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UltraNumeron - Unathi Application

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BYOND Ckey: UltraNumeron

Discord username: UltraBigRat

Character names: Amaliya Riphea, Johnathan Baum, Osbert Heron, Mastiff-409, Homer Obasi, Hevex MK2-226, OSIRIS EXP-86

Species you are applying to play: Unathi


General Whitelist Requirements

What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: Skalamar Red, RGB 160, 44, 44

Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Most of the relevant ones

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this species?:

Unathi are a species i didn't particularly like at first, though one whose lore i quickly grew an enjoyment for when i begun reading the lore for them, as a species that has survived and is trying to recover from nuclear war and one with quite diverse and distinctive cultures and behaviours. From their codes of honor and caste systems, to ancestor worship and spiritual transhumanist anarchist communes, they gave me many good character ideas that would not ordinarily work for humans.

I also just find the Aut'akh very interesting and their ideas really resonated with me.

What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?:

Along with them biologically being large, reptilian, cold-blooded carnivores their social and cultural norms, along with their body language are quite different. Such as them having strict codes of honor, and strict gender roles with less reliance on biological sex. Their body language also having things such as pointing being seen as aggressive and using first names casually being rude, while finding staring to be respectful and using tail stomps and throat rattling to express emotion. They also have a clan system which is used to manage most of their society, the exile from which can lead to the Unathi becoming a second-class citizen.


Character Application Character Name: Sa'zzhek Sarick

Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. (2 paragraphs minimum)

Sarick was born in 2438 on Moghes, a year before the contact war went nuclear. With his father becoming disfigured and losing an arm in the war, along with the devastation of the nuclear conflict disillusioning the family with their society and disrupting their faith in the Th'akh and causing them to seek new salvation in the undercity communes of Moghes, his father being invited there upon an Aut'akh seeing their injured state. With the family converting to the faith and Sarick being raised in the commune through the war, his father gradually regaining his health through prosthetics and teaching Sarick in the ways of the warrior, while also engaging in art and philosophy with the rest of the commune.

Deciding to the ritual of shards upon coming of age at 16 rather then doing so immediatly at 14, Sarick was sent to smuggle food and prosthetics to communes in the wasteland and was allowed to undergo the ritual of rebirth. Being fitted with an electric grasper engraved with runes symbolizing thunder and peace, a soul anchor, a protein breakdown valve and a venomous rest implant. Having a wish to take care of the aut'akh community and protect it. 

Eventually he began to receive baffles from his soul anchor, and upon reflecting on them decided to go to Eridani and join the factory, seeing it as an opportunity to do more for the Aut'akh by protecting and laboring for the site where more prosthetics can be made, to insure more families can get the salvation the Aut'akh gave his. And while the work at the factory was good, the tough economic conditions of Eridani for the commune and the shortages it caused, led to him begrudgingly seeking employment with the PMCG to provide food, medicine and resources for the commune. Joining Eagle Corp, and through its meritocratic system and his combat augmentations eventually getting him a spot working as security on the SCCV Horizon.


How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character. (1 paragraph minimum)

The phoron scarcity and the economic harm it caused, such as the increase in food shortages in the factory greatly impacted the decision to join Eagle Corp, despite heavy moral and religious opposition to them. The Solarian collapse, Biesel invasions and Hephaestus Industries involvement in the Hegemony were all good examples to Sarick of the inherent instability of states and corporations that try to consolidate power, and the harm they cause to innocent people opposed to peaceful and free existence in communes.

How does your character view the megacorporation they work for? (1 paragraph minimum)

Sarick sees the PMCG and Eagle Corp as symptoms of the unnecessary evil of capital and the consolidation of power, exploiting even violence to seize more money and power, preventing independent communities from having enough to live freely. Overall Sarick found Eagle Corp preferable for work however, as they did not pretend to care as much about who their employees were, and allowed him to use his talents most efficiently to provide for the commune. He finds the nature of the work deplorable, and sends the vast majority of his income to the commune, keeping the minimum needed for his own living.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I apologise for the very late response - I was distracted with the event arc and fully forgot about this. I do have a couple questions, though.

Where on Moghes is Sarick from?

How does he feel about the other Aut'akh communes and their interpretations of the faith? Don't have to go super in-detail, just if there's any other ones he's strongly opinionated about.

On 13/08/2024 at 04:27, RustingWithYou said:

Hi, I apologise for the very late response - I was distracted with the event arc and fully forgot about this. I do have a couple questions, though.

Where on Moghes is Sarick from?

How does he feel about the other Aut'akh communes and their interpretations of the faith? Don't have to go super in-detail, just if there's any other ones he's strongly opinionated about.

They are from Teht, in the southlands. Being born in the area and moving into a nearby undercity commune as their family joined it.

They dislike the Luthien Pact quite a bit, seeing it as having it's values subverted by corporate interests, due to their lives now relying on a biodome tightly controlled by money, in which megacorporations can freely exploit them for their knowledge and labor. Meanwhile they see the valley as an important historic commune that Hephaestus is trying to push out.

They find the communes of the Undercity, Factory and Razortail being the best examples of good Aut'akh practice, being communes focused on doing what they can to provide for the community and survive in their environment, while doing their best to uphold the faiths values.

They find their interpretations of the faith itself to be mostly circumstantial, as each commune focuses on what's most prevalent in it's area. In the end believing all beings, synthetic or organic are capable of attaining spiritual rebirth through the faith and its practices.

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