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[Accepted] Myphicbowser's Vaurca Application

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BYOND Key: Myphicbowser

Character Names: Katha Mars

Species you are applying to play: Vaurca

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Unbound color for Lesser Queen Scay (RGB 71, 0, 31)

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Perhaps

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:
The Vaurca is… well really interesting to me, I love chitin based creatures and I love VR, put 'em together and you get these bugs specifically. Something about them is alluring to me, I really have trouble articulating my interests but I do really love these little fellers and I’m pretty sure I could play them well. Another interest I do have is how alien they are which is incredible, they are very different and it presents an interesting mind set to do properly which is something I personally enjoy over most human characters.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
The differences between roleplaying a human and a Vaurca is many but some of the biggest ones that need reflection is mostly how they handle group thinking, where a human is likely to disagree and have personal ideas and desires, Vaurca are entirely loyal, a mixture of pheromones, implants, and indoctrination in the Unbound and basic subservience only in the Bound, they don’t really have as many head on conflicts within their own hive as they tend to go towards the same goal, but if fighting is needed they are ready to defend themselves and verbal arguments can still take place though individual Ka would avoid coming to physical blows if possible. Another defining factor is this idea of pacifism, they aren’t really combative because of their usual attitude of general progress in their hive and the only caste that tends to be combative is the Za which is the warrior cast but that combative attitude is mostly towards beings not in the hive, so they tend to mask their anger or annoyance, really just wanting to work. The Unbound do have a higher degree of autonomy but tend to still align their beliefs and morals with their hive, but that doesn’t mean they are entirely subservient to the hive and can make their own independent choices and actions. I think the biggest difference is also how they react to life, as Bound are incapable of seeking pleasure and only live to serve and Unbound are used to massive time in VR so a world with so many issues is very different and potentially jarring for them at first I would imagine.

Character Name: Ka'Akaix'Mirz Zo'ra
Please provide a short backstory for this character:
Ka’Akaiz’Mirz Zo’ra has only recently achieved a comfortable level of acceptance aboard human stations and space, they spent around thirty years in the VR world of the Hidden Queen, enjoying the endless simulations and adaptations of the simulated creature in the entirely safe and sustainable world of the immaterial. After having so much time to study and learn they left, ready to apply their knowledge to the material realm and gather DNA and information to enter into the immaterial and exact their study and perfect later generations from their own hive. While not exactly the most creative with their simulations they did tend to pull in good results, many cross-species simulations for both combat and general survival were run with them dutifully watching, and they are excited for the chance to apply this. During their first real year in the material world, they found the constants presented in the simulations being very real, but the occasional blip of anomalous behavior from humans was a constant source of concern and confusion, and along with the unregulated violence and need of personal maintenance in the way of food and sleep and other issues, despite the annoyances presented they still continued to apply themselves as fully as possible and they managed to work around the lack of control of the real world they had.

After another three years of working with various species they finally found themselves in a position of desiring more, the various creatures they interacted with on a singular basis provided invaluable data but they found themselves lacking and couldn’t think of anything too valuable to make up for the gaps of cross-species interaction, at least until they were sent to the NSS Aurora. The amount of species collaborating and interacting would be a massive boon to research and incredibly valuable for understanding how they interact, so this decision was quite a gift for Mirz, and they are incredibly excited to get to learn and interact with the ship and discover that valuable data and codify it for the simulations.

What do you like about this character?:
I really like the desire to learn while not being exactly posh but also not being down to earth, sometimes they question why things don’t go a certain way and other times they rush to secure a notepad and document incredibly accurately, the fact that things can either go just as expected or off the walls crazy for them in their own view of things is fun to me. They would question the most asinine things all to improve the simulations that they will eventually spend eternity in, they just seek to learn and I find that a very admirable trait and one that can make some situations interesting depending on the gaps in their knowledge.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?:
A solid Seven out of Ten, because any higher and I’ll sound like some meanie butt that wants the whitelist too much, and any less and I’d sound like a low effort RPer who shouldn’t be trusted with a whitelist, I try to engage with people and I do emote often enough when I wouldn’t consider it excessive or when it would like, delay something, I wouldn’t let someone die in triage to Emote but I would emote on a slow research day

Notes: Haha! Bug go *chitter *chitter *chitter


Hello. The lack of feedback and singular character listed isn't a solid foundation for which the quality of the application can rest, and coupled with this application being your first makes this all the more challenging.

On 03/10/2020 at 18:34, Myphicbowser said:

they don’t really have as many head on conflicts within their own hive

This isn't entirely correct. They're able to reach a consensus mainly because they do conflict from time to time. Different perspectives find a middle ground which works best. Less of a queen dictatorship, more of a entire-hive consensus. Anyone can weigh in on a major or minor decision, and from everyone's perspectives and opinions, the queen or whoever else designated to call the shot will make an informed decision. That isn't to say some Unbound don't want the best for the hive; they simply have a different idea of what is best. They're still individuals.

I'll accept this application but like with everyone else we'll be monitoring you. Not in a threatening or denying manner, just to correct any mistakes you might make. I hope you enjoy playing the species!

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