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[Denied] IPC whitelist for Bots mk2

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BYOND Ckey: Secretsecretdreams

Discord username: bots

Character names: Alek Johanson PMCG pharmacist, Joar Vasilyev PMCG Security cadet
Species you are applying to play: IPC

General Whitelist Requirements 

What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: IPC but #574a4a
Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this species?
I have tried playing as different species on different servers, and thus, I am interested in trying to play as an IPC on this server. I really enjoyed roleplaying as different species and how everything turned out. I like how wide the options are for players allowing you to not only be a human alcoholic human war veteran cripple but also a non-human alcoholic non-human war veteran cripple. Personally, for me, it's both the mechanics and the vibe. Roleplaying as a machine with "feelings" is more interesting for me than to just go human number 9e10th time. For mechanics, I like that IPCs don't need food, just pure power. All of them can be built different or the same. The impersonation shell part has easily attracted my attention from a lore perspective. Or a forklift called D.A.I.S.Y. that's making you a coffee.

What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?:

For me, I like how your worldviews can be really different from everyone else. Humans and most other creatures grow up in 18 years, learn things, and build their personalities in a long and complicated way that gives you depth by default. But as an IPC you can create a personality that has been shaped by the outside influences much more than everyone else's. You can just not understand a joke or a more nuanced question. I really liked this option since you can do a lot with it. Assuming you decide to ask what's an updog as an IPC or you get asked about a philosophical question. Additionally, self-preservation is not only from the standpoint of getting hurt is bad but also because getting damaged costs a lot to repair. And you still have to pay for maintenance and electricity. 

I also like the owned not owned part since it's quite a lot of roleplay opportunities.


Character Application

Character Name: Z.I. GYURZA 19RAF

Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. 

GYURZA series is a new Zeng-hu licensed frame produced and modified completely by Zavodskoi Interstellar facilities. It is a relatively new model, only starting development and entering production on 2460-02-18 and 2465-01-01 respectively. The RAF stands for Recon Advanced First batch, a comparatively more complex modification of a standard GYURZA model and a qualitative improvement for the first 20 frames.

GYURZA 19RAF was manufactured on 2465-01-02 behind the closed doors of the Zavodskoi secret facility and spent its first weeks training in simulations against non-standard situations. Number 19, as one of the earliest production models received some of the best attention, software, and equipment to enact the optimal warfare tactics. Whilst it was spending most of its time either training or in maintenance, it managed to converse with the technicians and its human allies. As a result of this, it has created a somewhat positive, flattering personality for itself that would be a good fit for a corporate scene.

Due to GYURZA being a newly developed unit type, it has been spotted getting often deployed into hotspots or locations with intense criminal activity. 19 has been actively deployed mainly in 2 locations during its service Valkyrie and the Human Frontier. During its first deployments, it has developed a habit of double-tapping. This was mimicked after observing experienced soldiers do it, mostly before approaching corpses or following commands from their captains. After the first few moments with the ground forces, 19's behavior algorithms changed to resemble the common infantryman in order to fight more effectively. Over the few days, the way it spoke also started to resemble that of an infantryman, not wasting words and being more direct since delays might mean death. It also started to prefer long-range combat instead of close fights due to how many resources were lost in them, sometimes even getting itself damaged and requiring repairs, which disappointed its commanding officers.

After the GYURZA type proved itself, especially so for the RAF batch, 19 was sent to a more calm job on Valkyrie, providing assistance with maintaining the security around the Valkyrie-based Mach-Rassvet Research Anchorage. From there it started to learn about the complicated human culture and proper ways to present itself. At first, it had awkward interactions with civilians due to a lack of common topics and a lack of experience. The slightly broken Biesellite it was programmed with made it more interesting to overcome though. Over time 19 has learned more in its newly acquired free time making it easier to speak to people. It also started reading about things. One of the soldiers back in Frontier did this to emotionally decompress, apparently. But 19 found reading interesting because it could learn from it. It found learning about things to be "interesting". It was the most interested in weapons. 19 served its days protecting the corporation's assets, occasionally catching some criminals or helping in operations until a notice arrived.

"As of the meeting of 2466-10-11, the decision has been made to send Z.I. GYURZA 19RAF to SCCV Horizon in order to assist in maintaining security aboard the ship."

How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character?   
As the GYURZA series arrived late, 19 mostly experienced the consequences of the events. Due to phoron scarcity, it has noticed a never-ending increase in political tensions that have an effect on its jobs. They stably become more and more dangerous as the time passes. The events in Konyang also caused a whole lot of problems and new orders. From getting better anti-malware suites installed to helping improve Zavodskoi's IPC workforce's reputation.

How does your character view the megacorporation they work for?

GYURZA 19RAF views Zavodskoi Interstellar as a dutiful and experienced military megacorporation. It finds them to be easy to work for as long as you follow their rules and don't cause problems. And as its only lifeline, serving the Z.I. to its best is quite literally the only option for it. Having read through many runaway IPC reports on the net, 19 tries to be useful in order to avoid scrapping or a memory wipe.

The programming package in the meantime ensures its loyalty to the Zavodskoi.


Hello and thanks for applying. Unfortunately, we are denying your application due to a number of concerns.


What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?:

This section needs to discuss self-preservation more, and talk about how an IPC character can learn information and evolve beyond their programming and original purpose. It can also talk about their treatment in certain areas of the setting.


Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon.

GYURZA sees a lot of combat service but the application fails to discuss where they were built and where they were deployed, thus missing crucial details of why they were treated well even in a megacorporation notorious for its harsh treatment of IPCs. The character could be fleshed out more by talking about why it behaves the way it does - why is it obsessed with weaponry? Does it care about death? What sort of treatment does it receive from its human handlers? These are questions that need to be considered with a backstory.

Overall, the character's military past is unfeasible for an application and we recommend starting over with a new, less conflict-focused character.

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