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Un-ban Request - SodomKnight

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CKey: SodomKnight

Ban Length: Permanent

Banning Staff CKey: tbear13

Ban Reason: "Joined as 'Herschel Goldblat-Shekelberg' with the flavor text 'His hands are rubbing together fervently' This is obviously unacceptable" (applied on May 18th, 2020)

Reason for Appeal: I wish to appeal this ban as I feel as though I have grown as a person since two years ago and look back on my immaturity as unacceptable and quite unrepresentative of who I am as a person. I know that this behavior is far out of line and wish to rejoin a long lost group that I very much enjoyed playing with. I cannot stress enough the embarrassment felt when looking at the ban message and to know I did these kinds of things for laughs at another persons expense is disgusting. The two years between then and now have been a time of growth and learning as someone who does not look down on others for differences. I hope whoever reads this is willing to give me another chance even though I may not be deserving of one. If need be I am willing to discuss further.


Thank you for your time and understanding,



We are willing to give you another chance since you have only one permaban, but any sort of caricature or anything like that and you will be banned without appeal. Understand?

16 hours ago, MattAtlas said:

We are willing to give you another chance since you have only one permaban, but any sort of caricature or anything like that and you will be banned without appeal. Understand?

Completely understand. Thank you.

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