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Medical Paperwork Overhaul: First Re-Formed

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Hey everyone! I've recently set about to update some of the medical department's paperwork into a more efficient, detailed, and pertinent form. All 15 forms have been revised and lorem-ipsum-tested. I also went and added two new forms to fill out gaps in the roster:

  1. Form 0305, a quarantine intake form to book-keep the processing of patients in the isolation ward.
  2. Form 0311, a run report for Paramedics that pulls from real-life EMS PCRs. Now nobody is safe from paperwork!

If you have any feedback, requests for other form revisions, or are interested in having these updated to the in-game requests console, please comment or contact me at @20nypercent on the Aurora discord.

Form 0300 - Surgical Release: auroraform1.txt

Added recovery duration and recovery + care specifics areas.

Form 0301 - Medical Releaseauroraform2.txt

See above. Form 0300 and 0301 are remarkably similar.

Form 0302 - Prescription Slip: auroraform3.txt

Reformatted to look more like a slip, added issuation/expiry dates, issuing prescriber field, times filled cells.

Form 0303 - Psychiatric Evaluation: auroraform13.txt

Fancying up, added cells and reformatted for easier scoring and tallying.

Form 0304 - Physical Evaluation: auroraform4.txt

Huge changes. Added demographic, vitals, patient history areas w/ a number of questions to guide assessments, + bloodwork and body scan attachment instructions.

Form 0305 - Quarantine Intake: auroraform15.txt

Brand-new form for tracking the status and needs of quarantined patients in the Isolation Ward.

Form 0306 - Coroner Report: auroraform5.txt

Cell-based nicening, added attachment request for pertinent photos and time of death/time of discovery cells.

Form 0307 - Bloodwork: auroraform6.txt

Reformatted, added some metrics to the blood panel and a 'classification' section to help explain trace chemicals to nonmedical personnel.

Form 0308 - Foreign Body Removal: auroraform7.txt

Added a 'precautions observed' section for things like k'ois extraction, and a 'location of FB storage' segment for investigative followups.

Form 0309 - Identity Confirmation: auroraform8.txt

Added a DNA string field and 'additional markers' section for other ways to prove ID people may conceive of. Also a photo request.

Form 0310 - Medical Treatment Waiver: auroraform9.txt

Specifications for what the consequences of not receiving treatment are. Shed liability easier than ever!

Form 03011 - Run Report: auroraform14.txt

Slick NEW form for Paramedics. Now you have something to do between calls besides smoking and talking about how big the maggots in that guy's leg were.

Form 0312 - Chemical Requisition: auroraform10.txt

Safe handling instructions, formatting for easier list requests, so it goes.

Form 0313: - Pharmacy Requests: auroraform11.txt

Nicening-up, requests for copies of prescription slips added for better bookkeeping.

Form 0314: - Provisional Certificate of Death: auroraform12.txt

Adapted from the Coroner's Report, mostly like the old one but better looking.


Edited by 20nypercent
Formatting edits.
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I forgot to post here, but for anyone curious, CCIA has incorporated a few of the forms here into the form database.

  • Physical Evaluation - In whole
  • Quarantine Intake - In whole
  • Run Report - In whole
  • Medical Treatment Waiver - In whole
  • Identity Confirmation - Sort-of in whole

The rest of the forms follow the current in-game forms very well in either format, content, or both. The five above were just the ones I saw that either should be added (such as Quarantine Intake and Run Report) or had simply better content. The changes were approved by 20% and Bear, and are available in the in-game messaging console.

Note: While we did use the forms listed here, the headers were changed to stay in-line with the rest of the forms available. However, if you prefer the headers that 20% made, feel free to use the templates listed here. They should, for the most part, work excellently.

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