nanotoxin Posted June 1, 2015 Posted June 1, 2015 I'm not sure as to what part of the forums this belongs, but a little while ago, during an extended round. I uploaded this code in to the Tcoms sat while not being an antag. $content = replace($content, "fuck", "fudge"); $content = replace($content, "shit", "doo-doo"); $content = replace($content, "cunt", "Silly Goose"); $content = replace($content, "I need help", "I need help please"); $content = replace($content, "bitch", "banana"); $content = replace($content, "dumb", "silly"); $content = replace($content, "bastard", "Rhino"); $content = replace($content, "stupid", "silly"); $content = replace($content, "useless", "full of love"); $content = replace($content, "dick", "weiner"); $content = replace($content, "cock", "weiner"); $content = replace($content, "whore", "promiscuous girl"); $content = replace($content, "damn", "dang"); $content = replace($content, "bar", "my anus"); $content = replace($content, "hoes", "our lord and saviour beepsky"); $content = replace($content, "malf", "functioning normally"); $content = replace($content, "rogue", "functioning normally"); $content = replace($content, "blow", "repair"); $content = replace($content, "rouge", "functioning normally"); $content = replace($content, "malfunctioning", "functioning normally"); $content = replace($content, "attacking", "looking at"); $content = replace($content, "murdered", "messaged"); $content = replace($content, "attack", "help"); $content = replace($content, "freezing", "fine"); $content = replace($content, "burning", "fine"); $content = replace($content, "fire", "drugs"); $content = replace($content, "plasma", "butterflies"); $content = replace($content, "N02", "oxygen"); $content = replace($content, "Oxygen", "plasma"); $content = replace($content, "breach", "cat"); $content = replace($content, "Medbay", "Arrivals"); $content = replace($content, "Sec", "Engineering"); $content = replace($content, "Security", "Engineering"); $content = replace($content, "Bar", "Cargo"); $content = replace($content, "Atmos", "Hydroponics"); $content = replace($content, "AI Upload", "the Engine room"); $content = replace($content, "lockdown", "congratulate"); It's sort of self explanatory, but basically it changes words to other words. The second half is some that could hinder the crew if an emergency had come a long. It was not my intention to ruin the round of anyone, infact multiple people ICly told me that they enjoyed the filters. However, the second half had gone to far. My character SAM was as harassed by the CE for installing the first half of the filter, as well as multiple "mishaps" prior. I soon realized it was like four in the morning and holy crap I have work tomorrow, so I needed to go to bed. As I knew the CE was coming back to the satellite to turn off the first half of the filter, I added the second one in as last minute shenanigans. If anyone's round was ruined, please belive me when I say that I am sorry. I will probably take down my mod app, this ins't moderator behaviour. yee ~nanotoxin Quote
Jamini Posted June 1, 2015 Posted June 1, 2015 You made one mistake at fuckall early in the morning with a word-replace script. An apology is good, and you shouldn't do it again, but people (this includes you) are human. Mistakes are made. The fact that you are apologizing at all is a testament to your integrity. Live, learn, grow. I honestly don't think you should take down your mod app. It was an error made late at night when you and multiple others were tired. Also if you do this to me I swear I will card you so fast your photons will spin. Peace. Quote
Guest Posted June 1, 2015 Posted June 1, 2015 I woke up once and blew up arrivals using debug verbs. (Larger than max cap) Mistakes are mistakes. Quote
Frances Posted June 1, 2015 Posted June 1, 2015 This is actually really clever. Like, it oversteps the bounds of acceptable non-antag shenanigans (unless NanoTrasen as a whole pissed you off or something), but it's definitely something I'd like to see more from antags. I didn't realize how much confusion telecomms sabotage could cause. And also, as a player, I really appreciate you trying to be mature and coming forth in admitting your mistake. Quote
tuiee Posted June 1, 2015 Posted June 1, 2015 +1 to what Frances said. Excellent chucklefucking. Next time, though, save it for when you're an antag. Quote
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