gekiganger Posted July 22, 2015 Posted July 22, 2015 First off i'd like to apologize that this is my very first post on your folks forums, but this was the very first thing to happen to me when i played your server BYOND Key: gekiganger Accused Players Byond Key: XXTheFurryXx Time of Act: 2pm-4pm (+8) Reason for Ban: The accused player was a biologist by the last name of Isra. Me and another doctor requested the use of cloning, they rejected, we asked them to clone the dead body and they rejected. This discussion went on in a circle until Isra abruptly began to assault me and my other doctor and ended the assault with injecting the other doctor with a DNA struture. This lead to his blindness, death, and then remaining blind after being cloned. In addition to this, Isra told several lies to security which saw us both detained for a long period of time and contributed to spocks death from lack of medical treatment. Evidence: I do not have logs myself as when i admin helped the initial point of the other doctor being blind, the admin on at the time replied "If he dies let me know". By time i discovered his death and told the admin, he was gone and a trial admin was there who could not access the logs and told me to post here to seek help. Trial admin was Garnascus
VikingPingvin Posted July 22, 2015 Posted July 22, 2015 I was partially present during the incident, reviewed both xxThefurryxx and Garnascus. This happened after the two doctors broke into the cloning lab to save a patient. Isra called for security but they did not respond. Following long minutes of discussion in msay, we decided that all of this could be handled as an IC issue. Talked to Furry about avoiding blind injectors too. So, unless anyone else has input i would not like this to escalate to a ban.
gekiganger Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 I would like to put forward we called for security while Irsa was assaulting us, and we did not break in but asked the AI to open the doors. Either way Irsa's actions effectively ruined close to 2 hours of gameplay for 2 people and were completely unprovoked by neither me or Spock as she began to assault us before we ever tried to get into the cloning lab. Ill of course respect your decision, but i just want to make sure both sides of the story are known.
the_furry Posted July 22, 2015 Posted July 22, 2015 So from what I understand according to the forum rules in ban requests/player complaints. Ban requests are not to be used to get a different ruling than what was already given in ahelps. This issue was discussed at length already and resolved, I really do not wish to have to go through (again) and explain (again) why I had not really done anything wrong. I will go through a few things just to point out how deceiving this complaint is. One, I did not outright refuse to clone. I said I had to ask command because the dead body was a suicide and genetics does not clone suicides. At which point this “discussion {that} went on in a circle until Isra assaulted you” involved the two medical doctors tossing constant insults and racist remarks to my tajara character. I did not “abruptly” assault them. I gave 3-5 warnings saying “if you keep calling my cat/breaking in my lab/insulting me, I will hurt you”. I also called for security to which they did not answer. Then I switched to push intent and shoved them several times telling them to stop. When they /still/ threw insults and shoved back I escalated it. Finally you don’t die from a blind injector, you died from an infection that as medical doctors you should have been able to fix. I even offered iccly to fix the eyes but your doctors kept running away and calling for security rather than fixing the problem. The doctor literally died hours after I injected them, I almost wonder if you guys let him die just to try pining it on me.
gekiganger Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 Other than the post made by the admin here, i was not told it had been resolved and was told directly by a moderator to put this post here. One of us did insult you but my character never did once. Your lies helped lead to the doctors death as security had us locked up for a long time for what you had told them which was incorrect. These are all ingame matters ill admit now i understand the opposite side of the story, but you still acted extremely unprofessional during the whole process and caused somebody very new to the game to have an awful time and somebody new to the server itself a very awful time. We didn't "let him die to pin it on you" as i was busy trying to talk to the security staff to apprehend you for your own crimes while you were being extremely un-co-operative to both them and me, he died roughly 40 minutes from after you injected him as opposed to "hours" and it was from organ failure. You had not informed me, nor security at the time, you used a blind injection and outright refused to say so i had to presume whatever you had injected him with had caused organ failure starting with his ocular organs. I apologize if this complaint seems "deceiving" to you but i am telling the story how it happened from my perspective and on most of the hard roleplay servers ive been on, you don't inject people with DNA structures because they are trying to clone somebody back to life just because you have information you haven't told them as to why they shouldn't be cloned. Hence why i thought that perhaps, your actions should be punished for outright assault on two doctors trying to save a life while you were extremely unco-operative and rude from the start. Since it has been said this was handled, i withdraw the request and i apologize to the admins if i have wasted times by making it.
the_furry Posted July 22, 2015 Posted July 22, 2015 (edited) First and foremost, I do apologize for the unpleasant experience that resulted from the interactions between our characters. Surely it was not my intention to cause any issues like that. I agree that it is wrong to inject (or even harm) someone for trying to walk into the lab and clone someone. As I told the admins, had that been the only issue I would never have done that. However it is more reasonable to act the way I did during a barrage of insults/racism which is what I did receive and reacted to. I understand where you are coming from and it sounds as though you understand why I actually escalated the issue as I did. Understanding and apology helps with resolution and so again I do apologize for the unpleasantness that happened. I am a very friendly player in most situations. Icly my character only acts out in aggression when someone is disrespectful or insults her. if you desire you can pm me to talk more. I’d be more than happy to role-play with you and your friend and teach you both all I know about medical. I only ask for friendliness and respect as any normal character would expect in a working environment. Edited July 22, 2015 by Guest
gekiganger Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 I have played plenty on other servers, this was literally my first time on Aurora. I do understand your position when Spock was throwing racial slurs at your cat-thing, but your constant lying and unco-operative behavior lead to an awful time when you could have just outright told the truth which wouldn't have lead to HOURS of bullshit.
Loow Posted July 22, 2015 Posted July 22, 2015 Yo. Rude guy here. I've got a few things to say. That "assault" sounds completely out of character for Furry. He wouldn't just attack someone for no reason. My guess is that you have a different definition of "unprovoked" or you yourself are lying. Also, "uncooperative?" She was trying to clone all of the dead who kept getting dropped into medical. That character was trying to do her job, but /your own calls to security/ resulted in officers taking a keen interest in her. She ended up getting harassed, questioned, interrogated and even bossed around by security throughout that round. If you want to try and blame anyone for anything that happened after you started calling to sec, you can look in a mirror. I'm not afraid to say that I saw you and your character in the round. Two doctors are together and they let themselves get killed off by a minor infection? Pardon me, they let the infection develop into a major one and slowly kill one of them? Why wouldn't two doctors think to use antitoxin or any sort of treatment before the condition got to life threatening levels? I thought you said you'd played "plenty on other servers"? Frankly, it doesn't even matter. Why doesn't it matter? This has already been dealt with. Furry was talked to and already dealt with this entire situation. They make it sound like he got chatted about for a few minutes before getting a slap on the wrist, which is just not the case. It wasn't some casual talk and a cursory decision made by the staff. It was a definite judgement that was made after Furry made his case clear. Maybe you should tell your friend not to insult coworkers on his next "first shift", eh? Furry's nice enough to bury the hatchet and offer to help you if you want it. The least you can do is stop spitting in his face.
gekiganger Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 I'm not spitting in his face, im stating facts. He apologized and that was nice, but i told him what he should have done in the future to lead to prevent it from happening. Yeah, the other doctor died from an infection that was easily treatable, but to him this was one of this very first games and i was trying to help him through. Unforunately i wasn't able to treat him as i had to spend almost 40 minutes dealing with security after being arrested because he lied and then continued to lie, then had to give a statement to clear it up since Irsa had made events so mixed up none of the security members had any idea of what was happening. Yes, Isra was doing their job perfectly well on the station and i haven't questioned it once so i don't know why you brought it up, his un co-operate behavior was during the intial event and the events that shortly followed. During my whole confinement i begged the security team to help me, and ontop of that i was assured by my friend and over the radio that Spock had been seen to by another doctor. I don't appreciate your overly aggressive tone when i haven't tried to spit in Furry's face at all and have even said sorry myself and that i UNDERSTAND what he did. Most importantly, this issue doesn't involve your internet white-knighting at all unless you are either me, furry, the other doctor spock or perhaps an admin, which you are none of and all you've done is parrot everything that was said in this thread rudely with nothing constructive to add and misinformation based on assumptions. As i said, i was directly told by a trial admin to make this post here with the details i posted. I made my complaint with the information i had, and then AS SOON as furry posted his information i said i withdrew it. The issue is over, its simply me and furry discussing what happened.
gekiganger Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 I'm not spitting in his face, im stating facts. He apologized and that was nice, but i told him what he should have done in the future to lead to prevent it from happening. Yeah, the other doctor died from an infection that was easily treatable, but to him this was one of this very first games and i was trying to help him through. Unforunately i wasn't able to treat him as i had to spend almost 40 minutes dealing with security after being arrested because he lied and then continued to lie, then had to give a statement to clear it up since Irsa had made events so mixed up none of the security members had any idea of what was happening. Yes, Isra was doing their job perfectly well on the station and i haven't questioned it once so i don't know why you brought it up, his un co-operate behavior was during the intial event and the events that shortly followed. During my whole confinement i begged the security team to help me, and ontop of that i was assured by my friend and over the radio that Spock had been seen to by another doctor. I don't appreciate your overly aggressive tone when i haven't tried to spit in Furry's face at all and have even said sorry myself and that i UNDERSTAND what he did. Most importantly, this issue doesn't involve your internet white-knighting at all unless you are either me, furry, the other doctor spock or perhaps an admin, which you are none of and all you've done is parrot everything that was said in this thread rudely with nothing constructive to add and misinformation based on assumptions. As i said, i was directly told by a trial admin to make this post here with the details i posted. I made my complaint with the information i had, and then AS SOON as furry posted his information i said i withdrew it. The issue is over, its simply me and furry discussing what happened.
Baka Posted July 22, 2015 Posted July 22, 2015 Reading over OP's complaint, I am going to have to agree with Viking's call.
VikingPingvin Posted August 21, 2015 Posted August 21, 2015 Complaint handled. No action is being taken.
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