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Unban Request - harryob

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BYOND Key: harryob
Total Ban Length: Permanent
Banning staff member's Key: melariara
Reason of Ban: Use of proxy / The ban reason is given as spam, but I'm not thedukess, and I haven't done that
Reason for Appeal: Ban is absolutely justified, but I had added byond.exe to my VPNs exception list, and I've got no clue why it still connected. I've connected using my actual IP previously, was just messing around on a work cloud subnet via VPN and completely forgot to disconnect. I like to think I'm a decent roleplayer, and Aurora is a great environment for it. I'll be sure to be more careful with my VPN client in the future. Thanks!


I alternate between my desktop and my laptop, but those tend to be on the same network, and I might've(?) connected one time from a VM, because it's the only way I've been able to get BYOND to not be super angry when it's on a second monitor, but I don't plan on using that, way too slow to be useable. Only time I'd be on another network would be when I'm using my hotspot.


Actually, thinking about it, I don't believe I ever connected to Aurora on that VM. Just been using my desktop and laptop.


Absolutely nothing. I've got two ckeys, harryob and julissmc. The latter I don't use anymore, and never joined on Aurora.

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