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Herpetophilia's Security Job Ban Appeal

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BYOND Key: Herpetophilia
Total Ban Length: Permanent 
Banning staff member's Key: Peppermint96
Reason of Ban: "Powergaming and encouraging poor practices. Destroying trash piles to loot things as a security officer, which has since been taught to new players. This kind of thing isn't okay and leads to server wide issues. Bragging about it is also not a good look."
Reason for Appeal: I wish to regain my ability to play as Security, being one of my favorite departments. I believe I have learnt from this experience and will make better decisions concerning powergaming in the future, namely being able to understand when my actions break the rules or make the game less enjoyable for others. I will also be more aware of things I teach to new players and how it might affect them or the community negatively.



You have quite a few entries for things like valid hunting, power gaming, poor sec play, ect. Why will this time be any different if I do lift the ban given it's your second?


Considering my aforementioned history, it's safe to assume that this will probably be the last chance given to me to improve my behavior. As stated in the original post, I will now strive to do my best in putting others before me and making better decisions when playing Security, so as to avoid something like this from happening again. 


Considered it a bit.

Given this isn't the first ban and I'm not at all confident that there will be any change this time around due to a fairly lengthy history, I'm going to deny it for now. You can reapply in a month or two. 

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