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Citizenship/Background rework

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I've been brewing over this for a long time. I'd like to get it in a thread form for discussion, especially amongst lore developers.

There are a few issues with our background system as it stands. Key ones include:

  • Dual/multicitizenship is not supported. This causes an issue as, since it can only be reflected in records, it can cause issues where CCIA is concerned if this is discovered later in a case. This also bans certain species, such as tajara, from having Biesel or COC citizenship even though lore-wise it is allowed, as the tajara team (rightly) wants to avoid "neutral" tajara.
  • Citizenship for alien species is not allowed. Guidelines exist on humans getting a citizenship within the Nralakk Federation, but it is mechanically impossible to do so in-game. This is because the teams do not want to deal with an unwhitelisted species having access to a whitelisted species' mechanics. This is soon to cause an issue however, as we now have Ouerea in-game.
  • Residence is not reflected at all. Refugees and people who moved to another planet for work or similarĀ aren't given their options, even if they would reasonably have it. This makes it difficult to reflect your current situation as well.

I have thought over a lot of these, and have come up with a solution that I believe works for everyone:

  • Multiple citizenships can be selected. These will be mechanically restricted to legal combinations (For instance, if you select a Biesel citizenship, the Sol citizenship is grayed out). They will also be reflected in official records, and on the web interface.
  • Alien citizenships will be locked behind whitelists. If you as a human, select a Nralakk citizenship for instance without following the proper guidelines, it becomes a whitelist issue that the lore teams can properly police. This avoids the issues behind having a non-whitelisted species able to select whitelisted options, and potentially be able to play a "lite" version of an alien species while having no real understanding of the lore behind it.
  • Residence will be split from origin, and will be reflected in records. This will allow you to have in your records that you are a refugee originating from Mictlan, but now living in Sol. Certain items -may- be allowed for residents in addition to origin, however there will be the option to add mechanical restrictions between origins and residencies (for instance, no-one from Sol would ever be allowed to reside on Gadpathur, and this would be blocked). This should be discussed further.

The primary idea here, is to allow our players and characters extended options to roleplay their characters, while allowing for full policing of these formerly records-only options. No more will the teams have the headache of dealing with what to do with the Eridani citizen who just so happens to have a Biesel citizenship too, that was only discovered late in discussion. We can also finally get citizenship lore and residence lore reworked, and have it mechanically reflected in-game.

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