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[DENIED] Incident Report 3/23/2466

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Posted (edited)

Reporting Personnel: Dr. Rita Kapinga 
Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Physician (Zeng-Hu)
Game ID: N/A

Personnel Involved:
- Cornelius Huizhong, Head of Security (SCC)

Secondary Witnesses: N/A 
Time of Incident: 8:41

Real Time: 5:05 EST
Location of Incident: Company Bulletin

Nature of Incident:
[ ] - Workplace Hazard
[ ] - Accident/Injury
[ ] - Destruction of Property
[ ] - Neglect of Duty
[ ] - Harassment
[ ] - Assault
[x] - Misconduct
[ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)

Overview of the Incident: Head of Security Cornelius Huizhong continues to display unworkplacelike conduct. Multiple times including messages of religious nature in offical documentation.

Plainly written, this habit is in poor posture, an employee of the SCC, especially one in a management position, should avoid displays putting the company in poor light with unprofessional, unworkplacelike behavior.

Submitted Evidence: Below are several screenshots of published documents and messages Huizhong published on the SCC Bulletin.


Would you like to be personally interviewed?: 
[X] - Yes
[ ] - No

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: N/A, As Mr Hoizhong's conduct happened on the Company Bulletin.
Actions taken: N/A

Additional Notes: N/A

Edited by naut

TO: Rita Kapinga, Physician, SCCV Horizon

FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report




This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the HR Division to review.


If necessary, you will be contacted by a HR Assistant when an investigation begins.


DTG: 24-20:51-TAU CETI STANDARD-03-2466





TO: Rita Kapinga, Physician, SCCV Horizon

FROM: Hanako Kurosawa, Human Resources

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



Dear Dr. Kapinga,

After reviewing your incident report, we have concluded that there are insufficient grounds for this complaint to be considered valid. Religious expression and practice are permitted and welcomed in the SCC, as are the sharing of prayers and religious material to personnel, even if the recipient does not share the same religion as the sender.

As long as an employee is not ridiculing another for their religion (or lack thereof), aggressively proselytizing, or otherwise performing actions that cross into the line of harassment, simple expression as seen in this report is acceptable.

This report will be closed without further investigation. If you notice behavior like that mentioned above, please open another incident report with the offending material.

Have a nice day.


DTG: 29-12:10-TAU CETI STANDARD-03-2466




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