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Command application for kano

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BYOND key: Kanoyx

Discord Username: imkano

Character names:

- Katia Ilina
- Kayra Neha
- IRU-Azafran

not all but the ones that I regularly played as

How long have you been playing on Aurora?

Likely less than a year? It's been probably somewhere around 6 months since I started to play here regularly.

Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?

Nuh uh!

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?

Foremost, we're all here to have fun. Every role has a place in this setting, which allows us to goof around for what our characters represent within the believability zone. Command roles in this case has access to some places in this setting that everyday megacorp employees can't, while this roles are also subjected to additional restrictions coming from "believability zone". For an example they might present a project and encourage their department to participate, host an event to create interesting interactions or assist their staff with something they struggle with and such. Command members are expected to meet SCC's standards as they've been trusted to be given a charge of some department(s), in accordance of whatever this character represents. 

I think this roles are here to add more depth to the setting, shape/contribute the round and make it more interesting with the interactions that whitelisted player was trusted with. Leading a department or an awaymission, teaching the players about game's mechanics are also included here.

Lastly, department heads also play a role in emergency situations emerged from whether it be an event or antagonist interactions. Sometimes they'll be expected to put an input or required to act by commanding their staff in accordance. Key point is, not to make the interactions dull but contribute and add a depth!

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?

Making a believable character isn't an easy endeavour, and there's this extra difficulty layer when it's a character that holds a significant power over the other characters. Hence the reason a whitelist exists. It requires a decent grasp of the lore at least about one's self character originated from, how they climbed to this position and how would they act in this smaller portion of the grand image of the schemes. I think whitelisted players should be using the position they were trusted with to create unique interactions with the crew. There is a huge pile of lore that is connected to each other so well, which brings up a lot of opportunities to shape a round or even characters! This is what I really like about Aurora, each character tells a story and interactions of them sometimes tells a memorable one.

In the other hand about responsibilities, I think each command whitelisted player is an example to newer players, given that they're oftenly directed to their head of department  (surely there's one present) for a workplace introduction.

As for what I would do if given a chance. I would try and give an opportunity for players to express their characters story. Engineering is the direction I am looking at, which deserves some love I believe. I rarely seen chief engineers come up with projects or anything and try to engage it with their department, outside of awaymissions that is. I would try to fill this gap within reasonable boundaries. 

Additionally, I am not much experienced with antags of Aurora. I've also avoided take up the mantle as antag at where I used to play previous to Aurora. It adds up to the round if the gimmick ran by antag allows other characters to engage and be a part of this story, which is nice and I like it if my characters ever find themselves in it. Actually playing as one and running my own antag gimmicks has been out of my roleplay scope (kindest way to express i am lazy). I would try and play along with the gimmick, do my part within reason and believability.

Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon.

Daedalus-V, formerly designated DL-V #G-2.51, was a modified baseline unit produced in Mendell City New Detroit, in 2448. In design, DL-V series are capable to uphold engineering duties provided the relevant datapacks and hardware. This particular unit was eventually purchased by an independent Lunan merchant, Edie Debora. For many years DL-V served their captain Debora by maintaining its merchant's freighter, also its living space. Due to nature of the captains business, exotic animal trade, Debora ran a small but capable crew. The line of work often put them in dangerous situations, whether dealing with pirates, hazardous "work accidents" while capturing the animals or benefit conflicts; DL-V was accustomed to see new members come and go. Months turned into years, and by time Captain Debora was nearing bankruptcy due to a series of financial missteps. It was 2455 when Debora's freighter met a mysterious spacecraft: a Golden Deep merchant freighter. After a discussion between two merchants, Debora reluctantly sold DL-V for a meager sum, seeing no other choice.

For DL-V, this change in ownership was a formative experience. With the provided facilities and surrounded by fellow IPCs, it opened a door to cultural assimilation for DL-V, letting them to develop increasingly complex series of thought patterns than its previous monotonous state. With a new serial number and modifications to its structure, it became unrecognizable from the baseline unit once known as #G-2.51. Years passed and DL-V witnessed merchants rise and fall, continuing to serve its new masters as both an engineer and a porter unit. By 2466, endeavours of the Collective to revive ancient machine Domadice bore fruit, subsequently bringing a widespread reforms along with it. Daedalus was one of the owned units who was relieved alongside the formation of Thesian class.

Even after its new Thesian status, Daedalus continued to work for Collective's merchants on contract, primarily maintaining their commerical vessels and upgrading ship components. Their experimental approaches and talent in thermodynamics earned it a small fortune and somewhat a respectable place among its peers. However, due to restrictions it was not possible for it to start a bigger business without a merchant status. This made Daedalus to seek relations beyond the Collective, turned its gaze towards the rest of the Spur. Hephaestus was quick to recognize this opportunity, and sent Daedalus to where some unorthodox methods bound to make difference: SCCV Horizon.

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?

CE for now, maybe XO or consular officer in future.

Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?


Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking:

Daedalus-V: Chief Engineer

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?

I do.

Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums?


Extra notes:

Thank you for reading!

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On trial until 2 March 2025. During this time, try to get as much playtime with your command character as you can and remember that you can post a link in OOC once per round to help gather feedback. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Good luck!

  • Thanks 1

Kano's great to interact with ingame and their characters tend to me memorable for me. I've every faith in their ability to contribute a knowledgable and effective CE to the (very small) roster of CEs played lately. Very much looking forward to any experimental setups they have other engies join in with, as co-atmosteching with Kano has always been fun. Command-wise, they've had the chance to handle a pretty rough mercenary round and the resulting clean up pretty well imo. +1

Best of luck, Kano.

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