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Wiki Maintainer - Fyni

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Ckey/BYOND Username: Fyni
Position Being Applied For: Wiki Maintainer
Have you read the Lore Team Rules and Regulations wiki page?: I read the wiki maintainer rules
Past Experiences/Knowledge: When I was younger, I made several wikis for self made fantasy worlds on wikia (now fandoms) (ew yes I know). More recently, I've contributes to a niche wiki based on Mediawiki before it went down.
Examples of Past Work: Sadly, I am either too embrassed by the wikis I made in the youth or the more recent have gone down.
Additional Comments: I had a talk with Trio about the wiki just the other day. I'm someone who likes to make many quick and small edits where needed just to make sure things are upto date, but also have an unreasonable passion for standadization and templates, something which the wiki formats greatly help with.

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