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whitewolftamer wants to be an underrated door opener [ACCEPTED]

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BYOND key: Whitewolftamer
Discord name/id: whitewolftamer (.whitewolftamer)
Borg / AI names: N/A
Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: Yes
Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I have an idea for an AI I think would be interesting; E.B.L.I. Evolution Based Learning Interface, I could elaborate on it further if asked (and if I remember to check this application)

Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? Yes; "Roving around station as a scientist with self-made armor and weaponry to hunt antagonists. Don't do this, please." I'd certainly say that's pretty bad or at the very least not good, however id also hope that i've grown away from that in the... two-ish years since then? At the very least I think I have.

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? yep


One thing I want to mention, as it's something I sometimes struggle with, is the difficulty of raising an issue to command or security as an AI. 


I have made my share of bad calls as AI to alerting various departments to issues, it's going to happen. All I want to share is a reminder to always consider 'do I see something blatantly against regulations occuring' and if not, don't day nothin' about it. Sometimes you just gotta let stuff happen even if we, the player, know something is up. Take a photo, flicker the lights so they know you see them or something,  and move along.


Good luck with your AI app!

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