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Makeshift armor QOL/buff thread


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I suggest a few buffs to makeshift armor to make it slightly better. 
And by better, I mean making it a little more versatile. The defense is good enough as it is.

For both the base armor and the trenchcoats, make it so they can store melee weapons. Because let's be honest, if you're going to make it, you're more than likely gonna be using melee as well. It's not rocket science. This will make them bout far more useful outside the role of armor, and make that slowdown a little more worth it.

For the base armor, maybe make it so the wire colors adjust to fit the wire you used. So if you used red wire, the wires will be red. Blue wires will be blue, et cetera. 

For the trench coat, I have more. One, I'd like to make it so that it can actually hold all the stuff the base trenchcoat can hold in it's suit storage. 
I'd also like to have the sprites updated to depict the coat you use to craft it, so if you use brown it'll be a brown trench coat, grey for grey, so on and so forth.

And my most radical adjustment suggestion, make it so you can use Dominian Greatcoats and the various Tajaran long coats to make armored trench coats as well.

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