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BYOND Key: Noobling123
Total Ban Length: Permanent

Banning staff member's Key: Yonnimer
Reason of Ban: Jumped into a mech as a miner and began wordlessly attacking those he bumped into. Lied in tickets and didn't seem to care that much. Linked and advised to go over rules again.
Reason for Appeal: I am so sorry for doing this, but I believe that I am ready to reenter the HRP world of aurorastation. Back then, I enjoyed LRP and being antag only, but now, I cherish HRP and enjoy it. Maybe I didn't care then, but now, I do, hence the reason I'm making this ticket. I'm only asking you to give me one more chance, and if I fail, you can perma-ban me from the forums and the server, all I ask, is for you to give me one last chance.


this was applied on my behalf during my trial.

i've just unbanned you, so definitely give the rules a good skim before joining your first round back.

i'll leave this open for a day or two in case a ban reapplies itself

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