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Cinbo Ban Appeal

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Cinbo
Total Ban Length: Permanent
Banning staff member's Key: @MattAtlas/mattatlas
Reason of Ban: Ban evasion
Reason for Appeal: This is not me. The Ckey ID is thatoneyeeter, and before I've had to appeal for several bans not intended for me on Fulpstation where one guy (presumably this one) keeps griefing and getting banned. I assume he's moved onto HRP to further inconvenience my life as this is my first time playing.


Edited by Cino
@ing the correct staff member
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, sorry about the delay - I've been dealing with exams and other shit, and kept forgetting to handle your appeal when I had free time.

You should be able to log in now, but you're unfortunately getting caught because of your CID, so the ban will probably be reapplied in case one of them logs in again. If that happens, skip the appeal process and just DM me directly on Discord.

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