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Incident Report - 2466-10-22

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Reporting Personnel: Cornelius Huizhong
Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Head of Security
Game ID: cwi-dDVc

Personnel Involved:
 Simo Helminen, Cook - Offender
Levi Kersaavi, Security Officer - Victim
Zirlq Kir'hular, Security Officer (off-duty at time of incident) - Victim
Isabella Caladius, Consular - Witness

Secondary Witnesses:
Sylvie Renaud, Resident Surgeon - Witness
Nira Sawant, Paramedic - Witness
Both witnesses were present for the entire ordeal, attended to the affected victims on scene, and can confirm that the drugging took place.
Time of Incident:

Real Time: (6pm roughly 10/21/24)
Location of Incident: Holodeck Alpha

Nature of Incident:
[ ] - Workplace Hazard
[ ] - Accident/Injury
[ ] - Destruction of Property
[X] - Neglect of Duty
[ ] - Harassment
[ ] - Assault
[X] - Misconduct
[X] - Other Criminal Act (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)

Overview of the Incident: Early on in the shift Lady Consular Isabella Caladius organized a gathering in Holodeck Alpha where tea and snacks would be distributed. This was meant to encourage a social gathering and all crew were invited to take part. She has done this prior multiple times. She requested food from the kitchen and so Mister Simo Helminen began making "brownies". Keep in mind that Mister Helminen had asked about allergies (without specifying any in particular) and that the Consular had requested he report any substances in the food he made that may cause an allergic reaction before serving the food. Some time had passed, the brownies had been finished, and in the spirit of being useful I volunteered to even transport the snacks myself. All seemed well until Zilrq Kir'hular and Levi Kersaavi, two members of the crew who were attending the tea party, began to react strangely. Mister Helminen had also moved to the third deck to observe the incident, proceeding to ask how we "liked the brownies" as soon as the two had begun to show reactions. It was quickly discovered that he had spiked the brownies with Ambrosia, an act he defended by claiming he had informed us that the brownies were "made with love". With the Captain's approval he was detained, charged with neglect of duty, suspended, and then given an Injunction.

Submitted Evidence: Screenshot(4254).png.d01fe1f459a8c5a124896ec6a0b12f52.png

Would you like to be personally interviewed?: 
[X] - Yes
[ ] - No

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Yes. Alessia Marino,Captain
Actions taken:
The Offender was charged with Neglect of Duty, suspended for the shift, and given an Injunction that prevented him from cooking for the remainder of the shift.

Additional Notes:
While action was taken in response to the incident, I believe that Mister Helminen's refusal to admit wrongdoing means I cannot in good conscience leave it at that. He attempted to drug multiple members of the crew including two Consulars. Not only was Consular Caladius the primary target of this malicious act, but so was Consular Ta'Akaix'Nangeren C'thur. Though the substance used in the incident was a mild one it is still a massive breach of trust and security for service staff to spike the food of crew, let alone two diplomatic envoys. 

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