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[DENIED] The Planck Travel Theory

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Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System): Bluespace Theory

Founding/Settlement Date (if applicable): N/A

Region of Space: N/A

Controlled by (if not a faction): N/A

Other Snapshot information: The theory revolves around to scientific units, Plank Length, and Planck Time. A Planck Length is a unit of measurement so small that it is completely insignificant to any degree, measured at 1.616199(97) to the power of -35 meters, about 100 quintillionth of the diameter of a single proton. Planck time is the time it takes to travel a Planck Length at light speed, 5.39106(32) times 10 to the power of -44 seconds. At the measurement of a Planck Length. As of today, the 21st century, anything as fine as a Planck Length makes no sense within physics as well understand it.

Long Description: The Planck Travel theory is a theory that states, that if it is possible to travel through times through blackholes, using shuttles or containers made of exotic matter, as theorized since the 20th century, maybe the same may be said for Singularities. Singularities are already known for their abilities to seemingly destroy matter, breaking one of the basest laws of physics. However, it may be theorized that a singularities, instead of destroying matter, they break the laws of physics in a DIFFERENT way. Breaking the speed of light. Blackholes obviously do not absorb light as a normal blackhole would seem to do, turning bright, vibrant colours during it's expansion. Since that it is the case, some have theorized that singularities bend the laws of light time travel, leading to how eyes, scanners, and receptors see the colour of the event. At the core of the theory, it would be said that a singularity may take matter, and compress it down to a Planck Length, and move it forward, traveling a Planck Length in 1.1 Planck Times. Doing so would, in theory, would be breaking the speed of light by a fraction of speed that can't be imagined. However, if it were true, it would mean that something the size of a Planck Length, would be moving forward at length the size of it self, faster than the speed of light, in a supertask chain. There would be so much momentum built up from the supertask, that even when the singularity event died, it could continue. Thus, it would continue to move faster than the speed of light until it ran out of energy, but at that point, it would have, while not traveling in time directly, would have experienced such spice/time dilatation, that time would have seemingly moved forward in time.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

This entire post completely flew over my head.

I asked Killerhurtz, a nerd, to explain it to me in babywords, and based on our conversation, this is basically a suggestion that says that the singularity combined with server lag are actually a mechanical force to the universe and it allows time travel?

Canonizing server lag and relating it to the singularity would be hilarious and totally up my alley, even if it would be near impossible to detect IC except for perhaps scientists that run it really well instead of trying to meme for lulz every time there's server lag.

Killerhurtz provided other feedback in our conversation about this, where he laid out the possible benefits and drawbacks (still in babywords) and I feel like he'd be better to articulate the scientificiation parts with you. I'll summon him.


Ironically enough, I posted this accident while editing a draft to make it more simple can people could understand it. But, oh well, it's here, there was a -100% chance I could edit this to make sense anyway. Obscure physics concepts, mixed with barely known, fictional science concepts was a hard concept to even start with, let alone refine.

Anyway, this was something more for off station lore, thus didn't have anything to do with lag, but I do find it flattering you were able to read into this and find more meaning. But, yes, this is basically a theory about a way to travel forward, but not backwards, through time.

To try and explain it as simply as I can: Everything "destroyed" by a singularity is actually compressed by it's intense gravitational field, down to a a Planck, and is driven forward faster than the speed of light, causing time dilation, meaning that while they are not actually propelled forward through time, they experience time more slowly, time barely moving for them, as time moves normally around them. So basically, they will experience little time going by, but in reality time is going without them, and they will 'travel forward' in time until the singularity dies. However, the problem would be momentum wouldn't die at the same time, so they would be flung away from where the singularity was at the speed of light, or as fast as mass can travel without breaking the fundamental laws of physics.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Sometimes the singularity spits something out at insane speeds instead of eating them. "blink and you're at the derelict" speeds. Reading into this was actually pretty easy peasy lemon squeezy once I understood the scientifications. If you felt willing we could probably expand this to be just that - explaining this phenomenon of the singularity and server lag itself - ie suddenly being hurled several tiles forward after a moment of hanging from lag. The biggest question would how to implement such a thing gracefully so common channel isn't filled with "The universe is lagging LOL!" memes.


Well, there are several theories about black holes, what they do, how they do it, exactly what they are, but ask the common man on the street what he thinks about Hawking's theory on black holes, and he won't even know what it is. Most people probably wouldn't know about the theory of 'universe lag' as you've described it, and if people do, and people meme about it, well thats something for the administration to deal with. Just last night I got bwoinked for memeing ICly.


OK so. The reason why I was talking about it is that I swear that a few months prior there was something that brought up an eerily similar concept.

Basically, the gist of it (which I feel still applies here) is that this may actually be supported by the following game mechanics:


  • First, without a doubt, the behavior and appearance of the Singularity would support this. The fact that it emits, in all directions, constant usable radiation and that it has a blue-to-deep-purple color indicates that light is both able to escape the singularity's pull, and that it is severely blue-shifted (due to the increase in energy brought by increasing it's velocity).
  • Second, a bit more shaky: The supermatter-singularity interaction. Supermatter IS exotic matter - and so it is not impossible it would survive, as a whole, the forces involved with such a stipulation. Which basically means that the reason it's so dangerous is that the singularity has a permanently active high-energy device in it... in an infinitesimally short past. Not long enough to say it's in past past, but long enough to say that it's not in the present.
  • Third, still a bit shaky: Containment. Arguably, all forces interact at the speed of light. Therefore, any containment we have can react, at best, at the speed of light. Which means to confine a singularity, said singularity must possess the properties that do not nullify the speed of light in a sense.
  • Fourth, completely incidental and possibly a stretch, but: lag. Lag would be an anomalous, macroscopic representation of this occurrence. Basically, because lag "allows" you to skip tiles almost instantly at times, you would have been going "faster" than light in that instant. It would be nigh impossible for a character to detect it, but there's that.
  • Fifth, still completely incidental and possibly a stretch: The behavior of the singularity, bugs and all. Getting hit by the singularity means an instagib - and sometimes, parts (or even the full character, alive) survives that and is projected at various speeds in various direction (most often really really fast). These interactions would be explained by this phenomenon, which allows under certain conditions normal matter to survive such an interaction.


Therefore, from the above interactions, I have extrapolated this:

This phenomenon essentially causes "stutter/lag" at the planck scale. Because of that stutter, particles are observed "jumping" distances at observed FTL speeds. Therefore, due to special relativity only stating that particles cannot go AT the speed of light, the fact would be this stutter would essentially allow "tunneling" to the other end of the speed spectrum - going FTL - resolving that issue.

HOWEVER there are severe implications to this postulation. First and foremost, you say this:

it would continue to move faster than the speed of light until it ran out of energy

That, quite simply, is absolutely wrong. Due to special relativity, any material that reaches FTL in this manner would, in fact, keep going at the minimum speed it can go - which is an iota faster than light. The only way that such a material would be able to stop and reach STL speeds is by triggering another singularity supertask step that brings them directly under that speed. However there would be heavy relativistic issues.

Assuming all of the above, the options below are therefore possible and/or true:

  • Simultaneity is broken due to the issue with frames of references, leading to basically teleportation, however the relationship between two bodies using special relativity states that unless we/I define something (I already have a plan) that does not involve light directly, this form of teleportation would in fact be time travel, and by teleporting twice it would be possible to cause a temporal issue by having two copies of the same object in the same reference frame (nothing PHYSICALLY dangerous, regardless of whether or not time is linear - just jarring, because remember, time is most likely a function of motion). I made the math (roughly) and what I got is that for one second at 0.542 km/s faster than light, an outside observer would see them arrive three days earlier. Funnily enough, at higher speeds, the effects get lesser - at 40 more km/s, one second for the traveler is one hour earlier for the observer. HOWEVER note that this is an exponential function of observer time - two seconds at c+0.542km/s is twelve days, and at c+40km/s it's four hours.;
  • If tweaked, it could be used as a time accelerant (used for various things, such as preservation) as time dilation tends towards infinity close to c (as it is a hyperbolic function of c)
  • Singularities lack an actual event horizon, but rather have a virtual event horizon within which Planck Travel effects show themselves;
  • Unless we/I write something about it (I already have SEVERAL ideas), it means that interacting with the Singularity means permanently being lost to reverse-time, and that any object entering FTL with this technique will require an equal and opposite supertask chain to get out of FTL.


That is, of course, fixing the little errors you made (using black holes instead of singluarity in "Blackholes obviously do not absorb light as a normal blackhole would seem to do, turning bright, vibrant colours during it's expansion" and switching Planck Length and Planck Times, because moving 1 Planck length in 1.1 Planck times is slower than light; 1.1 planck length in 1 planck time is what makes it go FTL).

Is my assessment correct?


Im not going to lie: everything below "Assuming all of the above, the options below are therefore possible and/or true" goes right over my head. I only had a basic understanding of the physics this would imply while writing this. I have no idea what you are actually saying in the first bullet marker below that point. I don't think I can ever hope to bring up realistic, comprehensive additions to this writing to the standard which you have done in a matter of what, hours? This was a concept I thought of, within days times, just to get the minimalist stuff you see in the original post. Any additions, clarifications, fixes would have be made by you, or someone else on the lore team. If that's too much of an undertaking, don't be afraid to say so.


Oh fucking hell; special relativity. I'll try and walk through the time travel shenanigans.

You can see a star 1 light year away. Light takes a year to travel from that star to you. So you are seeing that star a year in the past. If you were to teleport to that star; without retaining your "Frame of reference" ((Note, in special relativity, there is no "Fixed frame of reference", meaning that everything in the universe has a different perception, whether slight or otherwise, of the fluidity of time)), then you would arrive at the star, one year into your future. Then, if you were to teleport back, but this time, retaining the stars frame of reference, you would appear one year into your future; as in the first instance, it would be like traveling truely instantly, and in the second instance, you would be travelling at light speed, instantly, your passage would accelerate time to match your perception of it; for you, it would be instant, for your home, it would take a year.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

What this has to do with us is nothing of concequence - It's just fluff. I like this fluff. I like physics, and a bit of theorhetical physics on the side. Please. Give me a reason to complain about lag as a scientist.

  • 5 months later...

We don't have a singularity anymore.

Do we want to still validate this or something? Time "slowing down" is still a matter of personal perception and not always the fault of temporal rifts threatening to rip the space-time continuum asunder with its own existence.

  • 1 year later...

Time Travel, it's always a finicky subject, and not one many of us ever want to deal with. It took me a good number of reads to actually understand what you wanted out of this, and that outcome seems overly frivolous. I'm perfectly happy for you to use this as headcanon, but I won't be putting it forward onto the wiki anytime soon.

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