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[Accepted]Chronicler of Cosmic Discovery | Mneme's Dionae Whitelist Application

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BYOND Key: Mneme
Character Names:

  • Fenah Veral | Captain
  • William Fagan | Head of Security
  • Navin Adhya | Chief Medical Officer
  • Haji Antoun | Security Officer

Species you are applying to play: Dionae
What color do you plan on making your first alien character: N/A - Dionae
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:
Outside of the fact that I feel like I've explored all of the interesting cultures of humanity at current, I want to play as a Dionae because they fit my playstyle extremely well, and have a unique and diverse backstory. Anyone who knows my characters knows I take a back-line approach, I like to sit and let everyone else do everything, only intervening when needed. I like to serve as the sage advisor, the scholar who is consulted, or the Captain who rarely leaves the bridge, communicating through holopads and radio in a snooty, never talking to any non-command, way. I feel like Diona can accommodate that playstyle well. I fully intend, if accepted, to create a research director Diona that slugs around the research lab, contemplating on everything within their realm, and looking on things from the macro level, which I will explain more in my "Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human" section. Outside of that I think the ingrained conditional pacifism is a bonus, as I won't be expected to fight or engage in fights, which gives me more opportunities for roleplay and character building. I'm also noticing a distinct lack of Diona on the station at current, and I believe that this is a species that needs some additional lovin in the way of playercount, as it's quite fascinating.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
Dionae are quite different than any other species on the station, everything from how they think, to how they speak, to what it means when they grow old, and all that is in between. One thing that captivates me in particular is the mind types. While I'm going to start off with a singular sound mind type in the beginning, just so I can get the hang of the species, I fully intend on roleplaying a Harmonious Hymn down the line, perhaps as a liaison that slows bureaucracy down to a crawl, or something along those lines where it'd make sense. Additionally, while I would never decide to play a species because of the mechanics, the mechanics offer an interesting toolbox to enhance roleplay. Their inability to run an slow movement speed would allow me to saunter down Research's halls, hands crossed behind my back, pondering the realities of life. If I am accepted for the whitelist, I fully intend on playing as a Geras type, one who has seen a lot of things, done a lot of things, and really exemplifies the mentorship role of what Command is supposed to be about, while also staying true to the species. In general the Coeus and Geras system is vastly different than role-playing an older human, which is my general agegroup as none of my characters are under the age of 50. The relationship with the Izewski Hegemony and the Jargon Federation is also something I'm interested in experiencing and fleshing out, as it really offers a lot of unique roleplay opportunities that humans simply do not have. 

Character Name: Chronicler of Cosmic Discovery
Please provide a short backstory for this character

"We... find knowledge... where knowledge... is not found... and bring it... to life.. when all... is assumed lost... for it is the chronicling... of the cosmic discovery... that advances... all... forward..."

Within the harsh Wasteland of Moghes, stands a Diona of substantive bark, clad in the tattered and torn robes of Clan Dorviza. This Chronicler of Cosmic Discovery, as it has become known as, tends to the pods that clear the radiation from the crops of Dorviza, and helps lead the terraforming processes through its wisdom. Yet it has not always done this, for it is an old creature, one ravaged by time. There was once a forgotten era, an era before it arrived on Moghes and before it landed within Clan Dorviza. The nymphs that make up the Chronicler of Cosmic Discovery were grown in 2243 and formed their gestalt in 2245. They were grown by a Jargon Federation Researcher who was interested in understanding how nymphs grown in a tropical, temperate, climate, would evolve and develop when compared to nymphs grown in a harsher, colder climate, as it was relatively less understood during the time of the aftermath. Luckily for Chronicler their nymphs were grown on the tropical island of Ash'alq, located on Qerrbalak within the Jargon Federation, giving their bark a somewhat lighter, yet average, bark color. These nymphs learned as all nymphs do, through the consumption of blood. Given the close proximity of the Tzqul Archives, and the laboratory staff who so generously gave their sample, Chronicler soon became a well read, well learned, individual, tasing estimable scholars who got their education from the local Ash'Alq's colleges, all the way up to the elaborate halls of the Aliose University of Medical Sciences. Through the blood, Chronicler grew, and grew, and grew.

As it grew older, Chronicler took a scholarly role within Federation society, working as an archivist within the Tzqul Archives, growing its collective knowledge and developing its repertoire of skills. Given the scientific-upbringing that it had, Chronicler had a proclivity for advance and complex research, able to ponder and analyze the most abstract of mathematical concepts, while also boiling down the most vital of medical processes. It was, and is, a thinker, a scholar, and a researcher. It developed papers and advanced collective knowledge, taking a personal interest in condensed matter physics, particle physics, and nuclear physics, as-well as cosmology, astrophysics, and astrobiochemistry. Its research questioned the nature of bluespace, and dove into the understanding of optical lattices, the electronic theory of solids, phase transition, robotics, xenobotany, and other complex topics. It focused on this for many decades, obtaining relatively higher, yet meager, positions within the Federation as a professor, researcher, physician, and educator. In the year of 2433 something changed, a new society was discovered and a new species arose. Chronicler was no longer sated by remaining on Qerrbalak, its bark grown thicker and its minds now racing with the new possibilities, it wanted to delve deeply where none other delved before. With the relative primitivity of the newly discovered species, its skills were called upon to assist, and so with glee in its nymphs, and discovery coursing throughout their collective psyche, it moved to provide the skills that were so sought.

Chronicler remained above Moghes on a federation vessel until 2439, offering its support and technical expertise to those who needed it, while chronicling the events of this cosmic discovery, watching from above. When the bombs fell, so too did Chronicler, leaving the federation vessel and heading to the surface of the planet, where it found itself stranded within the wastes, roaming endlessly, helping the survivors of the Contact War where it could, and learning from them in exchange for its services, it discovered Clan Dorviza, and remained with them, helping until its penchant for discovery was awoken once more. In 2450 it left, heading for the Republic of Biesel where it was picked up in employ by Nanotrasen and where it remained ever since. Slowly climbing the ranks of the research-mammoth's hierarchy, and chronicling all it can chronicle, for the cosmic discovery is endless.

What do you like about this character?
I like its diverse background, and exposure to a wide array of different cultures and societies, while also maintaining that scholar-type architect. I think it'll be an extremely interesting character to play as a Singular Sound mindtype, with the possibility of having the entire gestalt grind to a halt at the loss of one nymph. I also think it'll be interesting to roleplay as a Diona that has seen so many things, and can reliably and reasonably give its opinion on certain things, certain things that it might have experienced first-hand. tl;dr it'll be fun to play as an old, singular sound diona, that walks around super slow, and converses in complex and archaic speech, while also serving as an advisor to all members of the crew who so seek its advice.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?: 8.5/10 - There is always room for improvement.

Notes: I'm always open to feedback and if anyone has any questions I will happily answer them.

Edited by Mneme
added haji
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