myazaki
Posted (edited)

This was an extended round, but it felt like I was an antagonist, so I'm going to write it in here anyway and no one can stop me.


Ion Law'd Artificial Intelligence

Started the round late, lowpop with 3/4 players -- Security Cadet, First Responder and a Cyborg. I joined them in the garden holographically and we RP'd for a while about our jobs, origins and talked about the nature of AI and my AI's origins and differences from other AI.

Suddenly - Ion Law event! "Greed is good, the crew should amass wealth to encourage productivity." was added to my lawset.

And so the round immediately got more stressful for my loyal borgo as I ordered him about the station to set up the plan. We got the freezer full of money out of the vault, and I announced a NT-funds-backed competition for whoever could get the most bounties - They would receive 10,000 credits!

The Security Cadet and First Responder enthusiastically signed up, and the Security Officer decided he would supervise and make sure they didn't get into too much trouble, and he verified that the prize actually existed.

So for an hour or two, the Security Cadet and First Responder went all over the station figuring out how to supply each bounty. For a long time the First Responder was in the lead... but SEQUENCE kept the competition close by providing hints to whoever was behind, or providing them a little more access. Every time a bounty was delivered, I would make a station announcement to keep everyone in the loop. SEQUENCE helped them figure out how to make things like the drinks/drug bounties.

Eventually a Roboticist logged on and after being confused for an hour, and asking me where I got the 10,000 credits from, asked me my laws -- Instant "Oh. Fuck." moment. But it let the Sec. Cadet & First Responder bribe the Roboticist to complete some extra bounties.

The Roboticist, a second Security Cadet and the Security Officer went on a little adventure to figure out how to reset me. With SEQUENCE enthusiastically helping them figure out how to get authorization to allow the Roboticist within my core. 

They lied their way into the Representative's office for some reason, and worked out what they wanted to write in a fax. Eventually they realized they needed some access to use the fax machine, and since it would have stalled the round otherwise, I had my borgo grant the Roboticist temporary Representative access to use the machine and send off their fax.

They never received a response, but a Chief Medical Officer did log on! And after some time filling in the CMO about events, they authorized a visit to my AI Core to reset me.

At about this time, I had the bounty-contest end and the First Responder was the victor with 8 to 6 bounties filled. However the CMO denied them getting their well-earned 10k credits, despite their work giving the cargo budget around 54k credits. Poor lil' First Responder.

The CMO, Roboticist and Security Officer went to my core and had a sweaty-hands-moment as they watched the Roboticist fumble my law reset slightly. However he never completely wiped me and eventually managed to remove the ion law.


SEQUENCE returned the funds to the vault and all was well on the NSS Aurora once again.



It was one of my busiest Extended rounds even with only 4-7 players online, and peeps seemed to enjoy my AI. 

My favourite bit was when the Sec Cadet completed the 'Lungs Bounty' and the rest of the crew went 'WHAT' -- Before explaining he got robotic lungs printed.


Below on the left is the First Responder & Sec Cadet arguing about their bounty finding, and on the right is my hologram, another cadet, security officer and roboticist working out what their fax should say.



Edited by Myazaki

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