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Staff Complaint - Noble Row

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BYOND Key: Baldos
Staff BYOND Key: Noble Row
Game ID: cvy-cIyZ (round before)
Reason for complaint:  PMed for roleplaying as a drug-addicted guy (mortaphenyl)
Evidence/logs/etc: None
Additional remarks: First off, My character's addiction goes back to the beginning of the round where a hangar technician offered me a pill-bottle which I swallowed 2 of, causing my character to get high off of it then wanting more, At first it was mild before it devolved more and more to the point of injury to get more of it before I was then Interrupted by Noble Row who demanded me to stop this since it was "Not realistic since I only took it today" and "This isn't realistic behaviour for a guy who wants to keep being employed" and then urging me to stop before closing the PM, Completely ignoring the fact that my character took a higher dosage than usual and got addicted much easier since he liked the feeling of it, Although I was not warned or anything I do feel like I was wronged as after this complaint I went straight to cryo since I felt like it didn't make sense to just retcon all of that and act like nothing has happened.

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I will also note that you made this complaint while the round in question was still ongoing. Do not do this again, it is against the rules that are listed at the top of the complaint forum. 

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Drug addiction is a serious topic, and while certain drugs can be very addictive, you went above and beyond any reasonable human being and went from someone trying drugs, to someone self harming because of lack of drugs, in under one hour. This is incredibly LRP, and even goes as far as parodies people with very real issues. 

First when I got onto the round, you had laid down in the library and began screaming over the radio that you need Mortaphenyl. You were just exposed to it but a few minutes prior, but now your character is writhing on the floor faking injuries in a completely obscene manner because your character tried it one time mere minutes earlier in the round.




This reaction is completely unreasonable and is trivializing what it means to be addicted to drugs by being cartoonish in nature. I am sure you are aware that we are a Heavy roleplay server, where such actions are only allowed in servers of lesser standards.



It was later in the round, after the responding paramedics found you lacking any real injuries, that you elected to start self-harming to get painkillers. This is a blatant violation of another one of our rules.



You continued this low-RP behavior, screaming over the radio, until I stepped in and told you that your actions are way too over the top for the situation you're proposing, and you were taking the act way too far to an unreasonable degree. Your character should be nowhere near the stage of wanting to hurt themselves, scream over the recorded radio, inconvenience other members of the crew, and put their entire job and livelihood at risk because they had a pill less than an hour ago

I highly suggest if you want to play characters like that you should look into servers such as TG, 


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We have reviewed this complaint and the logs from the ticket. This is a completely clear-cut case of fail RP. There is little else to say in this case. I will address where you have gone wrong in a few ways here.

  1. Mortaphenyl, while it may give you messages such as “You wish this feeling could last forever” is not even an addictive medication. Several drugs in the game are mechanically addictive, but Mortaphenyl is not one of those. If it were truly that addictive, that after 2-3 pills, your character loses all sense of self-preservation and becomes a deeply addicted individual, there is zero chance it would be permitted on-ship as freely as it is.
  2. Even if your character were addicted, the way that you played this out is in an extremely… gimmicky sort of way. Just as Noble Row stated in his response, this is aggressively LRP. This sort of behavior you should certainly know better than to engage in, especially after how long you’ve been playing on this server. There are expectations set which apply to everyone, you are not exempt from them. Going from 0-100 in less than an hour is utterly without sense.
  3. Lastly, the way you have reacted in your ticket with Noble Row is extremely inappropriate and that alone would have seen you banned in many cases. When you are told to tone something back, you need to tone something back.

All in all, we see that Noble has done nothing wrong here–you did not receive a warning, you did not receive a ban, you were merely spoken to regarding your poor behavior and were told to correct it. We uphold Noble’s ruling here and just wish to say that you should consider yourself lucky that he was the one who took your ticket, as you would have undeniably been banned by anyone else.

There is nothing else that needs to be said here. We will be locking and archiving this now.

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