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A gentle, nudging reminder about new players


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I'll pitch in on this.

On the one hand, I completely agree because it would cut down on the amounts of noobs and idiots - we'd be assured that those with a specific role have been there long enough not to be complete morons/powerplayers.

On the other hand, I'll openly admit it: this openness of roles is what got me, a "spring of year two" (a green player that's only green because they hadn't played in forever), to even consider trying out Aurora was how open the roles were. Back then, I looked at the roles all being locked down for X amount of time and I pretty much went "fuck this, there's probably a better server somewhere else". Aurora was this server. I remember - my very first round I was a cargo worker, the second one a QM. Within the next day I had tried all science roles, janitoring and bartending. It was awesome.

So while I get your point, there's always two sides to a medal.

literally the only thing stopping me from applying for CE is that I don't want to be CE I'm perfectly content being a normal engineer ;)


And that's totally fine. If you're the one who's going around teaching all the new apprentices over the CE, you're making a better impact on the round anyway. As long as you're doing something to make people enjoy the game, that's fine by me.


Let's say we put age limit for all the roles except assistant/interns, etc. Ten days, whatever, gives them enough time to learn.


No >:c

This is a terrible idea, and it's a fantastic way to drive away newcomers with potential. This idea is exactly how to go about killing a community.

I think the veterans need to do their part in the community by learning how to teach people instead of leaning tired over their keyboard and mentally stabbing themselves, lamenting over 'the good old days.' A few certain people also need to learn to stop being so goddamn salty.


we really just need to address how things happen

like, engineering, its tough to have multiple people doing the same thing unless its something simple like putting up walls. However you can have newbies WATCH as you teach them.

Sec you can take newbies on patrol with experienced people

med don't just do surgery alone, do it in pairs. Even if one just hands you the tools you ask for, a doctor is never alone in the operating room

Science well IDK i don't science too much


If it's really a bad idea to put age limit for roles within medical, engineering, whatever, then we honestly need a mentor system. Staff are always busy with whatever(semi-AFKing) and usually cba(can't be arsed) on teaching newbies.

"but heads of staff shold tech newbiez", no, get that out of your mind. It'll never happen. Even if it happens once, it's like waiting for a person to die out of natural courses than getting guillotines to chop off your head during French Revolution.

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