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Antag Unban Request 2 - UltraNumeron

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BYOND Key: UltraNumeron
Total Ban Length: Permanent antag ban
Banning staff member's Key: readthisnameplz
Reason of Ban: image.png.3937c3c35d84adfab00232227612f5c2.png
Reason for Appeal: Made an appeal a few weeks back and was requested by @CampinKillerto play on the server again more first. (which very fair, i was likely a bit too hasty) And so i've been actively playing on the server for a couple of weeks now, with plenty of good interactions and no incident. I feel i could handle them pretty well now, and would like to try again to drive the round from time to time. Especially nowadays where i see very few others doing that, even when most of the server votes secret.

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